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"Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "Ten questions on urban building energy modeling." Building and Environment 168 (2020) 106508.
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"Assessment of occupant-behavior-based indoor air quality and its impacts on human exposure risk: A case study based on the wildfires in Northern California." Science of The Total Environment 686 (2019) 1251 - 1261.
. "Cross-source sensing data fusion for building occupancy prediction with adaptive lasso feature filtering." Building and Environment 162 (2019) 106280.
. "Data fusion in predicting internal heat gains for office buildings through a deep learning approach." Applied Energy 240 (2019) 386 - 398.
. "Development of city buildings dataset for urban building energy modeling." Energy and Buildings 183 (2019) 252 - 265.
. "Development of city buildings dataset for urban building energy modeling." Energy and Buildings 183 (2019) 252 - 265.
. "Forecasting district-scale energy dynamics through integrating building network and long short-term memory learning algorithm." Applied Energy 248 (2019) 217 - 230.
. "Incorporating machine learning with building network analysis to predict multi-building energy use." Energy and Buildings 186 (2019) 80 - 97.
. "Inferring occupant counts from Wi-Fi data in buildings through machine learning." Building and Environment 158 (2019) 281 - 294.
. "Integrating physics-based models with sensor data: An inverse modeling approach." Building and Environment 154 (2019) 23 - 31.
. "An inverse approach to solving zone air infiltration rate and people count using indoor environmental sensor data." Energy and Buildings 198 (2019) 228 - 242.
. "Learning occupants’ indoor comfort temperature through a Bayesian inference approach for office buildings in United States." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2019) 109593.
. "Linking energy-cyber-physical systems with occupancy prediction and interpretation through WiFi probe-based ensemble classification." Applied Energy 236 (2019) 55 - 69.
. "A novel approach for selecting typical hot-year (THY) weather data." Applied Energy 242 (2019) 1634 - 1648.
. "Performance-driven optimization of urban open space configuration in the cold-winter and hot-summer region of China." Building Simulation 12.3 (2019) 411 - 424.
. "Predicting plug loads with occupant count data through a deep learning approach." Energy 181 (2019) 29 - 42.
. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.
. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.
. Quayside Energy Systems Analysis. 2019. LBNL 2001197.
. "Revealing Urban Morphology and Outdoor Comfort through Genetic Algorithm-Driven Urban Block Design in Dry and Hot Regions of China." Sustainability 11.13 (2019) 3683.
. "The Squeaky wheel: Machine learning for anomaly detection in subjective thermal comfort votes." Building and Environment 151 (2019) 219 - 227.
. "Validation of an inverse model of zone air heat balance." Building and Environment 161 (2019) 106232.