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"Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "A novel approach for selecting typical hot-year (THY) weather data." Applied Energy 242 (2019) 1634 - 1648.
. "Revealing Urban Morphology and Outdoor Comfort through Genetic Algorithm-Driven Urban Block Design in Dry and Hot Regions of China." Sustainability 11.13 (2019) 3683.
. "Clustering and statistical analyses of air-conditioning intensity and use patterns in residential buildings." Energy and Buildings 174 (2018) 214 - 227.
. "Comparative Study of Air-Conditioning Energy Use of Four Office Buildings in China and USA." Energy and Buildings 169 (2018).
. "A Novel Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System Model: Development and Validation." Energy and Buildings 168 (2018).
. "Comparison of typical year and multiyear building simulations using a 55-year actual weather data set from China." Applied Energy 195 (2017) 890-904.
. "IEA EBC Annex 53: Total Energy Use in Buildings – Analysis and Evaluation Methods." Energy and Buildings 152 (2017).
. "IEA EBC Annex 66: Definition and simulation of occupant behavior in buildings." Energy and Building 156 (2017).
. . "Spatial Distribution of Internal Heat Gains: A Probabilistic Representation and Evaluation of Its Influence on Cooling Equipment Sizing in Large Office Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
. . "Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in Buildings: The Big Picture." Building and Environment (2017).
. "A Thorough Assessment of China’s Standard for Energy Consumption of Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
. "Advances in research and applications of energy-related occupant behavior in buildings." Energy and Buildings 116 (2016) 694-702. LBNL-1004497.
. . . "Data Analysis and Stochastic Modeling of Lighting Energy Use in Large Office Buildings in China." Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 275-287. LBNL-180389.
. "Data Mining of Space Heating System Performance in Affordable Housing." Building and Environment 89 (2015) 1-13. LBNL-180239.
. "Development and validation of a new variable refrigerant flow systemmodel in EnergyPlus." Energy and Buildings 117 (2015). LBNL-1004499.
. "An Insight into Actual Energy Use and Its Drivers in High-Performance Buildings." (2015). LBNL-180169.
. "Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges." Energy and Buildings 107 (2015) 264-278. LBNL-1004504.
. "Simulation of Occupancy in Buildings." Energy and Buildings 87 (2015) 348-359. LBNL-180424.
. "Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings." Energy Policy 87 (2015) 187-198. LBNL-1004493.
. "Comparison of Building Energy Use Data Between the United States and China." Energy and Buildings 78 (2014) 165-175. LBNL-6669E.