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Journal Article
Hong, Tianzhen, Cheng Li, and Da Yan. "Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings." Energy Policy 87 (2015) 187-198. LBNL-1004493.
Yan, Da, Tianzhen Hong, Cheng Li, Qi Zhang, Jingjing An, and shan Hu. "A Thorough Assessment of China’s Standard for Energy Consumption of Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
Hong, Tianzhen, Da Yan, Simona D'Oca, and Chien-Fei Chen. "Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in Buildings: The Big Picture." Building and Environment (2017).
Zhang, Qi, Da Yan, Jingjing An, Tianzhen Hong, Wei Tian, and Kaiyu Sun. "Spatial Distribution of Internal Heat Gains: A Probabilistic Representation and Evaluation of Its Influence on Cooling Equipment Sizing in Large Office Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
Feng, Xiaohang, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Simulation of Occupancy in Buildings." Energy and Buildings 87 (2015) 348-359. LBNL-180424.
Yan, Da, William O'Brien, Tianzhen Hong, Xiaohang Feng, Burak H. Gunay, Farhang Tahmasebi, and Ardeshir Mahdavi. "Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges." Energy and Buildings 107 (2015) 264-278. LBNL-1004504.
Guo, Siyue, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, Chan Xiao, and Ying Cui. "A novel approach for selecting typical hot-year (THY) weather data." Applied Energy 242 (2019) 1634 - 1648.
Hong, Tianzhen, Cheng Li, Richard C Diamond, Da Yan, Qi Zhang, Xin Zhou, Siyue Guo, Kaiyu Sun, and Jingyi Wang. "Integrated Design for High Performance Buildings." (2014). LBNL-6991E.
Li, Cheng, Tianzhen Hong, and Da Yan. "An Insight into Actual Energy Use and Its Drivers in High-Performance Buildings." (2015). LBNL-180169.
Yan, Da, Tianzhen Hong, Bing Dong, Ardeshir Mahdavi, Simona D'Oca, Isabella Gaetani, and Xiaohang Feng. "IEA EBC Annex 66: Definition and simulation of occupant behavior in buildings." Energy and Building 156 (2017).
Zhu, Dandan, Tianzhen Hong, Da Yan, and Chuang Wang. "A Detailed Loads Comparison of Three Building Energy Modeling Programs: EnergyPlus, DeST and DOE-2.1E." Building Simulation 6.3 (2013) 323-335.
Ren, Xiaoxin, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Data Mining of Space Heating System Performance in Affordable Housing." Building and Environment 89 (2015) 1-13. LBNL-180239.
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Xiaoxin Ren. "Data Analysis and Stochastic Modeling of Lighting Energy Use in Large Office Buildings in China." Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 275-287. LBNL-180389.
Cui, Ying, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, Chan Xiao, Xuan Luo, and Qi Zhang. "Comparison of typical year and multiyear building simulations using a 55-year actual weather data set from China." Applied Energy 195 (2017) 890-904.
Yu, Xinqiao, Da Yan, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Dandan Zhu. "A Comparative Study on Energy Performance of Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems and Variable Air Volume Systems in Office Buildings." Applied Energy (2016).
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Jingjing An, Tianzhen Hong, Xing Shi, and Xing Jin. "Comparative Study of Air-Conditioning Energy Use of Four Office Buildings in China and USA." Energy and Buildings 169 (2018).
An, Jingjing, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Clustering and statistical analyses of air-conditioning intensity and use patterns in residential buildings." Energy and Buildings 174 (2018) 214 - 227.
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Dandan Zhu. "Building energy modeling programs comparison Research on HVAC systems simulation part." (2013).
Hong, Tianzhen, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, Simona D'Oca, Da Yan, and Stefano P Corgnati. "Advances in research and applications of energy-related occupant behavior in buildings." Energy and Buildings 116 (2016) 694-702. LBNL-1004497.