In addition to the library documentation, and publications that resulted from the IBPSA Project 1 and the IEA EBC Annex 60, the following peer-reviewed publications that are related to the Modelica Buildings library are available:
Cite as
author = {Michael Wetter and Wangda Zuo and Thierry S. Nouidui and Xiufeng Pang},
title = {Modelica {Buildings} library},
journal = {Journal of Building Performance Simulation},
volume = {7},
number = {4},
pages = {253--270},
year = {2014},
doi = {10.1080/19401493.2013.765506},
url = ""
Journal Papers
Jakob Bjørnskov, Muhyiddine Jradi and Michael Wetter.
Automated Model Generation and Parameter Estimation of Building Energy Models Using an Ontology-based Framework.
Energy and Buildings. In press. 2025.
Michael Wetter and Matthias Sulzer.
A call to action for building energy system modelling in the age of decarbonization.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation. P. 1-11, 2023.
Michael Wetter, Kyle Benne, Hubertus Tummescheit and Christian Winther.
Spawn: coupling Modelica Buildings Library and EnergyPlus to enable new energy system and control applications.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation. P. 1-19, 2023.
Milica Grahovac, Paul Ehrlich, Jianjun Hu and Michael Wetter.
Model-based Data Center Cooling Controls Comparative Co-design.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 30(4), 394-414, 2023.
Matthias Sulzer, Michael Wetter, Robin Mutschler and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
Platform-based design for energy systems.
Applied Energy, 352, 2023.
Alessandro Maccarini, Artem Sotnikov, Tobias Sommer, Michael Wetter, Matthias Sulzer and Alireza Afshari.
Influence of building heat distribution temperatures on the energy performance and sizing of 5th generation district heating and cooling networks.
Energy, 275, July, 2023.
Antoine Gautier, Michael Wetter and Matthias Sulzer.
Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system.
Applied Energy, 325, November 2022.
Kathryn Hinkelman, Saranya Anbarasu, Michael Wetter, Antoine Gautier and Wangda Zuo.
A Fast and Accurate Modeling Approach for Water and Steam Thermodynamics with Practical Applications in District Heating System Simulation.
Energy, 254, Part A, September 2022.
David Blum, Zhe Wang, Chris Weyandt, Donghun Kim, Michael Wetter, Tianzhen Hong and Mary Ann Piette.
Field demonstration and implementation analysis of model predictive control in an office HVAC system.
Applied Energy, 318, July 2022.
Kathryn Hinkelman, Jing Wang, Wangda Zuo, Antoine Gautier, Michael Wetter, Chengliang Fan and Nicholas Long.
Modelica-based modeling and simulation of district cooling systems: A case study.
Applied Energy, 311, April 2022.
Kun Zhang, David Blum, Hwakong Cheng, Gwelen Paliaga, Michael Wetter and Jessica Granderson.
Estimating ASHRAE Guideline 36 energy savings for multi-zone variable air volume systems using Spawn of EnergyPlus.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 15(2), p. 215-236, 2022.
Michael Wetter, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, Anand Prakash, Dave Robin and Kun Zhang.
OpenBuildingControl: Digitizing the control delivery from building energy modeling to specification, implementation and formal verification.
Energy, Volume 238, Part A, January 2022.
Cary A. Faulkner, John E. Castellini Jr., Wangda Zuo, David M. Lorenzetti and Michael D.Sohn.
Investigation of HVAC operation strategies for office buildings during COVID-19 pandemic.
Building and Environment, Volume 207, Part B, January 2022.
David Blum, Javier Arroyo, Sen Huang, and Ján Drgoňa, Filip Jorissen, Harald Taxt Walnum, Yan Chen, Kyle Benne, Draguna Vrabie, Michael Wetter and Lieve Helsen.
Building optimization testing framework (BOPTEST) for simulation-based benchmarking of control strategies in buildings.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 14(5), p. 586-610, 2021.
Tobias Sommer, Matthias Sulzer, Michael Wetter, Artem Sotnikov, Stefan Mennel and Christoph Stettler.
The reservoir network: A new network topology for district heating and cooling.
Energy, 199, 2020.
Also available as pre-print.
Yangyang Fu, Wangda Zuo, Michael Wetter, Jim W. VanGilder, Xu Han and David Plamondon.
Equation-Based object-oriented modeling and simulation for data center Cooling: A case study.
Energy and Buildings, 186, p. 108-125, 2019.
Filip Jorissen, Michael Wetter and Lieve Helsen.
Simplifications for hydronic system models in Modelica.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, (11)6:639-654, 2018.
Felix Bünning, Michael Wetter, Marcus Fuchs and Dirk Müller.
Bidirectional low temperature district energy systems with agent-based control: Performance comparison and operation optimization.
Applied Energy, 209:502-515, 2018.
Brahm van der Heijde, Marcus Fuchs, Carles Ribas Tugores, Gerald Schweiger, Kevin Sartor, Daniele Basciotti, Dirk Müller, Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, Michael Wetter and Lieve Helsen.
Dynamic equation-based thermo-hydraulic pipe model for district heating and cooling systems.
Energy Conversion and Management, 151:158-169, 2017.
Alessandro Maccarini, Michael Wetter, Alireza Afshari, Göran Hultmark,
Niels C. Bergsøe and Anders Vorre.
Energy saving potential of a two-pipe system for simultaneous heating and cooling of office buildings.
Energy and Buildings, (134):234-247, 2017.
Also available as preprint.
Michael Wetter, Marco Bonvini and Thierry S. Nouidui.
Equation-based languages - A new paradigm for building energy modeling, simulation and optimization.
Energy and Buildings, 117:290–300, 2016.
Also available as LBNL Technical Report LBNL-1003383.pdf.
Wangda Zuo, Michael Wetter, Wei Tian, Dan Li, Mingang Jin and Qingyan Chen.
Coupling indoor airflow, HVAC, control and building envelope heat transfer in the Modelica Buildings library.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 9(4):366-381, 2016.
Limited number of free eprints.
Michael Wetter, Wangda Zuo, Thierry S. Nouidui and Xiufeng Pang.
Modelica Buildings library.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 7(4):253-270, 2014.
Limited number of free eprints.
Also available as LBNL Technical Report LBNL-1002944.pdf.
Michael Wetter.
Modelica-based Modeling and Simulation to Support Research and Development in Building Energy and Control Systems.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2(2):143-161, 2009.
Also available as LBNL Technical Report LBNL-2740E.pdf.
Books and Book Chapters
Michael Wetter.
A View on Future Building System Modelling and Simulation.
Published in
In Building Performance Simulation for Design and Operation.
Expanded 2nd Edition.
Jan L. M. Hensen and Roberto Lamberts (editors), Routledge, UK, ISBN: 9781138392199, 2019.
Michael Wetter and Christoph van Treeck.
IEA EBC Annex 60: New Generation Computing Tools for Building and Community Energy Systems.
ISBN 978-0-692-89748-5, 2017.
Michael Wetter.
A View on Future Building System Modeling and Simulation.
Published in Building Performance Simulation for Design and Operation, 2011, Jan L. M. Hensen and Roberto Lamberts (editors), Routledge, UK, ISBN: 978-0-415-47414-6.
Conference Papers
Ettore Zanetti, David Blum and Michael Wetter.
Control development and sizing analysis for a 5th generation district heating and cooling network using Modelica.
Proc. of the 15th International Modelica Conference, p. 23–32, Aachen, Germany, October 2023.
Laura Maier, Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, Lucas Westermann, Kushagra Mathur, Michael Wetter and Dirk Müller.
Comparative Study and Validation of Photovoltaic Model Formulations for the IBPSA Modelica Library based on Rooftop Measurement Data.
Proc. of the 15th International Modelica Conference, p. 131–140, Aachen, Germany, October 2023.
Antoine Gautier, Michael Wetter, Jianjun Hu and Hubertus Tummescheit.
HVAC and Control Templates for the Modelica Buildings Library.
Proc. of the 15th International Modelica Conference, p. 217–228, Aachen, Germany, October 2023.
Alessandro Maccarini, Michael Wetter, Davide Varesano, Martin Bloemendal, Alireza Afshari and Angelo Zarrella.
Low-order aquifer thermal energy storage model for geothermal system simulation.
Proc. of the 15th International Modelica Conference, p. 389–396, Aachen, Germany, October 2023.
Hongxiang Fu, David Blum and Michael Wetter.
Fan and Pump Efficiency in Modelica based on the Euler Number.
Proc. of the American Modelica Conference 2022, p. 19–25, Dallas, TX, October, 2022.
Michael Wetter, Yan Chen, Karthik Devaprasad, Paul Ehrlich, Jianjun Hu.
Bridging the gap between building energy modeling and controls implementation - experiences of, and best practice for, coupled HVAC-control modeling.
Proc. of the 18th IBPSA Conference, p. 791–798, Shanghai, China, September 2023.
Amir Roth, Michael Wetter, Kyle Benne, David Blum, Yan Chen, Gabriel Fierro, Marco Pritoni, Avijit Saha and Draguna Vrabie.
Towards Digital and Performance-Based Supervisory HVAC Control Delivery.
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, p. 3-528–3-543, Pacific Grove, CA, August 2022.
Kathryn Hinkelman, Saranya Anbarasu, Michael Wetter, Antoine Gautier, Baptiste Ravache and Wangda Zuo.
Towards Open-Source Modelica Models for Steam-Based District Heating Systems.
Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES), Aachen, Germany, April 2022.
Michael Wetter, Kyle Benne and Baptiste Ravache.
Software Architecture and Implementation of Modelica Buildings Library Coupling for Spawn of EnergyPlus.
Proc. of the 14th International Modelica Conference, p. 325–334, Linkoping, Sweden, September 2021.
Kathryn Hinkelman, Jing Wang, Chengliang Fan, Wangda Zuo, Antoine Gautier, Michael Wetter and Nicholas Long.
A Case Study on Condenser Water Supply Temperature Optimization with a District Cooling Plant.
Proc. of the 14th International Modelica Conference, p. 587–595, Linkoping, Sweden, September 2021.
Michael Wetter, Jianjun Hu, Anand Prakash, Paul Ehrlich, Gabe Fierro, Milica Grahovac, Marco Pritoni, Lisa Rivalin and Dave Robin.
Modelica-json: Transforming energy models to digitize the control delivery process.
Proc. of the 17th IBPSA Conference, Brugge, Belgium, September 2021.
Nicholas Long and Antoine Gautier and Hagar Elarga and Amy Allen and Ted Summer and Lauren Klun and Nathan Moore and Michael Wetter.
Modeling district heating and cooling systems with URBANopt, GeoJSON to Modelica Translator, and the Modelica Buildings Library.
Proc. of the 17th IBPSA Conference, p. 2187–2194, Brugge, Belgium, September 2021.
Christine Doughty, Jianjun Hu, Patrick Dobson, Peter Nico and Michael Wetter.
Coupling subsurface and above-surface models for optimizing the design of borefields and district heating and cooling systems in the presence of varying water-table depth.
Proc. of 46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Palo Alto, California, February, 2020.
Jianjun Hu, Christine Doughty, Patrick Dobson, Peter Nico and Michael Wetter.
Coupling Subsurface and Above-Surface Models for Design of Borefields and Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Systems.
Proc. of 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Palo Alto, California, February, 2020.
Michael Wetter, Kyle Benne, Antoine Gautier, Thierry S. Nouidui, Agnes Ramle, Amir Roth, Hubertus Tummescheit, Stuart Mentzer and Christian Winther.
Lifting the Garage Door on Spawn, an Open-Source BEM-Controls Engine.
Proc. of Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild, p. 518–525, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2020.
Kun Zhang, David H. Blum, Milica Grahovac, Jianjun Hu, Jessica Granderson and Michael Wetter.
Development and Verification of Control Sequences for Single-Zone Variable Air Volume System Based on ASHRAE Guideline 36.
2nd American Modelica Conference, p. 81-90, Boulder, CO, USA, March 2020.
Michael Wetter, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Jianjun Hu.
Verification of Control Sequences within OpenBuildingControl.
Proc. of the 14th IBPSA Conference, p. 885–892, Rome, Italy, September 2019.
Michael Wetter, Jianjun Hu, Milica Grahovac, Brent Eubanks and Philip Haves.
OpenBuildingControl: Modeling feedback control as a step towards formal design, specification, deployment and verification of building control sequences.
Proc. of Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild, p. 775–782, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2018.
Michael Wetter, Milica Grahovac and Jianjun Hu.
Control Description Language.
1st American Modelica Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 2018.
Marco Bonvini, Michael Wetter and Thierry Stephane Nouidui.
A Modelica package for building-to-electical grid integration.
Proc. of 5th BauSim Conference, p. 6-13, Aachen, Germany, September 2014.
Wangda Zuo, Michael Wetter, Dan Li, Mingang Jin, Wei Tian and Qingyan Chen.
Coupled Simulation of Indoor Environment, HVAC and Control System by Using Fast Fluid Dynamics and the Modelica Buildings Library.
Proc. of ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference, p. 56-63, Atlanta, GA, September 2014.
David H. Blum and Leslie K. Norford.
Dynamic Simulation of Regulation Demand Response by VAV HVAC Systems.
Proc. of ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA Building Simulation Conference, p. 402-409, Atlanta, GA, September 2014.
Michael Wetter.
Fan and pump model that has a unique solution for any pressure boundary condition and control signal.
Proc. of the 13th IBPSA Conference, p. 3505-3512, Chambéry, France, August 2013.
Xiufeng Pang, Raj Dye, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Michael Wetter, and Joseph J. Deringer.
Linking interactive Modelica simulations to HTML5 using the Functional Mockup Interface for the LearnHPB platform.
Proc. of the 13th IBPSA Conference, p. 2823–2829, Chambéry, France, August 2013.
Donghun Kim, Wangda Zuo, James E. Braun, and Michael Wetter.
Comparisons of building system modeling approaches for control system design.
Proc. of the 13th IBPSA Conference, p. 3267-3274, Chambéry, France, August 2013.
Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Kaustubh Phalak Wangda Zuo, and Michael Wetter.
Validation and Application of the Room Model of the Modelica Buildings library.
Proc. of the 9th International Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2012.
Gregory Provan and Alberto Venturini.
Stochastic Simulation and Interference using Modelica.
Proc. of the 9th International Modelica Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2012.
Roberta Ansuini, Roberto Larghetti, Massimo Vaccarini, Alessandro Carbonari, Alberto Giretti, Sara Ruffini, Hongliang Guo, and Sian Lun Lau.
Hybrid Modeling for Energy Saving in Subway Stations.
Proc. of the First Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Loughborough, UK, September 2012.
Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Michael Wetter, and Wangda Zuo.
Validation of the Window Model of the Modelica Buildings library.
Proc. of the 5th SimBuild Conference, Madison, WI, USA, August 2012.
Bryan Eisenhower, Kazimir Gasljevic, and Igor Mezic.
Control-Oriented Modeling and Calibration of Building Energy Models Using Modelica.
Proc. of the 5th SimBuild Conference, Madison, WI, USA, August 2012.
Michael Wetter, Wangda Zuo, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui.
Modeling of heat transfer in rooms in the Modelica “Buildings” library.
Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference, p. 1096–1103. Sydney, Australia, November 2011.
Michael Wetter, Wangda Zuo, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui.
Recent developments of the Modelica buildings library for building energy and control systems.
Proc. of the 8th International Modelica Conference. Dresden, Germany, March 2011.
Michael Wetter.
Modelica Library for Building Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems.
Proc. of the 7th International Modelica Conference. Como, Italy, September 2009.
Rüdiger Franke, Francesco Casella, Martin Otter, Katrin Proelss, Michael Sielemann, Michael Wetter.
Standardization of thermo-fluid modeling in Modelica.Fluid 1.0.
Proc. of the 7th International Modelica Conference, Como, Italy, September 2009.
(The Buildings library is based on the modeling concepts that are described in this paper.)
Michael Wetter.
A Modelica-based model library for building energy and control systems.
Proc. of the 11th IBPSA Conference, p. 652–659. Glasgow, Scotland, July 2009.
Michael Wetter.
Multizone Airflow Model in Modelica.
Proc. of the 5th International Modelica Conference, p. 431–440. Vienna, Austria, September 2006.
(The models that are described in this paper have been implemented in Buildings library in the package Buildings.Airflow.)