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Journal Article
Yu, Xinqiao, Da Yan, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Dandan Zhu. "A Comparative Study on Energy Performance of Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems and Variable Air Volume Systems in Office Buildings." Applied Energy (2016).
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Jingjing An, Tianzhen Hong, Xing Shi, and Xing Jin. "Comparative Study of Air-Conditioning Energy Use of Four Office Buildings in China and USA." Energy and Buildings 169 (2018).
Hong, Tianzhen, Mary Ann Piette, Yixing Chen, Sang Hoon Lee, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, Rongpeng Zhang, Kaiyu Sun, and Phillip N Price. "Commercial Building Energy Saver: An energy retrofit analysis toolkit." Applied Energy 159 (2015). LBNL-1004502.
An, Jingjing, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Clustering and statistical analyses of air-conditioning intensity and use patterns in residential buildings." Energy and Buildings 174 (2018) 214 - 227.
Hong, Tianzhen. "A close look at the China design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings." Energy and Buildings 41.4 (2009) 426-435.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Wu, Lixia, Mingsheng Liu, Xiufeng Pang, Gang Wang, and Thomas G Lewis. "CCLEP Reduces Energy Consumption by More than 50% for a Luxury Shopping Mall." ASHRAE Transactions 115.2 (2009) 492-501.
Wang, Liping, Julie Gwilliam, and Phillip Jones. "Case study of zero energy house design in UK." Energy and Buildings 41.11 (2009) 1215-1222.
Xu, Peng, and Philip Haves. "Case Study of Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Two Large Commercial Buildings." ASHRAE Transactions 112.Pt. 1 (2006). LBNL-58649.
Raferty, Paul, Marcus Keane, and James O'Donnell. "Calibrating whole building energy models: An evidence-based methodology." Energy and Buildings 43.9 (2011) 2356-2364.
Wetter, Michael. "BuildOpt - A new building energy simulation program that is built on smooth models." Building and Environment 40.8 (2004). LBNL-54657.
Wetter, Michael. "BuildOpt - A new building energy simulation program that is built on smooth models." Building and Environment 40.8 (2005) 1085-1092.
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, and Ruoxi Jia. "Buildings.Occupants: a Modelica package for modelling occupant behaviour in buildings." Journal of Building Performance Simulation (2018) 1 - 12.
Hong, Tianzhen, Jared Langevin, and Kaiyu Sun. "Building Simulation: Ten Challenges." Building Simulation 11 (2018).
Hong, Tianzhen, Siaw K Chou, and T.Y. Bong. "Building simulation: an overview of development and information sources." Building and Environment 35.4 (2000) 347-361.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Building energy performance simulation as part of interoperable software environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883. LBNL/PUB-905.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Building Energy Performance Simulation as Part of Interoperable Software Environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883.
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Dandan Zhu. "Building energy modeling programs comparison Research on HVAC systems simulation part." (2013).
Wetter, Michael, and Elijah Polak. "Building design optimization using a convergent pattern search algorithm with adaptive precision simulations." Energy and Buildings 37.6 (2005) 603-612. LBNL-57341.
Wetter, Michael, and Elijah Polak. "Building Design Optimization Using a Convergent Pattern Search Algorithm with Adaptive Precision Simulations." Energy and Buildings 37 (2004) 603-612.
Prasher, Ravi S, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Patrick E Phelan. "Brownian Motion Based Convective- Conductive Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Journal of Heat Transfer 128 (2006) 588-595.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S.K. Saha, Ajay K Yadav, Patrick E Phelan, and Ravi S Prasher. "Brownian Dynamics Simulation to Determine the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Journal of Applied Physics 95.11 (2004) 6492–6494.
Bunning, Felix, Michael Wetter, Marcus Fuchs, and Dirk Muller. "Bidirectional low temperature district energy systems with agent-based control: Performance comparison and operation optimization." Applied Energy 209 (2018). 2001090.
Lee, Eleanor S, Xiufeng Pang, Andrew McNeil, Sabine Hoffmann, Anothai Thanachareonkit, Zhengrong Li, and Yong Ding. "Assessment of the Potential to Achieve Very Low Energy Use in Public Buildings in China with Advanced Window and Shading Systems." Buildings 5.2 (2015) 668-699. LBNL-187100.
