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Journal Article
Xu, Xiaodong, Chenhuan Yin, Wei Wang, Ning Xu, Tianzhen Hong, and Qi Li. "Revealing Urban Morphology and Outdoor Comfort through Genetic Algorithm-Driven Urban Block Design in Dry and Hot Regions of China." Sustainability 11.13 (2019) 3683.
Jiang, Yongcheng, Xiufeng Pang, and Shaobo Fu. "Research of ANN Internal Model Self-tuning Control Applied in Combustion Process Control of Heating Furnace in Oil Field." Journal of Central South University, Technology 34.2 (2003) 108-112.
Jain, Rajeev, Xuan Luo, Gökhan Sever, Tianzhen Hong, and Charlie Catlett. "Representation and evolution of urban weather boundary conditions in downtown Chicago." Journal of Building Performance Simulation (2018) 1 - 14.
Zuo, Wangda, Mingang Jin, and Qingyan Chen. "Reduction of numerical viscosity in FFD model." Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6.2 (2012) 234-247.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Real time or faster-than-real-time simulation of airflow in buildings." Indoor Air 19.1 (2009) 33-44.
Bentley, Michael, Philip Haves, Ralph E Spencer, and David Stannard. "The Radio Structure of a Sample of 101 Quasars from the Parkes ±4º Survey." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 176 (1976) 275-306.
Conway, Robin G, Philip Haves, Philipp P Kronberg, David Stannard, Jacques P Vallée, and John FC Wardle. "The Radio Polarization of Quasars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 168 (1974) 137-162.
Regnier, Cynthia, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette. "Quantifying the benefits of a building retrofit using an integrated system approach: A case study." Energy and Buildings 159 (2018).
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Pang, Xiufeng, and Mingsheng Liu. "Prevention of Compressor Short Cycling in Direct-Expansion (DX) Rooftop Units, Part 1: Theoretical Analysis and Simulation." ASHRAE Transactions 117.2 (2011) 666-676.
Pang, Xiufeng, and Mingsheng Liu. "Prevention of Compressor Short Cycling in Direct-Expansion (DX) Rooftop Units— Part 2: Field Investigation." ASHRAE Transactions 117.2 (2011) 677-685.
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette. "Predicting plug loads with occupant count data through a deep learning approach." Energy 181 (2019) 29 - 42.
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Blum, David, K. Arendt, Lisa Rivalin, Mary Ann Piette, Michael Wetter, and C.T. Veje. "Practical factors of envelope model setup and their effects on the performance of model predictive control for building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems." Applied Energy 236 (2019) 410 - 425.
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Haves, Philip, Robin G Conway, and David Stannard. "The Polarization of Radio Sources at 31 CM." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 169 (1974) 117-131.
Xu, Xiaodong, Yifan Wu, Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Ning Xu. "Performance-driven optimization of urban open space configuration in the cold-winter and hot-summer region of China." Building Simulation 12.3 (2019) 411 - 424.
Xu, Xiaodong, Fenlan Luo, Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Xiuzhang Fu. "Performance-Based Evaluation of Courtyard Design in China’s Cold-Winter Hot-Summer Climate Regions." Sustainability 10.11 (2018) 3950.
Clark, Gene, Fred M Loxsom, Earl S Doderer, and Philip Haves. "Performance of Roofpond Cooled Residences in U.S. Climate." Passive Solar Journal 4.3 (1987) 265-292.
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Sun, Kaiyu, Tianzhen Hong, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, and Mary Ann Piette. "A pattern-based automated approach to building energy model calibration." (2015). LBNL-1004495.
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang. "Outdoor synthetic temperature for the calculation of space heating load." Energy and Buildings 28.3 (1998) 269-277.
Haves, Philip, and Robin G Conway. "The Orientation of the Magnetic Field in Radio Sources." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975) 53P-56P.
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, William JN Turner, and Sarah C Taylor-Lange. "An Ontology to Represent Energy-related Occupant Behavior in Buildings Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework." Building and Environment 92 (2015) 764-777. LBNL-180349.
