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"Improvement of the ASHRAE Secondary HVAC Toolkit Simple Cooling Coil Model for Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Impact of time-splitting schemes on the accuracy of FFD simulations." the 7th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2010) 2010: 55-60.
. "High performance computing for indoor air." 11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) 2009: 244-249.
. "Heat Transfer in Passively Cooled Buildings." ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference 1980.
. "Halfway to Zero Energy in a Large Office Building." 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006.
. "Graph-Theoretic Methods in Simulation Using SPARK." High Performance Computing Symposium of the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (Society for Modeling Simulation International) 2004.
. "Fast simulation of smoke transport in buildings." the 41st International HVAC&R congress 2010.
. "Fast parallelized flow simulations on graphic processing units." the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009) 2009.
. "Experience Testing EnergyPlus With the IEA HVAC Bestest E300-E545 Series and IEA HVAC Bestest Fuel-Fired Furnace Series." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Experience Testing EnergyPlus With the ASHRAE 1052-RP Building Fabric Analytical Tests." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Contrasting the Capabilities of Building Energy Performance Simulation Programs." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005 2005.
. "Computational fluid dynamics for indoor environment modeling: past, present, and future." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 1-9.
. "Comparative Analysis of One-Dimensional Slat-Type Blind Models." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Centric Thermal Management of Future High Power Microprocessors." IEEE CPMT International Symposium and Exhibition on Advanced Packaging Materials 2006.
. "Better IAQ Through Integrating Design Tools For The HVAC Industry." Healthy Buildings 2000 2000. LBNL-48456.
. "Benchmarking and Equipment and Controls Assessment for a ‘Big Box’ Retail Chain." ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2008.
. "The Application of Building Energy Simulation and Calibration in Two High-Rise Commercial Buildings in Shanghai." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Accuracy of a Simple Method of Estimating the Minimum Temperature of a Sealed Roof Pond." Annual Meeting of American Section of the International Solar Energy Society 1982: 709-714.
. "VAV System Optimization through Continuous Commissioning in an Office Building." the 7th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. San Francisco, CA, 2007.
. "Thermal Energy Storage System Sizing." IBPSA Building Simulation '89. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1989. LBNL-27203.
. "Systematic Development of an Operational BIM Utilising Simulation and Performance Data in Building Operation." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011.
. "Systematic Development of an Operational BIM Utilising Simulation and Performance Data in Building Operation." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011.
. "Strategies for Coupling Energy Simulation Programs and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building Sim 2001. Vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001. 59-66. LBNL-48286.
. "Simulation of Energy Management Systems in EnergyPlus." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.