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"Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings." Energy Policy 87 (2015) 187-198. LBNL-1004493.
. "Uncertainties in energy consumption introduced by building operations and weather for a medium-size office building." Energy and Buildings 53 (2012) 152 - 158. LBNL-5888E.
. "Unlocking Historical Data in Critical IT." Data Center Dynamics Focus (2008).
. "Using SPARK as a Solver for Modelica." SimBuild 2008. Berkeley, CA, USA, 2008.
. "Using SPARK as a solver for Modelica." Proc. of the 3rd SimBuild Conference 2008. LBNL-634E.
. "Utilisation of Whole Building Energy Simulation Output to Provide Optimum Decision Support for Building Managers." SimBuild 2008. Berkeley, CA, 2008.
. "Use of Simulation Tools for Managing Buildings Energy Demand." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. "Using Indicators to Profile Energy Consumption and Inform Energy Policy in a University - A Case Study in Ireland." Energy and Buildings 39.8 (2007) 913-922.
. "Using EnergyPlus for California Title-24 Compliance Calculations." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Using EnergyPlus for California Title-24 compliance calculations." SimBuild 2006. Cambridge, MA, 2006. LBNL-61527.
. "Using a Fan Air Flow Station to Control Building Static Pressure in a VAV System." the 2005 International Solar Energy Conference. Orlando, FL, 2005.
. "Updating traditional CRM system by terminal server." Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition) 27.1 (2004) 94-95.
. "Use of Simulation in the Design of a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 25.3 (2004) 211-221. LBNL-56011.
. "Use of Simulation in the Design of a Large Naturally Ventilated Commercial Office Building." Building Simulation ’03 2003. LBNL-56011.
. "Understanding the Behavior of an F1-ATPase Biomolecular Motor Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." US-Japan Nanotherm Seminar: Nanoscale Thermal Science and Engineering. Berkeley, CA, 2002.
. "Use of Whole Building Simulation in On-Line Performance Assessment: Modeling and Implementation Issues." Building Simulation ’01 2001.
. "Use of an Information Monitoring and Diagnostic System for Commissioning and Ongoing Operations." 8th National Conference on Building Commissioning PECI 2000.
. "Use of a Building Emulator to Develop Techniques for Improved Commissioning and Control of HVAC Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 97.1 (1991).
. "Use of a Building Emulator to Evaluate Control Strategies Implemented in Commercial BEMS." Building Environmental Performance '91 1991.
. "Use of Building Emulators to Evaluate the Performance of Building Energy Management Systems." Building Simulation '91 1991: 209-213.
. "On Using Degree-days to Account for the Effects of Weather on Annual Energy Use in Office Buildings." Energy and Buildings 12.2 (1988).
. "The Use of Dynamic Simulation Models to Evaluate Algorithms for Building Energy Control: Experience with HVACSIM+." International Congress on Building Energy Management 1987.