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"Implications of Office Building Thermal Mass and Multi-day Temperature Profiles for Cooling Strategies." ASME/AIChe National Heat Transfer Conference. Denver, CO, 1985. LBL-19212.
. "The Integration of Graphic and Thermal Simulation Models." Computer Graphics '85 Conference 1985.
. "The Influence of Tuning on the Performance of a Building Control System." System Simulation in Buildings '90 1990.
. "Impacts of Climate Change." International Energy Agency Future Buildings Forum Workshop on Innovative Cooling 1992.
. "Investigation of the Reliability of Building Emulators for Testing Energy Management and Control Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 100.Pt. 1 (1994).
. "Integrated building design system." HV&AC, in Chinese 6 (1995).
. "IISABRE: An integrated building simulation environment." Building and Environment 32.3 (1997) 219-224.
. "The Integration of Engineering and Architecture: a Perspective on Natural Ventilation for the new San Francisco Federal Building." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2002. LBNL-51134.
. "Improving building energy performance simulation with software interoperability." Building Simulation 2003. Vol. 1. Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2003. LBNL/PUB-908.
. "IFC HVAC Interface to EnergyPlus: A Case of Expanded Interoperability for Energy Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "IFC HVAC interface to EnergyPlus - A case of expanded interoperability for energy simulation." SimBuild 2004. Boulder, CO, 2004. LBNL/PUB-907.
. "Improvement of the ASHRAE Secondary HVAC Toolkit Simple Cooling Coil Model for Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "The impacts of facade and ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for a naturally ventilated residential building in Singapore." the 10th International conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Beijing. 2005.
. "Improving the Data Available to Simulation Programs." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
. "IFC to CONTAM Translator." SimBuild 2006. Boston, MA, 2006.
. "The impacts of facade designs: orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices on indoor environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture, Geneva. 2006.
. "Implementation of an Earth Tube System Into EnergyPlus Program." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "The impacts of facade and ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for a naturally ventilated residential building in Singapore." Building and Environment 42.12 (2007) 4006-4015.
. "Integrated Static Pressure Reset with Fan Air Flow Station in Dual-duct VAV System Control." ASME Energy Sustainability. Long Beach, CA, 2007.
. "Investigation of the possibility of applying natural ventilation for thermal comfort in residential buildings in Singapore." Architectural Science Review 50 (2007) 190-199.
. "IFC BIM-based Methodology for Semi-Automated Building Energy Performance Simulation." CIB W78, Proc. 25th conf. Santiago, Chile, 2008. LBNL-919E.
. "Integrating the Specification, Acquisition and Processing of Building Performance Information." 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Beijing, China, 2008.
. "An implementation of co-simulation for performance prediction of innovative integrated HVAC systems in buildings." Proc. of the 11th IBPSA Conference 2009: 724-731.
. "Improving Control and Operation of a Single Duct VAV System through CCLEP." ASHRAE Transactions 115.2 (2009) 760-768.
. "Impact of time-splitting schemes on the accuracy of FFD simulations." the 7th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2010) 2010: 55-60.