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"Data Analysis and Stochastic Modeling of Lighting Energy Use in Large Office Buildings in China." Energy and Buildings 86 (2015) 275-287. LBNL-180389.
. Data Analytics and Optimization of an Ice-Based Energy Storage System for Commercial Buildings. 2017.
. "Data and Analytics to Inform Energy Retrofit of High Performance Buildings." Applied Energy 126 (2014) 90-106.
. "Data Enviroments and Processing in Sem-Automated Simulation with EnergyPlus." CIB W078-W102. Sophia Antipolis, France, 2011.
. "Data fusion in predicting internal heat gains for office buildings through a deep learning approach." Applied Energy 240 (2019) 386 - 398.
. "Data Mining of Space Heating System Performance in Affordable Housing." Building and Environment 89 (2015) 1-13. LBNL-180239.
. "A Data-mining Approach to Discover Patterns of Window Opening and Closing Behavior in Offices." (2015). LBNL-180274.
. "Daylight in Dynamic Thermal Modelling Programs: a Case Study." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 9.4 (1988) 183-188.
. "DEEP: A Database of Energy Efficiency Performance to Accelerate Energy Retrofitting of Commercial Buildings." (2015). LBNL-180309.
. "Dehumidification and Passive Cooling for Retrofit and Conventional Construction." 7th National Passive Solar Conference 1982.
. "Dehumidification Enhancement of Direct Expansion Systems through Component Augmentation of the Cooling Coil." Fifteenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, July 24-26, 2006. Orlando, FL, 2006.
. "Demand Relief and Weather Sensitivity in Large California Commercial Buildings." International Conference for Enhancing Building Operations 2001.
. "Design and Operating Strategies and Sizing Relationships for Solar Regenerated Desiccant Dehumidifiers Used with Passive Cooling Systems." 1st International Passive & Hybrid Cooling Conference 1981.
. "Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 25 (2004) 211-221. LBNL-56010.
. "Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 25.3 (2004) 223-239. LBNL-56010.
. "Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building." Building Simulation ’03 2003. LBNL-56010.
. "Design choices for thermofluid flow components and systems that are exported as Functional Mockup Units." (2015). LBNL-1002826.
. "Design, Construction and Commissioning of Building Emulators for EMCS Applications." ASHRAE Transactions 100.Pt. 1 (1994).
. "A design day for building load and energy estimation." Building and Environment 34.4 (1999) 469-477.
. "Design of the Natural Ventilation System for the New San Diego Children's Museum." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
. "Design of Underlying Network Infrastructure of Smart Buildings." 2008 IET 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Seattle, WA, 2008.
. "A Detailed Loads Comparison of Three Building Energy Modeling Programs: EnergyPlus, DeST and DOE-2.1E." Building Simulation 6.3 (2013) 323-335.
. "Detailed Modelling and Simulation of a VAV Air-Conditioning System." Building Simulation '95 1995.
. "Determining the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Nanofluid Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." National Heat Transfer Conference. Las Vegas, NV, 2003.