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"A New Model to Simulate Energy Performance of VRF Systems." 2014. LBNL-6666E.
. "The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in Vav Systems for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6032E.
. "The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in VAV System for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012. Madison, Wisconsin, 2012.
. "An Improved Simple Chilled Water Cooling Coil Model." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6031E.
. Monitoring-based HVAC Commissioning of an Existing Office Building for Energy Efficiency. 2012. LBNL-5940E.
. "Uncertainties in energy consumption introduced by building operations and weather for a medium-size office building." Energy and Buildings 53 (2012) 152 - 158. LBNL-5888E.
. "Modeling and simulation of HVAC faults in EnergyPlus." Building Simulation 2011. Australia, 2011.
. "Modeling and simulation of HVAC Results in EnergyPlus." (2011). LBNL-5564E.
. "Case study of zero energy house design in UK." Energy and Buildings 41.11 (2009) 1215-1222.
. "Coupled simulations for naturally ventilated rooms between building simulation (BS) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for better prediction of indoor thermal environment." Building and Environment 44.1 (2009) 95-112.
. "Coupled simulations for naturally ventilated residential buildings." Automation in Construction 17.4 (2008) 386-398.
. "A convenient coupled simulation method for thermal environment prediction in naturally ventilated buildings." 2nd PALENC conference and 28th AIVC conference, 27-29 September. 2007.
. "Discussion of strategies for UK zero energy building design." 2nd PALENC conference and 28th AIVC conference, 27-29 September. 2007.
. "Facade design optimization for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." Energy and Buildings 39.8 (2007) 954-961.
. "The impacts of facade and ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for a naturally ventilated residential building in Singapore." Building and Environment 42.12 (2007) 4006-4015.
. "Investigation of the possibility of applying natural ventilation for thermal comfort in residential buildings in Singapore." Architectural Science Review 50 (2007) 190-199.
. "Coupling between the CFD simulation and building simulation for better prediction of natural ventilation." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
. "A coupling method to increase the accuracy of natural ventilation prediction in thermal simulation program." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
. "The impacts of facade designs: orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices on indoor environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture, Geneva. 2006.
. "Natural ventilation simulation by using coupling building simulation and CFD simulation program for accurate prediction of indoor thermal environment." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture , Geneva. 2006.
. "A numerical study of Trombe wall for enhancing stack ventilation in buildings." The 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva. 2006.
. "Effects of double glazed façade on energy consumption, thermal comfort and condensation for a typical office building in Singapore." Energy and Buildings 37.6 (2005).
. "The impacts of facade and ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for a naturally ventilated residential building in Singapore." the 10th International conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Beijing. 2005.
. "Thermal analysis of climate environments based on weather data in Singapore for naturally ventilated buildings." the 10th International conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate,Beijing. 2005.
. "Heat transfer and natural ventilation from single-sided heated solar chimney for buildings." Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 3.2 (2004).