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"Accelerating the energy retrofit of commercial buildings using a database of energy efficiency performance." Energy (2015). LBNL-1004494.
. "Assessment of the Potential to Achieve Very Low Energy Use in Public Buildings in China with Advanced Window and Shading Systems." Buildings 5.2 (2015) 668-699. LBNL-187100.
. "Assessment of the Potential to Achieve Very Low Energy Use in Public Buildings in China with Advanced Window and Shading Systems." Buildings 5.2 (2015) 668-699. LBNL-187100.
. "Commercial Building Energy Saver: An energy retrofit analysis toolkit." Applied Energy 159 (2015). LBNL-1004502.
. "DEEP: A Database of Energy Efficiency Performance to Accelerate Energy Retrofitting of Commercial Buildings." (2015). LBNL-180309.
. "Energy retrofit analysis toolkit for commercial buildings: A review." 89 (2015) 1087-1100. LBNL-1004503.
. "An Insight into Actual Energy Use and Its Drivers in High-Performance Buildings." (2015). LBNL-180169.
. "Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings." Energy Policy 87 (2015) 187-198. LBNL-1004493.
. "An Agent-Based Occupancy Simulator for Building Performance Simulation." 2016. LBNL-1004492.
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"Comparison of typical year and multiyear building simulations using a 55-year actual weather data set from China." Applied Energy 195 (2017) 890-904.
. Data Analytics and Optimization of an Ice-Based Energy Storage System for Commercial Buildings. 2017.
. Data Analytics and Optimization of an Ice-Based Energy Storage System for Commercial Buildings. 2017.
. . . "Performance Evaluation of an Agent-based Occupancy Simulation Model." Building and Environment 115 (2017).
. "Performance Evaluation of an Agent-based Occupancy Simulation Model." Building and Environment 115 (2017).
. "Simulation and visualization of energy-related occupant behavior in office buildings." Building Simulation 10.6 (2017) 785–798.
. "Simulation and visualization of energy-related occupant behavior in office buildings." Building Simulation 10.6 (2017) 785–798.
. Small and Medium Building Efficiency Toolkit and Community Demonstration Program. 2017. LBNL-2001054.
. "A Thorough Assessment of China’s Standard for Energy Consumption of Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
. "Building Simulation: Ten Challenges." Building Simulation 11 (2018).
. "Efficient modeling of optically-complex, non-coplanar exterior shading: Validation of matrix algebraic methods." Energy and Buildings 174 (2018) 464 - 483.