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Zhang, Lei, Rongpeng Zhang, Yu Zhang, Tianzhen Hong, Qinglin Meng, and Yanshan Feng. "The Impact of Evaporation Process on Thermal Performance of Roofs - Model Development and Numerical Analysis." Energy and Buildings (2016).
Zhang, Rongpeng, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, Yoshinori Yura, and Ryohei Hinokuma. "A Novel Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System Model: Development and Validation." Energy and Buildings 168 (2018).
Zhang, Rongpeng, and Tianzhen Hong. "Modeling and Simulation of Operational Faults of HVAC Systems Using Energyplus." 2016. LBNL-1004498.
Zhang, Qi, Da Yan, Jingjing An, Tianzhen Hong, Wei Tian, and Kaiyu Sun. "Spatial Distribution of Internal Heat Gains: A Probabilistic Representation and Evaluation of Its Influence on Cooling Equipment Sizing in Large Office Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
Zhang, Lei, Rongpeng Zhang, Tianzhen Hong, Yu Zhang, and Qinglin Meng. "Impact of post-rainfall evaporation from porous roof tiles on building cooling load in subtropical China." Applied Thermal Engineering 142 (2018) 391 - 400.
Zhang, Rongpeng, and Tianzhen Hong. Modeling of HVAC Operational Faults in Building Performance Simulation. 2017.
Zhai, Zhiqiang, Qingyan Chen, Joseph H Klems, and Philip Haves. "Strategies for Coupling Energy Simulation Programs and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building Sim 2001. Vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001. 59-66. LBNL-48286.
Zhai, Zhiqiang, Qingyan Chen, Philip Haves, and Joseph H Klems. "On Approaches to Couple Energy Simulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building and Environment 37 (2002).
Xue, Peng, Tianzhen Hong, Bing Dong, and Cheuk Ming Mak. A Preliminary Investigation of Water Usage Behavior in Single-Family Homes. 2017.
Xu, Xiaodong, Yifan Wu, Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Ning Xu. "Performance-driven optimization of urban open space configuration in the cold-winter and hot-summer region of China." Building Simulation 12.3 (2019) 411 - 424.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Dimitri Curtil. "A Library of HVAC Component Models for use in Automated Diagnostics." SimBuild 2006 2006.
Xu, Peng, Yu Joe Huang, Ruidong Jin, and Guoxiong Yang. "Measured energy performance of a US-China demonstration energy-efficient commercial building." 2007 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, January 27-31, 2007. Dallas, TX, 2006. LBNL-60978.
Xu, Tengfang T, Chuang Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Mark D Levine. Technical Assistance to Beichuan Reconstruction: Creating and Designing Low- to Zero-carbon Communities in New Beichuan. LBNL, 2009. LBNL-2819E.
Xu, Xiaodong, Chenhuan Yin, Wei Wang, Ning Xu, Tianzhen Hong, and Qi Li. "Revealing Urban Morphology and Outdoor Comfort through Genetic Algorithm-Driven Urban Block Design in Dry and Hot Regions of China." Sustainability 11.13 (2019) 3683.
Xu, Peng, Moosung Kim, and Philip Haves. An automated functional test and fault detection method. 2003. LBNL-53512.
Xu, Peng, and Philip Haves. "Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2002. LBNL-50678.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, Mary Ann Piette, and James E Braun. "Peak Demand Reduction from Pre-Cooling with Zone Temperature Reset in an Office Building." 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 2004. LBNL-55800.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim. "Model-Based Automated Functional Testing-Methodology and Application to Air Handling Units." ASHRAE Transactions 111.Pt. 1 (2005). LBNL-55802.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim. "A Semi-Automated Functional Test Data Analysis Tool." 13th National Conference on Building Commissioning. New York City, NY, 2005. LBNL-58648.
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Joseph J Deringer. "A simulation-based testing and training environment for building controls." Simbuild 2004 2004. LBNL-55801.
