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"Forecasting district-scale energy dynamics through integrating building network and long short-term memory learning algorithm." Applied Energy 248 (2019) 217 - 230.
. "A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing with Enhanced Utility for Cyber-Physical Systems." ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 14.3-4 (2018) 1 - 22.
. "A Fresh Look at Weather Impact on Peak Electricity Demand and Energy Use of Buildings Using 30-Year Actual Weather Data." Applied Energy 111 (2013) 333-350. LBNL-6280E.
. "Functional Mock-Up Unit Import in EnergyPlus For Co-Simulation." 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation 2013. LBNL-6413E.
. "A framework for simulation-based real-time whole building performance assessment." Building and Environment 54 (2012) 100-108. 0360-1323.
. "Fast and informative flow simulation in a building by using fast fluid dynamics model on graphics processing unit." Building and Environment 45.3 (2010) 747-757.
. "Fast simulation of smoke transport in buildings." the 41st International HVAC&R congress 2010.
. "Fast parallelized flow simulations on graphic processing units." the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009) 2009.
. "Fault Diagnostics and Supervised Testing: How Fault Diagnostic tools can be Proactive?." Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls 2008.
. "Facade design optimization for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." Energy and Buildings 39.8 (2007) 954-961.
. "Flow in an Underfloor Plenum." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Framework for Coupling Room Air Models to Heat Balance Model Load and Energy Calculations (RP-1222)." HVAC&R Research (ASHRAE) 10.2 (2004).
. "Field Testing Model-Based Condition Monitoring on a HVAC Cooling Coil Sub-System." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 24.2 (2003) 103-116.
. "Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2002. LBNL-50678.
. "Field Testing of Component-Level Model-Based Fault Detection Methods for Mixing Boxes and VAV Fan Systems." 2002 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, California, 2002. LBNL-50678.
. "Fault Modelling in Component-based HVAC Simulation." Building Simulation '97 1997.
. "A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method Based on First Principles Models and Expert Rules." Tsinghua HVAC-95 1995.