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"Simulation Enhanced Prototyping of an Experimental Solar House." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. "Using Indicators to Profile Energy Consumption and Inform Energy Policy in a University - A Case Study in Ireland." Energy and Buildings 39.8 (2007) 913-922.
. "Integrating the Specification, Acquisition and Processing of Building Performance Information." 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Beijing, China, 2008.
. "Case study of zero energy house design in UK." Energy and Buildings 41.11 (2009) 1215-1222.
. "Development of an isothermal 2D zonal air volume model with impulse conservation." Clima 2010, 10th Rehva World Congress "Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings". Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
. "A software tool to compare measured and simulated building energy performance data." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011. LBNL-6184E.
. Monitoring-based HVAC Commissioning of an Existing Office Building for Energy Efficiency. 2012. LBNL-5940E.
. "Sustainable Campus with PEV and Microgrid." 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 2012.
. "Integrated Design for High Performance Buildings." (2014). LBNL-6991E.
. . "Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings." 2015. LBNL-1005070E.
. "Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges." Energy and Buildings 107 (2015) 264-278. LBNL-1004504.
. "Analysis of heating load diversity in German residential districts and implications for the application in district heating systems." Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 302-313.
. "Development of Automated Procedures to Generate Reference Building Models for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and India’s Building Energy Code and Implementation in OpenStudio." Building Simulation 2017. San Francisco, CA, 2017. LBNL-2001052.
. "IEA EBC Annex 66: Definition and simulation of occupant behavior in buildings." Energy and Building 156 (2017).
. "Control Description Language." 1st American Modelica Conference. 2018. LBNL-2001219.
. "OpenBuildingControl: Modeling Feedback Control as a Step Towards Formal Design, Specification, Deployment and Verification of Building Control Sequences." 2018 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA. Chicago, IL, 2018.
. "When Data Analytics Meet Site Operation: Benefits and Challenges." 2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. 2018.
. "A novel approach for selecting typical hot-year (THY) weather data." Applied Energy 242 (2019) 1634 - 1648.
. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.