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Hong, Tianzhen, Charles N Eley, and Erik Kolderup. "VisualDOE – A Green Design Tool." The 4th International Symposium on HVAC. Beijing, China, 2003.
Liesen, Richard J, and Rahul Chillar. "Variable Heat Recovery in Double Bundle Electric Chillers." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Virtual Building Environments - Applying Information Modeling to Buildings." European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building and Construction Industry (ECPPM) 2004. Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. LBNL-56072.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Validation of fast fluid dynamics for room airflow." the 10th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2007) 2007: 980-983.
Cho, Young-Hum, Xiufeng Pang, and Mingsheng Liu. "VAV System Optimization through Continuous Commissioning in an Office Building." the 7th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. San Francisco, CA, 2007.
Lee, Sang Hoon, and Tianzhen Hong. "Validation of an inverse model of zone air heat balance." Building and Environment 161 (2019) 106232.