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"Efficient modeling of optically-complex, non-coplanar exterior shading: Validation of matrix algebraic methods." Energy and Buildings 174 (2018) 464 - 483.
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"Energy saving potential of a two-pipe system for simultaneous heating and cooling of office buildings." Energy and Buildings 134 (2017) 234 - 247.
. "Energy retrofit analysis toolkit for commercial buildings: A review." 89 (2015) 1087-1100. LBNL-1004503.
. "Equation-based languages – A new paradigm for building energy modeling, simulation and optimization." Energy and Buildings 117 (2015) 290-300. LBNL-1003383.
. "The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in Vav Systems for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6032E.
. "The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in VAV System for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012. Madison, Wisconsin, 2012.
. "Energy Monitoring Systems value, issues and recommendations based on five case studies." Clima 2010 conference. Antalya, Turkey, 2010.
. EnergyPlus Analysis Capabilities for Use in Title 24. LBNL, 2008. LBNL-822E.
. EnergyPlus Run Time Analysis. LBNL, 2008. LBNL-1311E.
. "Economizer Control Using Mixed Air Enthalpy." the 7th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. San Francisco, CA, 2007.
. "Energy Index Evaluation of Buildings in Function of the External Temperature." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. Energy Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution Systems. California Energy Commission - Public Interest Energy Research Program, 2007.
. "Effect of Aggregation Kinetics on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Colloidal Solutions (Nanofluids)." Nanoletters 6 (2006) 1529-1534.
. "Effect of Coloidal Chemistry on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Chicago, IL, 2006.
. "The Energy Performance of the Cold-Formed Steel-Frame and Wood-Frame Houses Developed for Thailand." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. "Enhanced Mass Transport in Nanofluids." Nanoletters 6.3 (2006) 419-423.
. "Evaluation of Demand Shifting Strategies With Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings." SimBuild 2006 2006.
. . . "Effect of Particle Material on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Heat Transfer Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2005.
. "Effects of double glazed façade on energy consumption, thermal comfort and condensation for a typical office building in Singapore." Energy and Buildings 37.6 (2005).
. "Experimental Determination of the Effect of Varying Base Fluid and Temperature on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005. Orlando, FL: ASME, 2005.
. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Evaluation of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Calculate Thermal Conductivity of Water and Systematic Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Oxide – Water Nanofluiids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,. Anaheim, CA, 2004.