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Sun, Kaiyu, and Tianzhen Hong. "A Simulation Approach to Estimate Energy Savings Potential of Occupant Behavior Measures." Energy and Buildings (2016).
Sun, Kaiyu, Tianzhen Hong, and Siyue Guo. "Stochastic Modeling of Overtime Occupancy and Its Application in Building Energy Simulation and Calibration." (2014). LBNL-6670E.
Sun, Kaiyu, and Tianzhen Hong. A Framework for Quantifying the Impact of Occupant Behavior on Energy Savings of Energy Conservation Measures. 2017.
Strand, Richard K, Richard J Liesen, and Michael J Witte. "Resources for Teaching Building Energy Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Sreedharan, Priya, and Philip Haves. "Comparison of Chiller Models for use in Model-Based Fault Detection." International Conference for Enhancing Building Operations 2001. LBNL-48149.
Spitler, Jeffrey D, Simon J Rees, and Philip Haves. "Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Methodology." ASHRAE Transactions 104.2 (1998) 47-61.
Speltz, J., and Philip Haves. "The Thermal Benefits and Cost Effectiveness of Earth Berming." 5th National Passive Solar Conference 1980.
Sowell, Edward F, and Philip Haves. "Numerical Performance of a Graph-Theoretic HVAC Simulation Program." Building Simulation ’99 1999.
Sowell, Edward F, and Philip Haves. "Efficient Solution Strategies for Building Energy System Simulation." Energy and Buildings 33 (2001) 309-317. LBNL-45936.
Sowell, Edward F, Michael A Moshier, and Philip Haves. "Graph-theoretic Methods in Simulation Using SPARK." High Performance Computing Symposium of the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference 2004.
Sowell, Edward F, Michael A Moshier, Philip Haves, and Dimitri Curtil. "Graph-Theoretic Methods in Simulation Using SPARK." High Performance Computing Symposium of the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (Society for Modeling Simulation International) 2004.
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Spencer M Dutton. "CLIMATE-SPECIFIC MODELING AND ANALYSIS FOR BEST-PRACTICE INDIAN OFFICE BUILDINGS." BS2015: 14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2015.
Shen, Eric, and Tianzhen Hong. "Simulation-based assessment of the energy savings benefits of integrated control in office buildings." Building Simulation 2.4 (2009) 239-251.
Sen, Arunabha, Nibedita Das, Ling Zhou, Bao Hong Shen, Sudheendra Murthy, and Prajesh Bhattacharya. "Coverage Problem for Sensors Embedded in Temperature Sensitive Environments." IEEE Infocom, 2007. Anchorage, AL, 2007.
See, Richard, Philip Haves, Pramod Sreekanathan, Mangesh Basarkar, James O'Donnell, and Kevin Settlemyre. "Development of a user interface for the EnergyPlus whole building energy simulation program." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011.
Schutt, Brady, Gene Clark, Philip Haves, and M. Merino. "Accuracy of a Simple Method of Estimating the Minimum Temperature of a Sealed Roof Pond." Annual Meeting of American Section of the International Solar Energy Society 1982: 709-714.
Sangogboye, Fisayo Caleb, Ruoxi Jia, Tianzhen Hong, Costas Spanos, and Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard. "A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing with Enhanced Utility for Cyber-Physical Systems." ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 14.3-4 (2018) 1 - 22.
Salsbury, Tim I, Philip Haves, and Jonathan A Wright. "A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method Based on First Principles Models and Expert Rules." Tsinghua HVAC-95 1995.
Ren, Xiaoxin, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Data Mining of Space Heating System Performance in Affordable Housing." Building and Environment 89 (2015) 1-13. LBNL-180239.
Regnier, Cynthia, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette. "Quantifying the benefits of a building retrofit using an integrated system approach: A case study." Energy and Buildings 159 (2018).
Rees, Simon J, Jeffrey D Spitler, Michael J Holmes, and Philip Haves. "Comparison of Peak Load Predictions and Treatment of Solar Gains in the Admittance and Heat Balance Load Calculation Procedures." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 21.2 (2000).
Rees, Simon J, and Philip Haves. "A Model of a Displacement Ventilation/Chilled Ceiling Cooling System Suitable for Annual Energy Simulation." Building Simulation '95 1995.
Rees, Simon J, Jeffrey D Spitler, and Philip Haves. "Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Results." ASHRAE Transactions 104.2 (1998) 36-46.
Rees, Simon J, James J McGuirk, and Philip Haves. "Numerical Investigation of Transient Buoyant Flow in a Room with a Displacement Ventilation and Chilled Ceiling System." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44.16 (2001) 3067-3080.
Rees, Simon J, Jeffrey D Spitler, Morris G Davies, and Philip Haves. "Qualitative Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures." International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research 6.1 (2000) 75-99.
