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Coffey, Brian E, Sam Borgeson, Stephen E Selkowitz, Joshua S Apte, Paul A Mathew, and Philip Haves. "Towards a Very Low Energy Building Stock: Modeling the US Commercial Building Stock to Support Policy and Innovation Planning." Building Research and Information 37:5 (2009).
Yan, Da, Tianzhen Hong, Cheng Li, Qi Zhang, Jingjing An, and shan Hu. "A Thorough Assessment of China’s Standard for Energy Consumption of Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
Prasher, Ravi S, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Patrick E Phelan. "Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Colloidal Solutions (Nanofluids)." Physical Review Letters 94.025901-1 – 025901-4. (2005).
Hong, Tianzhen, Yixing Chen, Xuan Luo, Na Luo, and Sang Hoon Lee. "Ten questions on urban building energy modeling." Building and Environment 168 (2020) 106508.
Hong, Tianzhen, Da Yan, Simona D'Oca, and Chien-Fei Chen. "Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in Buildings: The Big Picture." Building and Environment (2017).
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang. "Stochastic weather model for building HVAC systems." Building and Environment 30.4 (1995) 521-532.
Sun, Kaiyu, Tianzhen Hong, and Siyue Guo. "Stochastic Modeling of Overtime Occupancy and Its Application in Building Energy Simulation and Calibration." (2014). LBNL-6670E.
Jiang, Yi, and Tianzhen Hong. "Stochastic analysis of building thermal processes." Building and Environment 28.4 (1993) 209-218.
Najafi, Massieh, David M Auslander, Philip Haves, and Michael D Sohn. "A Statistical Pattern Analysis Framework for Rooftop Unit Diagnostics." International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research (2010).
Chang, Wen-Kuei, and Tianzhen Hong. "Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Occupancy Patterns in Open-Plan Offices using Measured Lighting-Switch Data." Building Simulation 6.1 (2013) 23–32. LBNL-6080E.
Haves, Philip, Leslie K Norford, and Mark DeSimone. "A Standard Simulation Testbed for the Evaluation of Control Algorithms & Strategies." ASHRAE Transactions 104.Pt. 1A (1998).
Wang, Zhe, Thomas Parkinson, Peixian Li, Borong Lin, and Tianzhen Hong. "The Squeaky wheel: Machine learning for anomaly detection in subjective thermal comfort votes." Building and Environment 151 (2019) 219 - 227.
Zhang, Qi, Da Yan, Jingjing An, Tianzhen Hong, Wei Tian, and Kaiyu Sun. "Spatial Distribution of Internal Heat Gains: A Probabilistic Representation and Evaluation of Its Influence on Cooling Equipment Sizing in Large Office Buildings." Energy and Buildings (2017).
Belafi, Zsofia, Tianzhen Hong, and Andras Reith. "Smart Building Management vs. Intuitive Human Control — Lessons learnt from an office building in Hungary." Building Simulation 10.6 (2017) 811-828.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Simulations of air distribution in buildings by FFD on GPU." HVAC&R Research 16.6 (2010) 783-796.
Shen, Eric, and Tianzhen Hong. "Simulation-based assessment of the energy savings benefits of integrated control in office buildings." Building Simulation 2.4 (2009) 239-251.
Jorissen, Filip, Michael Wetter, and Lieve Helsen. "Simulation Speed Analysis and Improvements of Modelica Models for Building Energy Simulation." (2015). LBNL-1002904.
Feng, Xiaohang, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "Simulation of Occupancy in Buildings." Energy and Buildings 87 (2015) 348-359. LBNL-180424.
Sun, Kaiyu, and Tianzhen Hong. "A Simulation Approach to Estimate Energy Savings Potential of Occupant Behavior Measures." Energy and Buildings (2016).
Chen, Yixing, Xin Liang, Tianzhen Hong, and Xuan Luo. "Simulation and visualization of energy-related occupant behavior in office buildings." Building Simulation 10.6 (2017) 785–798.
Jorissen, Filip, Michael Wetter, and Lieve Helsen. "Simplifications for hydronic system models in Modelica." Journal of Building Performance Simulation (2018).
Haves, Philip, Moosung Kim, Massieh Najafi, and Peng Xu. "A Semi-automated Commissioning Tool for VAV Air Handling Units: Functional Test Analyzer." ASHRAE Transactions 113.Pt. 1 (2007) 380-391. LBNL-60979.
Eto, Joseph H, and Anibal T De Almeida. "Saving Electricity in Commercial Buildings with Adjustable-Speed Drives." IEEE Transactions of Industry Applications 24.3 (1988).
Parrish, Kristen, Reshma Singh, and Szu-Cheng Chien. "The Role of International Partnerships in Delivering Low- Energy Building Design: A Case Study of the Singapore Scientific Planning Process." Sustainable Cities and Society 14.1 (2014).
Dexter, Arthur L, and Philip Haves. "A Robust Self-Tuning Controller for HVAC Applications." ASHRAE Transactions 2 (1989).
