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Wang, Liping, Philip Haves, and Walter F Buhl. "An Improved Simple Chilled Water Cooling Coil Model." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6031E.
Earni, Shankar, Spencer Woodworth, Xiufeng Pang, Jorge Hernandez-Maldonado, Rongxin Yin, Liping Wang, Steve E Greenberg, John Fiegel, and Alma Rubalcava. Monitoring-based HVAC Commissioning of an Existing Office Building for Energy Efficiency. 2012. LBNL-5940E.
Earni, Shankar, Spencer Woodworth, Xiufeng Pang, Jorge Hernandez-Maldonado, Rongxin Yin, Liping Wang, Steve E Greenberg, John Fiegel, and Alma Rubalcava. Monitoring-based HVAC Commissioning of an Existing Office Building for Energy Efficiency. 2012. LBNL-5940E.
Wang, Liping, Paul A Mathew, and Xiufeng Pang. "Uncertainties in energy consumption introduced by building operations and weather for a medium-size office building." Energy and Buildings 53 (2012) 152 - 158. LBNL-5888E.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Kaustubh Phalak, Wangda Zuo, and Michael Wetter. "Validation and Application of the Room Model of the Modelica Buildings Library." Proc. of the 9th International Modelica Conference 2012. LBNL-5932E.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Michael Wetter, and Wangda Zuo. Validation of the Window Model of the Modelica Buildings Library. 2012. LBNL-5735E.
Zuo, Wangda, and Michael Wetter. "Advanced simulations of building energy and control systems with an example of chilled water plant modeling." the 8th International Forum and Workshop on Combined Heat, Air, Moisture and Pollutant Simulations (CHAMPS 2011) 2011.
Bazjanac, Vladimir, Tobias Maile, Cody Rose, James O'Donnell, Natasa Mrazovic, Elmer Morrissey, and Benjamin Welle. "An Assessment of the use of Building Energy Performance Simulation in Early Design." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011.
Haves, Philip, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Michael Wetter, Zhengwei Li, and Xiufeng Pang. BacNet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Testbed. 2011. LBNL-5446E.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Michael Wetter, Zhengwei Li, Xiufeng Pang, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Philip Haves. "BACnet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference 2011: p. 294-301. LBNL-5446E.
Zhu, Dandan, Chuang Wang, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. "A Comparison of DeST and EnergyPlus." China HVAC Simulation Conference. Beijing, 2011.
Wetter, Michael. "Co-simulation of building energy and control systems with the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Journal of Building Performance Simulation 3.4 (2011).
Basarkar, Mangesh, Philip Haves, Xiufeng Pang, Liping Wang, and Tianzhen Hong. "Modeling and simulation of HVAC faults in EnergyPlus." Building Simulation 2011. Australia, 2011.
Basarkar, Mangesh, Xiufeng Pang, Liping Wang, and Tianzhen Hong. "Modeling and simulation of HVAC Results in EnergyPlus." (2011). LBNL-5564E.
Wetter, Michael, Wangda Zuo, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui. "Modeling of Heat Transfer in Rooms in the Modelica "Buildings" Library." 12th Conference of International Building Performance Ssimulation Association 2011: 1096-1103. LBNL-5563E.
Pang, Xiufeng, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Zheng O'Neill, Philip Haves, Michael Wetter, and Trevor Bailey. "Real-time Building Energy Simulation using EnergyPlus and the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference 2011: p. 2890-2896. LBNL-5390E.
Wetter, Michael, Wangda Zuo, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui. "Recent developments of the Modelica Buildings library for building energy and control systems." the 8th International Modelica Conference 2011. LBNL-4793E.
