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"Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "Culture, conformity, and carbon? A multi-country analysis of heating and cooling practices in office buildings." Energy Research & Social Science 61 (2020) 101344.
. "Comparison of MPC Formulations for Building Control under Commercial Time-of-Use Tariffs." IEEE PowerTech Milan 2019. 2019.
. "Practical factors of envelope model setup and their effects on the performance of model predictive control for building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems." Applied Energy 236 (2019) 410 - 425.
. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.
. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.
. "Bidirectional low temperature district energy systems with agent-based control: Performance comparison and operation optimization." Applied Energy 209 (2018). 2001090.
. "A critical review on questionnaire surveys in the field of energy-related occupant behaviour." Energy Efficiency (2018) 1-21.
. "Human-building interaction at work: Findings from an interdisciplinary cross-country survey in Italy." Building and Environment 132 (2018).
. "A Library of Building Occupant Behaviour Models Represented in a Standardised Schema." Energy Efficiency (2018).
. "When Data Analytics Meet Site Operation: Benefits and Challenges." 2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. 2018.
. "Dynamic equation-based thermo-hydraulic pipe model for district heating and cooling systems." Energy Conversion and Management 151 (2017). 2001049.
. "Energy saving potential of a two-pipe system for simultaneous heating and cooling of office buildings." Energy and Buildings 134 (2017) 234 - 247.
. "MPCPy: An Open-Source Software Platform for Model Predictive Control in Buildings." Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation 2017. San Francisco, 2017. LBNL-2001226.
. . Small and Medium Building Efficiency Toolkit and Community Demonstration Program. 2017. LBNL-2001054.
. "Smart Building Management vs. Intuitive Human Control — Lessons learnt from an office building in Hungary." Building Simulation 10.6 (2017) 811-828.
. . "Equation-based languages – A new paradigm for building energy modeling, simulation and optimization." Energy and Buildings 117 (2015) 290-300. LBNL-1003383.
. "Comparison of Building Energy Use Data Between the United States and China." Energy and Buildings 78 (2014) 165-175. LBNL-6669E.
. Building Energy Monitoring and Analysis. 2013. LBNL-6640E.
. . "Application of a stochastic window use model in EnergyPlus." SimBuild 2012, 5th National Conference of IBPSA-USA, August 1-3, 2012. Madison, WI, 2012.