Philip Haves

Philip Haves
(510) 295-9941
Philip Haves is the retired Leader of the Simulation Research Group. He has worked on different aspects of commercial buildings since 1986, with particular interests in simulation and in building operations. He is a Fellow of ASHRAE, the chair of its Technical Committee on Energy Calculations and a former Chair of its Technical Committee on Building Operation Dynamics. He is the immediate past president of IBPSA-USA, the US affiliate of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. He has a BA in Physics from Oxford University and a PhD in Radio Astronomy from Manchester University.
Related Projects
"BACnet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference 2011: p. 294-301. LBNL-5446E. .
BacNet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Testbed. 2011. LBNL-5446E. .
"Development of a user interface for the EnergyPlus whole building energy simulation program." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. Sydney, Australia, 2011. .
"Modeling and simulation of HVAC faults in EnergyPlus." Building Simulation 2011. Australia, 2011. .
"Real-time Building Energy Simulation using EnergyPlus and the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed." Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference 2011: p. 2890-2896. LBNL-5390E. .
"SimModel: A domain data model for whole building energy simulation." IBPSA Building Simulation 2011. 2011. LBNL-5566E. .
"Automated Continuous Commissioning of Commercial Buildings." DoD SERDP-ESTCP Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop 2010. LBNL-5734E. .
"Model Predictive Control of Thermal Energy Storage in Building Cooling Systems." American Control Conference 2010. .
"Development and Testing of Model Predictive Control for a Campus Chilled Water Plant with Thermal Storage." 2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, USA: Omnipress, 2010. .
"Modeling and Measurement Constraints in Fault Diagnostics for HVAC Systems." ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Controls (2010). .