Philip Haves

Philip Haves
(510) 295-9941
Philip Haves is the retired Leader of the Simulation Research Group. He has worked on different aspects of commercial buildings since 1986, with particular interests in simulation and in building operations. He is a Fellow of ASHRAE, the chair of its Technical Committee on Energy Calculations and a former Chair of its Technical Committee on Building Operation Dynamics. He is the immediate past president of IBPSA-USA, the US affiliate of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. He has a BA in Physics from Oxford University and a PhD in Radio Astronomy from Manchester University.
Related Projects
"OpenBuildingControl: Modeling Feedback Control as a Step Towards Formal Design, Specification, Deployment and Verification of Building Control Sequences." 2018 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA. Chicago, IL, 2018. .
"Development of Automated Procedures to Generate Reference Building Models for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and India’s Building Energy Code and Implementation in OpenStudio." Building Simulation 2017. San Francisco, CA, 2017. LBNL-2001052. .
"Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings." 2015. LBNL-1005070E. .
Development of Diagnostic and Measurement and Verification Tools for Commercial Buildings. California Energy Commission, 2014. LBNL-188324. .
"A framework for simulation-based real-time whole building performance assessment." Building and Environment 54 (2012) 100-108. 0360-1323. .
"An Improved Simple Chilled Water Cooling Coil Model." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6031E. .
"Application of a stochastic window use model in EnergyPlus." SimBuild 2012, 5th National Conference of IBPSA-USA, August 1-3, 2012. Madison, WI, 2012. .
"The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in VAV System for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012. Madison, Wisconsin, 2012. .
"Mapping Hvac Systems for Simulation In EnergyPlus." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. Madison, WI, USA, 2012. LBNL-5565E. .
"The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in Vav Systems for Commercial Office Buildings." SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference. 2012. LBNL-6032E. .