
Collection of functions and records derived from the C++ Spice library


This package contains all function, parameters and data of semiconductor models, that are transformed from SPICE3 into Modelica. The models of the package semiconductors access to repository models. This package should not be used via direct access by a user of the Spice-Library for Modelica. It is restricted to the development.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.ModelcardMOS ModelcardMOS Record with technological parameters (.model)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS2 MOS2 Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.ModelcardMOS2 ModelcardMOS2 Record with technological parameters (.model)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.BJT BJT Bipolar junction transistor
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.ModelcardBJT ModelcardBJT Record with technological parameters (.model)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.DIODE DIODE Diode model
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.ModelcardDIODE ModelcardDIODE Record with technological parameters (.model)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.R_SEMI R_SEMI Semiconductor resistor
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.ModelcardR ModelcardR Record with technological parameters (.model)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.SpiceConstants SpiceConstants General constants of SPICE simulator
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions Functions Equations for semiconductor calculation
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.SpiceRoot SpiceRoot Basic records and functions
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Model Model Device Temperature
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mosfet Mosfet Functions and records for Mosfets
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos Mos Records and functions for Mosfets level 1,2,3,6
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos1 Mos1 Records and functions for Mosfets level 1
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2 Mos2 Records and functions for Mosfets level 2
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Diode Diode Records and functions for diode model
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Rsemiconductor Rsemiconductor Records and functions for semiconductor resistor model
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Bjt3 Bjt3 Records and functions for bjt model

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS

Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor



MOSFET model, both N and P channel, LEVEL 1: Shichman-Hodges

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


Integermtype MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
LengthL1e-4Length [m]
LengthW1e-4Width [m]
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion [m2]
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion [m2]
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction [m]
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction [m]
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet [V]
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device [degC]
ModelcardMOSmodelcard MOSFET modelcard


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Modelica definition

model MOS "Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor"

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin G "gate node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin D "drain node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin S "source node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin B "bulk node";

  parameter Integer mtype(start = 0) 
    "MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel";
  parameter SI.Length L =  1e-4 "Length";
  parameter SI.Length W =  1e-4 "Width";
  parameter SI.Area AD = 0 "Area of the drain diffusion";
  parameter SI.Area AS = 0 "Area of the source diffusion";
  parameter SI.Length PD =  0 "Perimeter of the drain junction";
  parameter SI.Length PS =  0 "Perimeter of the source junction";
  parameter Real NRD = 1 "Number of squares of the drain diffusions";
  parameter Real NRS = 1 "Number of squares of the source diffusions";
  parameter Integer OFF = 0 
    "Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Voltage IC( start = -1e40) 
    "Initial condition values, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Temp_C TEMP = 27 "Operating temperature of the device";

  parameter ModelcardMOS modelcard "MOSFET modelcard";
  SpiceConstants C "General constants of SPICE simulator";
  final parameter Mos1.Mos1ModelLineParams p = Mos1.mos1RenameParameters(modelcard, C) 
    "Model line parameters";
  final parameter Mosfet.Mosfet m = Mos1.mos1RenameParametersDev(
    TEMP) "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Integer m_type = if (m.m_bPMOS > 0.5) then -1 else 1 
    "Type of the transistor";
  final parameter Mos.MosModelLineVariables vp = Mos1.mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquations(
        m_type) "Model line variables";
  final parameter Mos1.Mos1Calc c1 = Mos.mosCalcInitEquations(
        m) "Precalculated parameters";
  final parameter Mos1.Mos1Calc c2 = Mos.mosCalcCalcTempDependencies(
        m_type) "Precalculated parameters";

  Mos.CurrrentsCapacitances cc;

  constant Boolean m_bInit = false;

  Real Dinternal;  //internal drain node
  Real Sinternal;  //internal source node
  Real ird;
  Real irs;
  Real ibdgmin;
  Real ibsgmin;

  Real icBD;
  Real icBS;
  Real icGB;
  Real icGS;
  Real icGD;
  SI.Voltage vDS "Drain - source voltage";
  SI.Voltage vGS "Gate - source voltage";

  assert( NRD <> 0, "NRD, length of drain in squares, must not be zero");
  assert( NRS <> 0, "NRS, length of source in squares, must not be zero");

  vDS = D.v - S.v;
  vGS = G.v - S.v;

  cc = Mos.mosCalcNoBypassCode(
    {G.v, B.v, Dinternal, Sinternal});

  // drain- and sourceresistances
  // ----------------------------
  ird * c1.m_drainResistance = (D.v - Dinternal);
  irs * p.m_sourceResistance = (S.v - Sinternal);

  // capacitances
  // ------------

   icBD = cc.cBD * (der(B.v) - der(Dinternal));
   icBS = cc.cBS * (der(B.v) - der(Sinternal));
   icGB = cc.cGB * (der(G.v) - der(B.v));
   icGD = cc.cGD * (der(G.v) - der(Dinternal));
   icGS = cc.cGS * (der(G.v) - der(Sinternal));

  // currents
  // --------
   ibsgmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin * (B.v - Sinternal);
   ibdgmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin * (B.v - Dinternal);
  G.i = icGB + icGD + icGS;
  B.i = cc.iBD + cc.iBS + ibdgmin + ibsgmin - icGB + icBD + icBS;
  D.i = ird;
  S.i = irs;

//currentsum at inner node
  0    = -ird + cc.idrain - cc.iBD - ibdgmin - icGD - icBD;
  0    = -irs - cc.idrain - cc.iBS - ibsgmin - icGS - icBS;

end MOS;


Record with technological parameters (.model)


Modelcard parameters for MOSFET model, both N and P channel, LEVEL 1: Shichman-Hodges

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


VoltageVTO-1e40Zero-bias threshold voltage, default 0 [V]
TransconductanceKP-1e40Transconductance parameter, default 2e-5 [A/V2]
RealGAMMA-1e40Bulk threshold parameter, default 0
VoltagePHI-1e40Surface potential, default 0.6 [V]
InversePotentialLAMBDA0Channel-length modulation, default 0 [1/V]
ResistanceRD-1e40Drain ohmic resistance, default 0 [Ohm]
ResistanceRS-1e40Source ohmic resistance, default 0 [Ohm]
CapacitanceCBD-1e40Zero-bias B-D junction capacitance, default 0 [F]
CapacitanceCBS-1e40Zero-bias B-S junction capacitance, default 0 [F]
CurrentIS1.e-14Bulk junction saturation current [A]
VoltagePB0.8Bulk junction potential [V]
PermittivityCGSO0.0Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
PermittivityCGDO0.0Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
PermittivityCGBO0.0Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
ResistanceRSH0.0Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance [Ohm]
CapacitancePerAreaCJ0.0Zero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area [F/m2]
RealMJ0.5Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient
PermittivityCJSW0.0Zero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter [F/m]
RealMJSW0.5Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient
CurrentDensityJS0.0Bulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area [A/m2]
LengthTOX-1e40Oxide thickness, default 1e-7 [m]
RealNSUB-1e40Substrate doping, default 0
PerArea_cmNSS0.0Surface state density [1/cm2]
RealTPG1.0Type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate
LengthLD0.0Lateral diffusion [m]
Area_cmPerVoltageSecondUO600Surface mobility [cm2/(V.s)]
RealKF0Flicker noise coefficient
RealAF1.0Flicker noise exponent
RealFC0.5Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula
Temp_CTNOM-1e40Parameter measurement temperature, default 27 [degC]

Modelica definition

record ModelcardMOS "Record with technological parameters (.model)"

  parameter SI.Voltage VTO=-1e40 "Zero-bias threshold voltage, default 0";
  parameter SI.Transconductance KP=-1e40 
    "Transconductance parameter, default 2e-5";
  parameter Real GAMMA=-1e40 "Bulk threshold parameter, default 0";
  parameter SI.Voltage PHI=-1e40 "Surface potential, default 0.6";
  parameter SI.InversePotential LAMBDA=0 "Channel-length modulation, default 0";
  parameter SI.Resistance RD=-1e40 "Drain ohmic resistance, default 0";
  parameter SI.Resistance RS=-1e40 "Source ohmic resistance, default 0";
  parameter SI.Capacitance CBD=-1e40 
    "Zero-bias B-D junction capacitance, default 0";
  parameter SI.Capacitance CBS=-1e40 
    "Zero-bias B-S junction capacitance, default 0";
  parameter SI.Current IS=1.e-14 "Bulk junction saturation current";
  parameter SI.Voltage PB=0.8 "Bulk junction potential";
  parameter SI.Permittivity CGSO=0.0 
    "Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width";
  parameter SI.Permittivity CGDO=0.0 
    "Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width";
  parameter SI.Permittivity CGBO=0.0 
    "Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width";
  parameter SI.Resistance RSH=0.0 "Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance";
  parameter SI.CapacitancePerArea CJ=0.0 
    "Zero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area";
  parameter Real MJ=0.5 "Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient";
  parameter SI.Permittivity CJSW=0.0 
    "Zero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter";
  parameter Real MJSW=0.5 "Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient";
  parameter SI.CurrentDensity JS=0.0 
    "Bulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area";
  parameter SI.Length TOX=-1e40 "Oxide thickness, default 1e-7";
  parameter Real NSUB=-1e40 "Substrate doping, default 0";
  parameter SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.PerArea_cm NSS=0.0 
    "Surface state density";
  parameter Real TPG=1.0 
    "Type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate";
  parameter SI.Length LD=0.0 "Lateral diffusion";
  parameter SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.Area_cmPerVoltageSecond UO=600 
    "Surface mobility";
  parameter Real KF=0 "Flicker noise coefficient";
  parameter Real AF=1.0 "Flicker noise exponent";
  parameter Real FC=0.5 
    "Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula";
  parameter SI.Temp_C TNOM=-1e40 
    "Parameter measurement temperature, default 27";
  constant Integer LEVEL=1 "Model level: Shichman-Hodges";

end ModelcardMOS;

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS2 Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.MOS2

Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor



MOSFET model, both N and P channel, LEVEL 2

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


Integermtype MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel
LengthL1e-4Length [m]
LengthW1e-4Width [m]
AreaAD0Area of the drain diffusion [m2]
AreaAS0Area of the source diffusion [m2]
LengthPD0Perimeter of the drain junction [m]
LengthPS0Perimeter of the source junction [m]
RealNRD1Number of squares of the drain diffusions
RealNRS1Number of squares of the source diffusions
IntegerOFF0Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet [V]
RealTEMP27Operating temperature of the device
ModelcardMOS2modelcard MOSFET modelcard
SpiceConstantsC General constants of SPICE simulator


PositivePinGgate node
PositivePinDdrain node
NegativePinSsource node
PositivePinBbulk node

Modelica definition

model MOS2 "Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor"

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin G "gate node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin D "drain node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin S "source node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin B "bulk node";

  parameter Integer mtype(start = 0) 
    "MOSFET type: 0 - N channel, 1 - P channel";
  parameter SI.Length L = 1e-4 "Length";
  parameter SI.Length W = 1e-4 "Width";
  parameter SI.Area AD = 0 "Area of the drain diffusion";
  parameter SI.Area AS = 0 "Area of the source diffusion";
  parameter SI.Length PD = 0 "Perimeter of the drain junction";
  parameter SI.Length PS = 0 "Perimeter of the source junction";
  parameter Real NRD = 1 "Number of squares of the drain diffusions";
  parameter Real NRS = 1 "Number of squares of the source diffusions";
  parameter Integer OFF = 0 
    "Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Voltage IC( start = -1e40) 
    "Initial condition values, not implemented yet";
  parameter Real TEMP = 27 "Operating temperature of the device";

  Real MOScapgd = qm.qm_capgd;
  Real MOScapgs = qm.qm_capgs;
  Real MOScapgb = qm.qm_capgb;

  parameter ModelcardMOS2 modelcard "MOSFET modelcard";
  constant SpiceConstants C "General constants of SPICE simulator";
  final parameter Mos2.Mos2ModelLineParams p=Mos2.mos2RenameParameters(
        modelcard, C) "Model line parameters";
  final parameter Mosfet.Mosfet m=Mos2.mos2RenameParametersDev(
          TEMP) "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Integer m_type = if (m.m_bPMOS > 0.5) then -1 else 1 
    "Type of the transistor";
  final parameter Mos2.Mos2ModelLineVariables vp=
          m_type) "Model line variables";
  final parameter Mos2.Mos2Calc c1=Mos.mos2CalcInitEquations(
          m) "Precalculated parameters";
  final parameter Mos2.Mos2Calc c2=Mos.mos2CalcCalcTempDependencies(
          m_type) "Precalculated parameters";
  Mos.DEVqmeyer qm;
  Mos.CurrrentsCapacitances cc;

  constant Boolean m_bInit = false;

  Real Dinternal;
  Real Sinternal;
  Real ird;
  Real irs;
  Real ibdgmin;
  Real ibsgmin;

  Real icBD;
  Real icBS;
  Real icGB;
  Real icGS;
  Real icGD;

  Real icqmGB;
  Real icqmGS;
  Real icqmGD;
  SI.Voltage vDS "Drain - source voltage";
  SI.Voltage vGS "Gate - source voltage";

  assert( NRD <> 0, "NRD, length of drain in squares, must not be zero");
  assert( NRS <> 0, "NRS, length of source in squares, must not be zero");

  vDS = D.v - S.v;
  vGS = G.v - S.v;

    (cc,qm) = Mos.mos2CalcNoBypassCode(

  // drain- and sourceresistances
  // ----------------------------
  ird * c1.m_drainResistance  = (D.v - Dinternal);
  irs * p.m_sourceResistance =  (S.v - Sinternal);

  // capacitances
  // ------------

  icBD = cc.cBD * (der(B.v) - der(Dinternal));
  icBS = cc.cBS * (der(B.v) - der(Sinternal));
  icGB = cc.cGB * (der(G.v) - der(B.v));
  icGD = cc.cGD * (der(G.v) - der(Dinternal));
  icGS = cc.cGS * (der(G.v) - der(Sinternal));

  icqmGB = qm.qm_capgb*(der(G.v) - der(B.v));
  icqmGS = qm.qm_capgs*(der(G.v) - der(Sinternal));
  icqmGD = qm.qm_capgd*(der(G.v) - der(Dinternal));

  // currents
  // --------
    ibsgmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin*(B.v - Sinternal);
    ibdgmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin*(B.v - Dinternal);
  G.i =  icGB + icGD + icGS + icqmGB + icqmGD + icqmGS;
  B.i = cc.iBD + cc.iBS+ ibdgmin + ibsgmin -icGB + icBD + icBS - icqmGB;
  D.i = ird;
  S.i = irs;

//currentsum at inner node
  0    = -ird + cc.idrain - cc.iBD - ibdgmin - icGD - icBD  - icqmGD;
  0    = -irs - cc.idrain - cc.iBS - ibsgmin - icGS - icBS  - icqmGS;

end MOS2;


Record with technological parameters (.model)


Modelcard parameters for MOSFET model, both N and P channel, LEVEL 2

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.

Extends from ModelcardMOS (Record with technological parameters (.model)).


VoltageVTO-1e40Zero-bias threshold voltage, default 0 [V]
TransconductanceKP-1e40Transconductance parameter, default 2e-5 [A/V2]
RealGAMMA-1e40Bulk threshold parameter, default 0
VoltagePHI-1e40Surface potential, default 0.6 [V]
InversePotentialLAMBDA0Channel-length modulation, default 0 [1/V]
ResistanceRD-1e40Drain ohmic resistance, default 0 [Ohm]
ResistanceRS-1e40Source ohmic resistance, default 0 [Ohm]
CapacitanceCBD-1e40Zero-bias B-D junction capacitance, default 0 [F]
CapacitanceCBS-1e40Zero-bias B-S junction capacitance, default 0 [F]
CurrentIS1.e-14Bulk junction saturation current [A]
VoltagePB0.8Bulk junction potential [V]
PermittivityCGSO0.0Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
PermittivityCGDO0.0Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
PermittivityCGBO0.0Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width [F/m]
ResistanceRSH0.0Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance [Ohm]
CapacitancePerAreaCJ0.0Zero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area [F/m2]
RealMJ0.5Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient
PermittivityCJSW0.0Zero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter [F/m]
RealMJSW0.33Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient
CurrentDensityJS0.0Bulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area [A/m2]
LengthTOX-1e40Oxide thickness, default 1e-7 [m]
RealNSUB-1e40Substrate doping, default 0
PerArea_cmNSS0.0Surface state density [1/cm2]
RealTPG1.0Type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate
LengthLD0.0Lateral diffusion [m]
Area_cmPerVoltageSecondUO600Surface mobility [cm2/(V.s)]
RealKF0Flicker noise coefficient
RealAF1.0Flicker noise exponent
RealFC0.5Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula
Temp_CTNOM-1e40Parameter measurement temperature, default 27 [degC]
RealNFS0.0Fast surface state density
RealXJ0.0Metallurgiecal junction depth
RealUCRIT1.e4Critical field for mobility degradation (MOS2 only)
RealUEXP0.0Critical field exponent in mobility degradation (MOS2 only)
RealVMAX0.0Maximum drift velocity of carries
RealNEFF1.0Total channel charge (fixed and mobile) coefficient (MOS2 only)
RealDELTA0.0Width effect on theshold voltage

Modelica definition

record ModelcardMOS2 "Record with technological parameters (.model)"
extends ModelcardMOS(MJSW=0.33);

  parameter Real NFS=0.0 "Fast surface state density";
  parameter Real XJ=0.0 "Metallurgiecal junction depth";
  parameter Real UCRIT=1.e4 
    "Critical field for mobility degradation (MOS2 only)";
  parameter Real UEXP=0.0 
    "Critical field exponent in mobility degradation (MOS2 only)";
  parameter Real VMAX=0.0 "Maximum drift velocity of carries";
  parameter Real NEFF=1.0 
    "Total channel charge (fixed and mobile) coefficient (MOS2 only)";
  parameter Real DELTA=0.0 "Width effect on theshold voltage";

end ModelcardMOS2;

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.BJT Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.BJT

Bipolar junction transistor



Bibpolar junction transistor model

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


RealTBJT Type of transistor (NPN=1, PNP=-1)
RealAREA1.0Area factor
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC_VCE Initial condition value (VBE, not implemented yet [V]
VoltageIC_VBE Initial condition value (VBC, not implemented yet [V]
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device [degC]
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseFlag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet
ModelcardBJTmodelcard BJT modelcard
SpiceConstantsCon General constants of SPICE simulator


PositivePinBBase node
PositivePinCCollector node
NegativePinEEmitter node

Modelica definition

model BJT "Bipolar junction transistor"

  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin B "Base node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin C "Collector node";
  Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin E "Emitter node";

  parameter Real TBJT( start = 1) "Type of transistor (NPN=1, PNP=-1)";
  parameter Real AREA = 1.0 "Area factor";
  parameter Boolean OFF = false 
    "Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Voltage IC_VCE( start = -1e40) 
    "Initial condition value (VBE, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Voltage IC_VBE( start = -1e40) 
    "Initial condition value (VBC, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Temp_C TEMP = 27 "Operating temperature of the device";
  parameter Boolean SENS_AREA = false 
    "Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet";

  parameter ModelcardBJT modelcard "BJT modelcard";

  final parameter Bjt3.BjtModelLineParams p=Bjt3.bjtRenameParameters(modelcard,
      Con) "Model line parameters";
  constant SpiceConstants Con "General constants of SPICE simulator";
  final parameter Bjt3.Bjt p1=Bjt3.bjtRenameParametersDev(
          SENS_AREA) "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Model.Model m=Bjt3.bjtRenameParametersDevTemp(TEMP) 
    "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Bjt3.BjtModelLineParams p2=Bjt3.bjtRenameParametersType(TBJT);
  final parameter Bjt3.BjtModelLineVariables vl=
      Bjt3.bjtModelLineInitEquations(p) "Model line variables";
  final parameter Bjt3.Bjt3Calc c=Bjt3.bjt3CalcTempDependencies(
          vl) "Precalculated parameters";
  final parameter Bjt3.BjtVariables v=Bjt3.bjtInitEquations(
          vl) "Precalculated parameters";

  constant Boolean m_bInit = false;
  Bjt3.CurrentsCapacitances cc;
  Real Cinternal;    //inner collector node
  Real Binternal;    //inner base node
  Real Einternal;    //inner emitter node
  Real irc;
  Real ire;
  Real irb;
  Real ibcgmin;
  Real ibegmin;
  Real capbe;
  Real icapbe;
  Real capbc;
  Real icapbc;
  Real capbx;
  Real icapbx;
  SI.Voltage vBE "Base - emitter voltage";
  SI.Voltage vCE "Collector - emitter voltage";
  SI.Voltage vBC "Base - collector voltage";

  vBE = B.v - E.v;
  vCE = C.v - E.v;
  vBC = B.v - C.v;

   (cc,capbe,capbc,capbx) = Bjt3.bjtNoBypassCode(

      //currents through capacitances
     icapbe = if (m_bInit) then 0.0 else capbe*(der(Binternal) - der(Einternal));
     icapbc = if (m_bInit) then 0.0 else capbc*(der(Binternal) - der(Cinternal));
     icapbx = if (m_bInit) then 0.0 else capbx*(der(B.v) - der(Cinternal));
     irc * p.m_collectorResist = (C.v - Cinternal);
     ire * p.m_emitterResist = (E.v -Einternal);
     irb * p.m_baseResist = (B.v - Binternal);

    ibcgmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin * (Binternal - Cinternal);
    ibegmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin * (Binternal - Einternal);
    C.i = irc;
    E.i = ire;
    B.i = irb + icapbx;
    //current sum at inner nodes
    0 =  ibcgmin + irc -cc.iCC + cc.iBCN + cc.iBC + icapbc + icapbx;  //current sum for inner node Cinternal
    0 =  ibegmin + ire + cc.iCC + cc.iBEN + cc.iBE + icapbe;          //current sum for inner node Einternal
    0 = - ibcgmin - ibegmin + irb - cc.iBC - cc.iBE - cc.iBCN - cc.iBEN -icapbc - icapbe; //current sum for inner node Binternal

end BJT;


Record with technological parameters (.model)


Modelcard parameters for BJT model, both PNP and NPN

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


Temp_CTNOM-1e40Parameter measurement temperature, default 27 [degC]
CurrentIS1e-16Transport saturation current [A]
RealBF100.00Ideal maximum forward beta F
RealNF1.0Forward current emission coefficientF
RealNE1.5B-E leakage emission coefficient
CurrentISE-1e40B-E leakage saturation current, default = 0 [A]
CurrentISC-1e40B-C leakage saturation current, default = 0 [A]
RealBR1.0Ideal maximum reverse beta
RealNR1.0Reverse current emission coefficient
RealNC2.0B-C leakage emission coefficient
VoltageVAF0.0Forward Early voltage [V]
CurrentIKF0.0Forward beta roll-off corner current [A]
VoltageVAR0.0Reverse Early voltage [V]
CurrentIKR0.0Reverse beta roll-off corner current [A]
ResistanceRE0.0Emitter resistance [Ohm]
ResistanceRC0.0Collector resistance [Ohm]
CurrentIRB0.0Current for base resistance = (rb+rbm)/2 [A]
ResistanceRB0.0Zero bias base resistance [Ohm]
ResistanceRBM-1e40Minimum base resistance, default = 0.0 [Ohm]
CapacitanceCJE0.0Zero bias B-E depletion capacitance [F]
VoltageVJE0.75B-E built in potential [V]
RealMJE0.33B-E junction exponential faktor
TimeTF0.0Ideal forward transit time [s]
RealXTF0.0Coefficient for bias dependence of TF
CurrentITF0.0High current dependence of TF, [A]
VoltageVTF0.0Voltage giving VBC dependence of TF [V]
Temp_CPTF0.0Excess phase at freq=1/(TF*2*Pi) Hz [degC]
CapacitanceCJC0.0Zero bias B-C depletion capacitance [F]
VoltageVJC0.75 B-C built in potential [V]
RealMJC0.33B-C junction grading coefficient
RealXCJC1.0Fraction of B-C cap to internal base
TimeTR0.0Ideal reverse transit time [s]
CapacitanceCJS0.0Zero bias C-S capacitance [F]
VoltageVJS0.75Substrate junction built-in potential [V]
RealMJS0.0Substrate junction grading coefficient
RealXTB0.0Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent
GapEnergyEG1.11Energy gap for IS temperature effect on IS [eV]
RealXTI3.0Temperature exponent for IS
RealKF0.0Flicker Noise Coefficient
RealAF1.0Flicker Noise Exponent
RealFC0.5Forward bias junction fit parameter

Modelica definition

record ModelcardBJT "Record with technological parameters (.model)"

  parameter SI.Temp_C TNOM = -1e40 
    "Parameter measurement temperature, default 27";
  parameter SI.Current IS = 1e-16 "Transport saturation current";
  parameter Real BF = 100.00 "Ideal maximum forward beta F";
  parameter Real NF = 1.0 "Forward current emission coefficientF";
  parameter Real NE = 1.5 "B-E leakage emission coefficient ";
  parameter SI.Current ISE = -1e40 
    "B-E leakage saturation current, default = 0";
  constant Real C2 =  -1e40 "Obsolete parameter name, default = 0";
  parameter SI.Current ISC = -1e40 
    "B-C leakage saturation current, default = 0";
  constant Real C4 =   -1e40 "Obsolete parameter name, default = 0";
  parameter Real BR = 1.0 "Ideal maximum reverse beta";
  parameter Real NR = 1.0 "Reverse current emission coefficient ";
  parameter Real NC = 2.0 "B-C leakage emission coefficient";
  parameter SI.Voltage VAF = 0.0 "Forward Early voltage";
  parameter SI.Current IKF = 0.0 "Forward beta roll-off corner current";
  parameter SI.Voltage VAR = 0.0 "Reverse Early voltage";
  parameter SI.Current IKR = 0.0 "Reverse beta roll-off corner current";
  parameter SI.Resistance RE = 0.0 "Emitter resistance";
  parameter SI.Resistance RC = 0.0 "Collector resistance";
  parameter SI.Current IRB = 0.0 "Current for base resistance = (rb+rbm)/2";
  parameter SI.Resistance RB = 0.0 "Zero bias base resistance";
  parameter SI.Resistance RBM = -1e40 "Minimum base resistance, default = 0.0";
  parameter SI.Capacitance CJE = 0.0 "Zero bias B-E depletion capacitance";
  parameter SI.Voltage VJE = 0.75 "B-E built in potential";
  parameter Real MJE = 0.33 "B-E junction exponential faktor";
  parameter SI.Time TF = 0.0 "Ideal forward transit time";
  parameter Real XTF = 0.0 "Coefficient for bias dependence of TF ";
  parameter SI.Current ITF = 0.0 "High current dependence of TF,";
  parameter SI.Voltage VTF = 0.0 "Voltage giving VBC dependence of TF";
  parameter SI.Temp_C PTF = 0.0 "Excess phase at freq=1/(TF*2*Pi) Hz";
  parameter SI.Capacitance CJC = 0.0 "Zero bias B-C depletion capacitance";
  parameter SI.Voltage VJC = 0.75 " B-C built in potential";
  parameter Real MJC = 0.33 "B-C junction grading coefficient";
  parameter Real XCJC = 1.0 "Fraction of B-C cap to internal base";
  parameter SI.Time TR = 0.0 "Ideal reverse transit time";
  parameter SI.Capacitance CJS = 0.0 "Zero bias C-S capacitance ";
  parameter SI.Voltage VJS = 0.75 "Substrate junction built-in potential ";
  parameter Real MJS = 0.0 "Substrate junction grading coefficient ";
  parameter Real XTB = 0.0 "Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent ";
  parameter SI.GapEnergy EG = 1.11 
    "Energy gap for IS temperature effect on IS ";
  parameter Real XTI = 3.0 "Temperature exponent for IS";
  parameter Real KF = 0.0 "Flicker Noise Coefficient ";
  parameter Real AF = 1.0 "Flicker Noise Exponent ";
  parameter Real FC = 0.5 "Forward bias junction fit parameter";

end ModelcardBJT;

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.DIODE Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.DIODE

Diode model



DIODE model

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.TwoPin (Component with two electrical pins).


RealAREA1Area factor
BooleanOFFfalseOptional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet
VoltageIC Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet [V]
Temp_CTEMP27Operating temperature of the device [degC]
BooleanSENS_AREA Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet
ModelcardDIODEmodelcarddiode DIODE modelcard


PositivePinpPositive pin Positive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model DIODE "Diode model"

  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.TwoPin;

  parameter Real AREA = 1 "Area factor";
  parameter Boolean OFF = false 
    "Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Voltage IC( start = -1e40) 
    "Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet";
  parameter SI.Temp_C TEMP = 27 "Operating temperature of the device";
  parameter Boolean SENS_AREA( start = false) 
    "Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet";

  parameter ModelcardDIODE modelcarddiode "DIODE modelcard";
  SpiceConstants C "General constants of SPICE simulator";
  final parameter Diode.DiodeModelLineParams param=
       Diode.diodeRenameParameters(modelcarddiode, C) "Model line parameters";
  final parameter Diode.DiodeParams dp=Diode.diodeRenameParametersDev(
          SENS_AREA) "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Model.Model m=Diode.diodeRenameParametersDevTemp(TEMP) 
    "Renamed parameters";
  final parameter Diode.DiodeVariables c1=Diode.diodeInitEquations(param) 
    "Precalculated values";
  final parameter Diode.DiodeCalc c2=Diode.diodeCalcTempDependencies(
          c1) "Precalculated values";
  constant Boolean m_mbInit = false;

  Diode.CurrentsCapacitances cc;
  Real icap;
  Real m_dCap;
  Real pin;
  Real ir;
  Real igmin;

   (cc,m_dCap) = Diode.diodeNoBypassCode(

  //current through capacitance
  icap = if (m_mbInit) then 0.0 else m_dCap*(der(pin)-der(n.v));
    ir*param.m_resist = (p.v - pin);

   igmin = SpiceConstants.CKTgmin*(pin - n.v);

  p.i =  ir;
  n.i =  -(cc.m_dCurrent +igmin) -icap;

//currentsum at inner node
  0 =  -ir + cc.m_dCurrent + igmin +icap;

end DIODE;


Record with technological parameters (.model)


Modelcard parameters for DIODE model

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


CurrentIS1e-14Saturation Current [A]
ResistanceRS0.0Ohmic resistance [Ohm]
RealN1.0Emission coefficient
TimeTT0.0Transit time [s]
CapacitanceCJO0.0Junction capacitance [F]
VoltageVJ1.0Junction Potential [V]
RealM0.5Grading coefficient
ActivationEnergyEG1.11Activation Energy [eV]
RealXTI3.0Saturation current temperature exponent
RealFC0.5Forward bias junction fit parameter
VoltageBV-1e40Reverse breakdown voltage, default infinity [V]
CurrentIBV1e-3Current at reverse breakdown voltage [A]
Temp_CTNOM27Parameter measurement temperature [degC]
RealKF0.0Flicker noise coefficient
RealAF1.0Flicker noise exponent
ConductanceG0Ohmic conductance [S]

Modelica definition

record ModelcardDIODE "Record with technological parameters (.model)"
 parameter SI.Current IS=1e-14 "Saturation Current";
 parameter SI.Resistance RS=0.0 "Ohmic resistance";
 parameter Real N=1.0 "Emission coefficient";
 parameter SI.Time TT=0.0 "Transit time";
 parameter SI.Capacitance CJO=0.0 "Junction capacitance";
 parameter SI.Voltage VJ=1.0 "Junction Potential";
 parameter Real M=0.5 "Grading coefficient";
 parameter SI.ActivationEnergy EG=1.11 "Activation Energy";
 parameter Real XTI=3.0 "Saturation current temperature exponent";
 parameter Real FC=0.5 "Forward bias junction fit parameter";
 parameter SI.Voltage BV=-1e40 "Reverse breakdown voltage, default infinity";
 parameter SI.Current IBV=1e-3 "Current at reverse breakdown voltage";
 parameter SI.Temp_C TNOM=27 "Parameter measurement temperature";
 parameter Real KF=0.0 "Flicker noise coefficient";
 parameter Real AF=1.0 "Flicker noise exponent";
 parameter SI.Conductance G=0 "Ohmic conductance";
end ModelcardDIODE;

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.R_SEMI Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.R_SEMI

Semiconductor resistor



Semiconductor resistance model

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n).


ResistanceR-1e40Resistance, if specified, geometrical information is overwritten [Ohm]
Temp_CTEMP-1e40Temperature of resistor [degC]
LengthL-1e40Lenght of the resistor [m]
LengthW-1e40Width of the resistor, default DEFW (modelcard) [m]
BooleanSENS_AREAfalseParameter for sensitivity analyses, not implemented yet
ModelcardRmodelcard Resistor modelcard


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model R_SEMI "Semiconductor resistor"

  extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance R= -1e40 
    "Resistance, if specified, geometrical information is overwritten";
  parameter SI.Temp_C TEMP = -1e40 "Temperature of resistor";
  parameter SI.Length L = -1e40 "Lenght of the resistor";
  parameter SI.Length W = -1e40 
    "Width of the resistor, default DEFW (modelcard)";
  parameter Boolean SENS_AREA= false 
    "Parameter for sensitivity analyses, not implemented yet";
  parameter ModelcardR modelcard "Resistor modelcard";
  SpiceConstants C "General constants of SPICE simulator";
  final parameter Rsemiconductor.ResistorModelLineParams lp=
      Rsemiconductor.resistorRenameParameters(modelcard, C) 
    "Model Line Parameters";
  final parameter Rsemiconductor.ResistorParams rp=
          C) "Renamed parameters";

    Rsemiconductor.ResistorVariables vp;

  vp := Rsemiconductor.resistorInitEquations(rp, lp);

  (vp.m_dConduct,vp.m_dCond_dTemp) :=

 i :=vp.m_dConduct*v;

end R_SEMI;


Record with technological parameters (.model)


Modelcard parameters for semiconductor resistance model

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.


FirstOrderTemperaturCoefficientTC10.0First order temperature coefficient [Ohm/degC]
SecondOrderTemperaturCoefficientTC20.0In Ohm/(deg C*deg C), Second2 order temperature coefficient [Ohm/degC2]
ResistanceRSH-1e40Sheet resistance [Ohm]
Temp_CTNOM-1e40Parameter measurement temperature, default 27 [degC]
LengthDEFW1e-5Default device width [m]
LengthNARROW0Narrowing of resistor due to side etching [m]

Modelica definition

record ModelcardR "Record with technological parameters (.model)"
 parameter SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.FirstOrderTemperaturCoefficient TC1 =        0.0 
    "First order temperature coefficient";
 parameter SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.SecondOrderTemperaturCoefficient TC2 =               0.0 
    "In Ohm/(deg C*deg C), Second2 order temperature coefficient";
 parameter SI.Resistance RSH = -1e40 "Sheet resistance";
 parameter SI.Temp_C TNOM = -1e40 
    "Parameter measurement temperature, default 27";
 parameter SI.Length DEFW = 1e-5 "Default device width";
 parameter SI.Length NARROW = 0 "Narrowing of resistor due to side etching";
end ModelcardR;


General constants of SPICE simulator


General constants used by SPICE

The package Repository is not for user access. There all function, records and data are stored, that are needed for the semiconductor models of the package Semiconductors.

Modelica definition

record SpiceConstants "General constants of SPICE simulator"
  constant Real EPSSIL =     (11.7 * 8.854214871e-12);
  constant Real EPSOX =      3.453133e-11;
  constant SI.Charge CHARGE =     (1.6021918e-19);
  constant SI.Temp_K CONSTCtoK =  (273.15);
  constant SI.Temp_K REFTEMP =    300.15;  /* 27 deg C */

  constant Real CONSTroot2 =  sqrt(2.0);
  constant Real CONSTvt0(   final unit= "(J/K)/(A.s)") = Modelica.Constants.k * Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_degC(27)  / CHARGE; // deg C
  constant Real CONSTKoverQ(  final unit= "(J/K)/(A.s)")= Modelica.Constants.k / CHARGE;
  constant Real CONSTe =      exp(1.0);

  // options

  constant SI.Conductance CKTgmin =         1e-12;
  constant SI.Temp_K CKTnomTemp =      300.15;
  constant SI.Temp_K CKTtemp =         300.15;
  constant SI.Area CKTdefaultMosAD = 0.0;
  constant SI.Area CKTdefaultMosAS = 0.0;
  constant SI.Length CKTdefaultMosL =  100e-6;
  constant SI.Length CKTdefaultMosW =  100e-6;
  constant Real CKTreltol =       1e-10;
  constant Real CKTabstol =       1e-15;
  constant Real CKTvolttol =      1e-10;
  constant Real CKTtemptol =      1e-3;
end SpiceConstants;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:29:46 2010.