
Records and functions for Mosfets level 2


This package Mos2 contains functions and records with data of the mosfet model level 2.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.Mos2ModelLineParams Mos2ModelLineParams Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 2)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.Mos2ModelLineVariables Mos2ModelLineVariables Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 2)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.Mos2Calc Mos2Calc Further mosfet variables (for level 2)
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations Initial precalculation
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.drainCur drainCur Drain current calculation
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParameters mos2RenameParameters Parameter renaming to internal names
Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mos2.mos2RenameParametersDev mos2RenameParametersDev Device parameter renaming to internal names


Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 2)


This record Mos1ModelLineParams contains the model line parameters that are used for the mosfet transistors level 2 in SPICE3.

Extends from Mos.MosModelLineParams (Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 1, 2, 3 and 6)).


Realm_jctSatCurDensity.start0.0JS, Bulk jct. sat. current density, input - use tSatCurDens
Resistancem_sheetResistance.start0.0RSH, Sheet resistance [Ohm]
Realm_bulkJctPotential.start0.8PB, Bulk junction potential, input - use tBulkPot
Realm_bulkJctBotGradingCoeff.start0.5MJ, Bottom grading coefficient
Realm_bulkJctSideGradingCoeff.start0.33MJSW, Side grading coefficient
Realm_oxideThickness.start1.0e-7TOX, Oxide thickness unit: micron
Realm_gateSourceOverlapCapFactor.start0.0CGS0, Gate-source overlap cap
Realm_gateDrainOverlapCapFactor.start0.0 CGD0, Gate-drain overlap cap
Realm_gateBulkOverlapCapFactor.start0.0CGB0, Gate-bulk overlap cap
Realm_fNcoef.start0.0KF, Flicker noise coefficient
Realm_fNexp.start1.0AF, Flicker noise exponent
Voltagem_vt0.start0.0VTO, Threshold voltage [V]
Capacitancem_capBD.start0.0CBD, B-D junction capacitance [F]
Capacitancem_capBS.start0.0CBS, B-S junction capacitance [F]
CapacitancePerAream_bulkCapFactor.start0.0CJ, Bottom junction cap per area [F/m2]
Permittivitym_sideWallCapFactor.start0.0CJSW, Side grading coefficient [F/m]
Realm_fwdCapDepCoeff.start0.5FC, Forward bias jct. fit parm.
Voltagem_phi.start0.6PHI, Surface potential [V]
Voltagem_gamma.start0.0GAMMA, Bulk threshold parameter [V]
InversePotentialm_lambda.start0.0Channel-length modulation [1/V]
Realm_substrateDoping.start0.0NSUB, Substrate doping
Realm_gateType.start1.0TPG, Gate type
PerArea_cmm_surfaceStateDensity.start0.0NSS, Gate type [1/cm2]
Area_cmPerVoltageSecondm_surfaceMobility.start600.0UO, Surface mobility [cm2/(V.s)]
Lengthm_latDiff.start0.0LD, Lateral diffusion [m]
Currentm_jctSatCur.start1.0e-14IS, Bulk junction sat. current [A]
Resistancem_drainResistance.start0RD, Drain ohmic resistance [Ohm]
Resistancem_sourceResistance.start0RS, Source ohmic resistance [Ohm]
Transconductancem_transconductance.start2.0e-5input - use tTransconductance [A/V2]

Modelica definition

record Mos2ModelLineParams 
  "Record for Mosfet model line parameters (for level 2)"
  extends Mos.MosModelLineParams(

  Real m_narrowFactor( start = 0.0) "DELTA, Width effect on threshold";
  Real m_critFieldExp( start = 0.0) "UEXP, Crit. field exp for mob. deg";
  Real m_critField( start = 1.0e4) "UCRIT, Crit. field for mob. degradation";
  Real m_maxDriftVel( start = 0.0) "VMAX, Maximum carrier drift velocity";
  Real m_junctionDepth( start = 0.0) "XJ, Junction depth";
  Modelica.SIunits.Charge m_channelCharge( start = 1.0) 
    "NEFF, Total channel charge coeff";
  Real m_fastSurfaceStateDensity( start = 0.0) 
    "NFS, Fast surface state density";

end Mos2ModelLineParams;


Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 2)


This record MosModelLineVariables contains the model line variables that are used for the mosfet transistors level 2 SPICE3.

Extends from Mos.MosModelLineVariables (Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 1)).

Modelica definition

record Mos2ModelLineVariables 
  "Record for Mosfet model line variables (for level 2)"
  extends Mos.MosModelLineVariables;

  Real m_bulkCapFactor;
  Real m_substrateDoping;
  Real m_xd;

end Mos2ModelLineVariables;


Further mosfet variables (for level 2)


This record Mos1Calc contains further mosfet variables (for level 2) that are needed for the calculations.

Extends from Mos.MosCalc (Further mosfet variables (for level 1, 2, 3 and 6)).



Modelica definition

record Mos2Calc "Further mosfet variables (for level 2)"
  extends Mos.MosCalc;

end Mos2Calc;


Initial precalculation


This function mos1ModelLineParamsInitEquation does the initial precalculation of the mosfet model line parameters for level 2.


Mos2ModelLineParamsin_p Input record model line parameters for MOS2
SpiceConstantsin_C Spice constants
Integerin_m_type Type of MOS transistor


Mos2ModelLineVariablesout_vOutput record with model line variables

Modelica definition

function mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations "Initial precalculation"

  input Mos2ModelLineParams in_p "Input record model line parameters for MOS2";
  input SpiceConstants in_C "Spice constants";
  input Integer in_m_type "Type of MOS transistor";

  output Mos2ModelLineVariables out_v "Output record with model line variables";

  Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vtnom;
  Modelica.SIunits.Voltage fermis;
  Real fermig;
  Real wkfng;
  Real wkfngs;
  Real egfet1;
  Real vfb;

  out_v.m_oxideCapFactor   := in_p.m_oxideCapFactor;
  out_v.m_transconductance := in_p.m_transconductance;
  out_v.m_phi              := in_p.m_phi;
  out_v.m_gamma            := in_p.m_gamma;
  out_v.m_vt0              := in_p.m_vt0;
  out_v.m_substrateDoping  := in_p.m_substrateDoping;
  out_v.m_bulkCapFactor    := in_p.m_bulkCapFactor;

  vtnom                  := in_p.m_tnom * in_C.CONSTKoverQ;
  egfet1                 := 1.16 - (7.02e-4 * in_p.m_tnom * in_p.m_tnom) / (in_p.m_tnom + 1108);
  out_v.m_oxideCapFactor := 3.9 * 8.854214871e-12 / in_p.m_oxideThickness;

  if ( not (in_p.m_transconductanceIsGiven > 0.5)) then
    out_v.m_transconductance := in_p.m_surfaceMobility * 1.0e-4 * out_v.m_oxideCapFactor;
  end if;

  if  (in_p.m_substrateDopingIsGiven > 0.5) then
    if ( out_v.m_substrateDoping * 1.0e6 > 1.45e16) then
      if ( not (in_p.m_phiIsGiven > 0.5)) then
        out_v.m_phi := 2 * vtnom * Modelica.Math.log( out_v.m_substrateDoping * 1.0e6 / 1.45e16);
        out_v.m_phi := max( 0.1, out_v.m_phi);
      end if;
      fermis := in_m_type * 0.5 * out_v.m_phi;
      wkfng  := 3.2;
      if ( in_p.m_gateType <> 0) then
        fermig := in_m_type * in_p.m_gateType * 0.5 * egfet1;
        wkfng  := 3.25 + 0.5 * egfet1 - fermig;
      end if;
      wkfngs := wkfng - (3.25 + 0.5 * egfet1 + fermis);
      if ( not (in_p.m_gammaIsGiven > 0.5)) then
        out_v.m_gamma := sqrt(2.0 * 11.70 * 8.854214871e-12 * in_C.CHARGE * out_v.m_substrateDoping
                           * 1.0e6) / out_v.m_oxideCapFactor;
      end if;
      if ( not (in_p.m_vtOIsGiven > 0.5)) then
        vfb         := wkfngs - in_p.m_surfaceStateDensity * 1.0e4 * in_C.CHARGE / out_v.m_oxideCapFactor;
        out_v.m_vt0 := vfb + in_m_type * (out_v.m_gamma * sqrt(out_v.m_phi)+ out_v.m_phi);
        vfb        := out_v.m_vt0 - in_m_type * (out_v.m_gamma * sqrt(out_v.m_phi) + out_v.m_phi);
      end if;
      out_v.m_xd := sqrt( (in_C.EPSSIL + in_C.EPSSIL) / (in_C.CHARGE * out_v.m_substrateDoping * 1.0e6));
      out_v.m_substrateDoping := 0.0;
    end if;
  end if;

  if ( not (in_p.m_bulkCapFactorIsGiven > 0.5)) then
    out_v.m_bulkCapFactor := sqrt( in_C.EPSSIL * in_C.CHARGE * out_v.m_substrateDoping
                              * 1e6 /(2 * in_p.m_bulkJctPotential));
  end if;

end mos2ModelLineParamsInitEquations;


Drain current calculation


This function drainCur calculates the main currents that flows from drain node to source node (level 2).


Voltagevbs [V]
Voltagevgs [V]
Voltagevds [V]
Mosfetin_m Record mosfet
Mos2Calcin_c Input record Mos2Calc
Mos2ModelLineParamsin_p Input record model line parameters for MOS2
SpiceConstantsin_C Spice constants
Mos2ModelLineVariablesin_vp Input record model line variables
Integerin_m_type Type of MOS transistor


Mos2Calcout_cOutput record Mos2Calc

Modelica definition

function drainCur "Drain current calculation"

   input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vbs;
   input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vgs;
   input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vds;

   input Mosfet.Mosfet in_m "Record mosfet";
   input Mos2Calc in_c "Input record Mos2Calc";
   input Mos2ModelLineParams in_p "Input record model line parameters for MOS2";
   input SpiceConstants in_C "Spice constants";
   input Mos2ModelLineVariables in_vp "Input record model line variables";
   input Integer in_m_type "Type of MOS transistor";

   output Mos2Calc out_c "Output record Mos2Calc";

  Real vt;      // K * T / Q
  Real beta1;
  Real dsrgdb;
  Real d2sdb2;
  Real sphi = 0.0;
  Real sphi3 = 1.0;    // square root of phi
  Real barg;
  Real sarg;
  Real bsarg = 0.0;
  Real sarg3;
  Real d2bdb2;
  Real factor;
  Real dbrgdb;
  Real eta;
  Real vbin;
  Real vth;
  Real dgddb2;
  Real dgddvb;
  Real dgdvds;
  Real gamasd;
  Real gammad;
  Real xn =   1.0;
  Real argg = 0.0;
  Real vgst;
  Real vgsx;
  Real dgdvbs;
  Real body;
  Real bodys = 0.0;
  Real gdbdv;
  Real dodvbs;
  Real dodvds = 0.0;
  Real dxndvd = 0.0;
  Real dxndvb = 0.0;
  Real dudvgs;
  Real dudvds;
  Real dudvbs;
  Real ufact;
  Real ueff;
  Real dsdvgs;
  Real dsdvbs;
  Real dbsrdb;
  Real gdbdvs = 0.0;
  Real dldvgs;
  Real dldvds;
  Real dldvbs;
  Real clfact;
  Real xleff;
  Real deltal;
  Real xwb;
  Real xld;
  Real xlamda = in_p.m_lambda;
  Real phiMinVbs;
  Real tmp;

  Real argss;
  Real argsd;
  Real args = 0.0;
  Real argd = 0.0;
  Real argxs = 0.0;
  Real argxd = 0.0;
  Real dbargs;
  Real dbargd;
  Real dbxws;
  Real dbxwd;
  Real xwd;
  Real xws;
  Real daddb2;
  Real dasdb2;
  Real ddxwd;
  Real cfs;
  Real cdonco;
  Real argv;
  Real gammd2;
  Real arg;
  Real y3;
  Real xvalid = 0.0;
  Real[4] sig1;
  Real[4] sig2;
  Real[4] a4;
  Real[4] b4;
  Real[8] x4;
  Real[8] poly4;
  Real delta4;
  Integer j;
  Integer iknt = 0;
  Integer i;
  Integer jknt = 0;
  Real v1;
  Real v2;
  Real xv;
  Real a1;
  Real b1;
  Real c1;
  Real d1;
  Real b2;
  Real r1;
  Real s1;
  Real s2;
  Real p1;
  Real p0;
  Real p2;
  Real a3;
  Real b3;
  Real sargv;
  Real dldsat;
  Real xlfact;
  Real xdv;
  Real xlv;
  Real vqchan;
  Real dqdsat;
  Real vl;
  Real dfunds;
  Real dfundg;
  Real dfundb;
  Real xls;
  Real dfact;
  Real vdson;
  Real cdson;
  Real gdson;
  Real didvds;
  Real gmw;
  Real gbson;
  Real expg;

   out_c := in_c;

  vt := in_C.CONSTKoverQ * in_C.REFTEMP;

  phiMinVbs := out_c.m_tPhi - vbs;
  if ( vbs <= 0.0) then
    sarg   := sqrt( phiMinVbs);
    dsrgdb := -0.5 / sarg;
    d2sdb2 := 0.5 * dsrgdb / phiMinVbs;
    sphi   :=sqrt(out_c.m_tPhi);
    sphi3  :=out_c.m_tPhi*sphi;
    sarg   :=sphi/(1.0 + 0.5*vbs/out_c.m_tPhi);
    tmp    :=sarg/sphi3;
    dsrgdb :=-0.5*sarg*tmp;
    d2sdb2 :=-dsrgdb*tmp;
  end if;

  if ( (vds-vbs) >= 0) then
    barg   := sqrt( phiMinVbs + vds);
    dbrgdb := -0.5 / barg;
    d2bdb2 := 0.5 * dbrgdb / (phiMinVbs + vds);
    barg   := sphi / (1.0 + 0.5 * (vbs - vds) / out_c.m_tPhi);
    tmp    := barg / sphi3;
    dbrgdb := -0.5 * barg * tmp;
    d2bdb2 := -dbrgdb * tmp;
  end if;

  factor := 0.125 * in_p.m_narrowFactor * 2.0 * Modelica.Constants.pi*in_C.EPSSIL / out_c.m_capOx * out_c.m_lEff;

  eta    := 1.0 + factor;
  vbin   := out_c.m_tVbi * in_m_type + factor * phiMinVbs;
  if ( (in_vp.m_gamma > 0.0) or (in_vp.m_substrateDoping > 0.0)) then
    xwd := in_vp.m_xd * barg;
    xws := in_vp.m_xd * sarg;

    argss  := 0.0;
    argsd  := 0.0;
    dbargs := 0.0;
    dbargd := 0.0;
    dgdvds := 0.0;
    dgddb2 := 0.0;
    if ( in_p.m_junctionDepth > 0) then
      tmp   := 2.0 / in_p.m_junctionDepth;
      argxs := 1.0 + xws * tmp;
      argxd := 1.0 + xwd * tmp;
      args  := sqrt( argxs);
      argd  := sqrt( argxd);
      tmp   := 0.5 * in_p.m_junctionDepth / out_c.m_lEff;
      argss := tmp * (args - 1.0);
      argsd := tmp * (argd - 1.0);
    end if;
    gamasd := in_vp.m_gamma * (1.0 - argss - argsd);
    dbxwd  := in_vp.m_xd * dbrgdb;
    dbxws  := in_vp.m_xd * dsrgdb;
    if ( in_p.m_junctionDepth > 0) then
      tmp    := 0.5 / out_c.m_lEff;
      dbargs := tmp * dbxws / args;
      dbargd := tmp * dbxwd / argd;
      dasdb2 := -in_vp.m_xd * (d2sdb2 + dsrgdb * dsrgdb * in_vp.m_xd
                / (in_p.m_junctionDepth * argxs)) / (out_c.m_lEff * args);
      daddb2 := -in_vp.m_xd * (d2bdb2 + dbrgdb * dbrgdb * in_vp.m_xd
                / (in_p.m_junctionDepth * argxd))
                / (out_c.m_lEff * argd);
      dgddb2 := -0.5 * in_vp.m_gamma * (dasdb2 + daddb2);
    end if;
    dgddvb := -in_vp.m_gamma * (dbargs + dbargd);
    if ( in_p.m_junctionDepth > 0) then
      ddxwd  := -dbxwd;
      dgdvds := -in_vp.m_gamma * 0.5 * ddxwd / (out_c.m_lEff * argd);
    end if;
    gamasd := in_vp.m_gamma;
    gammad := in_vp.m_gamma;
    dgddvb := 0.0;
    dgdvds := 0.0;
    dgddb2 := 0.0;
  end if;

  out_c.m_von   := vbin + gamasd * sarg;
  vth           := out_c.m_von;
  out_c.m_vdsat := 0.0;
  if ( in_p.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity <> 0.0 and out_c.m_capOx <> 0.0) then
    cfs          := in_C.CHARGE * in_p.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity * 1.0e4;
    cdonco       := -(gamasd * dsrgdb + dgddvb * sarg) + factor;
    xn           := 1.0 + cfs / out_c.m_capOx * in_m.m_width * out_c.m_lEff + cdonco;
    tmp          := vt * xn;
    out_c.m_von  := out_c.m_von + tmp;
    argg         := 1.0 / tmp;
    vgst         := vgs - out_c.m_von;
    vgst := vgs - out_c.m_von;
    if ( vgs <= out_c.m_von) then
      // cutoff region
      out_c.m_gds    := 0.0;
      out_c.m_cdrain := 0.0;
      out_c.m_gm     := 0.0;
      out_c.m_gmbs   := 0.0;
    end if;
  end if;

  sarg3  := sarg * sarg * sarg;
  gammad := gamasd;
  dgdvbs := dgddvb;
  body   := barg * barg * barg - sarg3;
  gdbdv  := 2.0 * gammad * (barg * barg * dbrgdb - sarg * sarg * dsrgdb);
  dodvbs := -factor + dgdvbs * sarg + gammad * dsrgdb;

  if ( (in_p.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity <> 0.0) and (out_c.m_capOx <> 0.0)) then
    dxndvb := 2.0 * dgdvbs * dsrgdb + gammad * d2sdb2 + dgddb2 * sarg;
    dodvbs := dodvbs + vt * dxndvb;
    dxndvd := dgdvds * dsrgdb;
    dodvds := dgdvds * sarg + vt * dxndvd;
  end if;

  // evaluate effective mobility and its derivatives
  ufact  := 1.0;
  ueff   := in_p.m_surfaceMobility * 1e-4;
  dudvgs := 0.0;
  dudvds := 0.0;
  dudvbs := 0.0;
  if (out_c.m_capOx > 0.0) then
    tmp := in_p.m_critField * in_C.EPSSIL * 100 / in_vp.m_oxideCapFactor;
    if (vgst > tmp) then
      ufact  := exp( in_p.m_critFieldExp * Modelica.Math.log( tmp / vgst));
      ueff   := in_p.m_surfaceMobility * 1.0e-4 * ufact;
      dudvgs := -ufact * in_p.m_critFieldExp / vgst;
      dudvds := 0.0;
      dudvbs := in_p.m_critFieldExp * ufact * dodvbs / vgst;
    end if;
  end if;

  // evaluate saturation voltage and its derivatives according to
  // grove-frohman equation
  vgsx   := vgs;
  gammad := gamasd / eta;
  dgdvbs := dgddvb;
  if (in_p.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity <> 0 and out_c.m_capOx <> 0) then
    vgsx := max( vgs, out_c.m_von);
  end if;
  if (gammad > 0) then
    gammd2 := gammad * gammad;
    argv   := (vgsx - vbin) / eta + phiMinVbs;
    if (argv <= 0.0) then
      out_c.m_vdsat := 0.0;
      dsdvgs        := 0.0;
      dsdvbs        := 0.0;
      arg           := sqrt( 1.0 + 4.0 * argv / gammd2);
      out_c.m_vdsat := (vgsx - vbin) / eta + gammd2 * (1.0 - arg) / 2.0;
      out_c.m_vdsat := max( out_c.m_vdsat, 0.0);
      dsdvgs        := (1.0 - 1.0 / arg) / eta;
      dsdvbs        := (gammad * (1.0 - arg) + 2.0 * argv / (gammad * arg))
                       / eta * dgdvbs + 1.0 / arg + factor * dsdvgs;
    end if;
    out_c.m_vdsat := (vgsx - vbin) / eta;
    out_c.m_vdsat := max( out_c.m_vdsat, 0.0);
    dsdvgs        := 1.0;
    dsdvbs        := 0.0;
  end if;

  if (in_p.m_maxDriftVel > 0) then
    // evaluate saturation voltage and its derivatives
    // according to baum's theory of scattering velocity saturation
    v1 := (vgsx - vbin) / eta + phiMinVbs;
    v2 := phiMinVbs;
    xv := in_p.m_maxDriftVel * out_c.m_lEff / ueff;
    a1 := gammad / 0.75;
    b1 := -2.0 * (v1 + xv);
    c1 := -2.0 * gammad * xv;
    d1 := 2.0 * v1 * (v2 + xv) - v2 * v2 - 4.0 / 3.0 * gammad * sarg3;
    b2 := a1 * c1 - 4.0 * d1;
    r1 := -b1 * b1 / 3.0 + b2;
    s1 := 2.0 * b1 * b1 * (-b1) / 27.0 + b1 * b2 / 3.0 + (-d1) * (a1 * a1 - 4.0 * b1) - c1 * c1;
    s2 := s1 * s1;
    p1 := s2 / 4.0 + r1 * r1 * r1 / 27.0;
    p0 := abs( p1);
    p2 := sqrt( p0);

    sig1[1] :=  1.0;
    sig1[2] := -1.0;
    sig1[3] :=  1.0;
    sig1[4] := -1.0;
    sig2[1] :=  1.0;
    sig2[2] :=  1.0;
    sig2[3] := -1.0;
    sig2[4] := -1.0;

    if (p1 < 0) then
      y3 := 2.0 * exp( Modelica.Math.log( sqrt( s2 / 4.0 + p0)) / 3.0)
            * cos( Modelica.Math.atan( -2.0 * p2 / s1) / 3.0) + b1 / 3.0;
      y3 := exp( Modelica.Math.log( abs( -s1 / 2.0 + p2)) / 3.0)
            + exp( Modelica.Math.log( abs( -s1 / 2.0 - p2)) / 3.0)
            + b1 / 3.0;
    end if;

    a3 := sqrt( a1 * a1 / 4.0 - b1 + y3);
    b3 := sqrt( y3 * y3 / 4.0 - d1);

    for i in 1:4 loop
      a4[i]  := a1/2.0+sig1[i]*a3;
      b4[i]  := y3/2.0+sig2[i]*b3;
      delta4 := a4[i]*a4[i]/4.0-b4[i];
      if (delta4 >= 0) then
        iknt     := iknt+1;
        tmp      := sqrt(delta4);
        x4[iknt] := -a4[i]/2.0+tmp;
        iknt     := iknt+1;
        x4[iknt] := -a4[i]/2.0-tmp;
      end if;
    end for;
    jknt := 0;
    for j in 1:iknt loop
      if (x4[j] > 0) then
        poly4[j] := x4[j]*x4[j]*x4[j]*x4[j]+a1*x4[j]*x4[j]*x4[j];
        poly4[j] := poly4[j]+b1*x4[j]*x4[j]+c1*x4[j]+d1;
        if (abs(poly4[j]) <= 1.0e-6) then
          jknt := jknt+1;
          if (jknt <= 1) then
            xvalid := x4[j];
          end if;
          if (x4[j] <= xvalid) then
            xvalid := x4[j];
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end for;

    if (jknt > 0) then
      out_c.m_vdsat := xvalid * xvalid - phiMinVbs;
    end if;
  end if;

  // evaluate effective channel length and its derivatives
  dldvgs := 0.0;
  dldvds := 0.0;
  dldvbs := 0.0;
  if (vds <> 0.0) then
    gammad :=gamasd;
    if ((vbs - out_c.m_vdsat) <= 0) then
      bsarg  := sqrt(out_c.m_vdsat + phiMinVbs);
      dbsrdb := -0.5 / bsarg;
      bsarg  :=sphi/(1.0 + 0.5*(vbs - out_c.m_vdsat)/out_c.m_tPhi);
      dbsrdb :=-0.5*bsarg*bsarg/sphi3;
    end if;
    bodys  := bsarg * bsarg * bsarg - sarg3;
    gdbdvs := 2.0 * gammad * (bsarg * bsarg * dbsrdb - sarg * sarg * dsrgdb);
    if (in_p.m_maxDriftVel <= 0) then
      if (in_vp.m_substrateDoping <> 0.0 and (xlamda <= 0.0)) then
        argv   := (vds - out_c.m_vdsat) / 4.0;
        sargv  := sqrt(1.0 + argv * argv);
        arg    := sqrt(argv + sargv);
        xlfact := in_vp.m_xd / (out_c.m_lEff * vds);
        xlamda := xlfact * arg;
        dldsat := vds * xlamda / (8.0 * sargv);

        dldvgs := dldsat * dsdvgs;
        dldvds := -xlamda + dldsat;
        dldvbs := dldsat * dsdvbs;
      end if;
      argv   := (vgsx - vbin) / eta - out_c.m_vdsat;
      xdv    := in_vp.m_xd / sqrt(in_p.m_channelCharge);
      xlv    := in_p.m_maxDriftVel * xdv / (2.0 * ueff);
      vqchan := argv - gammad * bsarg;
      dqdsat := -1.0 + gammad * dbsrdb;
      vl     := in_p.m_maxDriftVel *out_c. m_lEff;
      dfunds := vl * dqdsat - ueff * vqchan;
      dfundg := (vl - ueff * out_c.m_vdsat) / eta;
      dfundb := -vl * (1.0 + dqdsat - factor / eta) + ueff *
         (gdbdvs - dgdvbs * bodys / 1.5) / eta;
      dsdvgs := -dfundg / dfunds;
      dsdvbs := -dfundb / dfunds;
      if ((in_vp.m_substrateDoping <> 0.0) and (xlamda <= 0.0)) then
        argv   := vds - out_c.m_vdsat;
        argv   := max(argv,0.0);
        xls    := sqrt(xlv * xlv + argv);
        dldsat := xdv / (2.0 * xls);
        xlfact := xdv / (out_c.m_lEff * vds);
        xlamda := xlfact * (xls - xlv);
        dldsat := dldsat / out_c.m_lEff;

        dldvgs := dldsat * dsdvgs;
        dldvds := -xlamda + dldsat;
        dldvbs := dldsat * dsdvbs;
      end if;
    end if;
  end if;

  // limit channel shortening at punch-through
  xwb    :=in_vp.m_xd*sqrt(out_c.m_tBulkPot);
  xld    :=out_c.m_lEff - xwb;
  clfact :=1.0 - xlamda*vds;
  dldvds :=-xlamda - dldvds;
  xleff  :=out_c.m_lEff*clfact;
  deltal :=xlamda*vds*out_c.m_lEff;
  if (in_vp.m_substrateDoping == 0.0) then
    xwb := 0.25e-6;
  end if;
  if (xleff < xwb) then
    xleff  := xwb / (1.0 + (deltal - xld) / xwb);
    clfact := xleff / out_c.m_lEff;
    dfact  := xleff * xleff / (xwb * xwb);
    dldvgs := dfact * dldvgs;
    dldvds := dfact * dldvds;
    dldvbs := dfact * dldvbs;
  end if;

  // evaluate effective beta (effective kp)
  beta1 := out_c.m_Beta * ufact / clfact;

  // test for mode of operation and branch appropriately
  gammad := gamasd;
  dgdvbs := dgddvb;
  if (vds <= 1.0e-10) then
    if (vgs <= out_c.m_von) then
      if ((in_p.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity == 0.0) or (out_c.m_capOx == 0.0)) then
        out_c.m_gds := 0.0;
        out_c.m_gds := beta1 * (out_c.m_von - vbin - gammad * sarg) * exp(argg * (vgs - out_c.m_von));
      end if;
      out_c.m_gds :=beta1*(vgs - vbin - gammad*sarg);
    end if;
    out_c.m_cdrain :=0.0;
    out_c.m_gm     :=0.0;
    out_c.m_gmbs   :=0.0;
  end if;

  if (vgs <= out_c.m_von) then
    // subthreshold region
    if (out_c.m_vdsat <= 0) then
      out_c.m_gds    := 0.0;
      if (vgs > vth) then
      end if;
      out_c.m_cdrain := 0.0;
      out_c.m_gm     := 0.0;
      out_c.m_gmbs   := 0.0;
    end if;
    vdson := min(out_c.m_vdsat, vds);
    if (vds > out_c.m_vdsat) then
      barg   := bsarg;
      dbrgdb := dbsrdb;
      body   := bodys;
      gdbdv  := gdbdvs;
    end if;
    cdson  := beta1 * ((out_c.m_von - vbin - eta * vdson * 0.5) * vdson - gammad * body / 1.5);
    didvds := beta1 * (out_c.m_von - vbin - eta * vdson - gammad * barg);
    gdson  := -cdson * dldvds / clfact - beta1 * dgdvds * body / 1.5;
    if (vds < out_c.m_vdsat) then
      gdson := gdson + didvds;
    end if;
    gbson := -cdson * dldvbs / clfact + beta1 *
             (dodvbs * vdson + factor * vdson - dgdvbs * body / 1.5 - gdbdv);
    if (vds > out_c.m_vdsat) then
      gbson := gbson + didvds * dsdvbs;
    end if;
    expg           := exp(argg * (vgs - out_c.m_von));
    out_c.m_cdrain := cdson * expg;
    gmw            := out_c.m_cdrain * argg;
    out_c.m_gm     := gmw;
    if (vds > out_c.m_vdsat) then
      out_c.m_gm := gmw + didvds * dsdvgs * expg;
    end if;
    tmp          := gmw * (vgs - out_c.m_von) / xn;
    out_c.m_gds  := gdson * expg - out_c.m_gm * dodvds - tmp * dxndvd;
    out_c.m_gmbs := gbson * expg - out_c.m_gm * dodvbs - tmp * dxndvb;
  elseif (vds <= out_c.m_vdsat) then
    // linear region
    out_c.m_cdrain := beta1 * ((vgs - vbin - eta * vds / 2.0) * vds - gammad * body / 1.5);
    arg            := out_c.m_cdrain * (dudvgs / ufact - dldvgs / clfact);
    out_c.m_gm     := arg + beta1 * vds;
    arg            := out_c.m_cdrain * (dudvds / ufact - dldvds / clfact);
    out_c.m_gds    := arg + beta1 * (vgs - vbin - eta *
                      vds - gammad * barg - dgdvds * body / 1.5);
    arg            := out_c.m_cdrain * (dudvbs / ufact - dldvbs / clfact);
    out_c.m_gmbs   := arg - beta1 * (gdbdv + dgdvbs * body / 1.5 - factor * vds);
    // saturation region
    out_c.m_cdrain := beta1 * ((vgs - vbin - eta *
                     out_c.m_vdsat / 2.0) * out_c.m_vdsat - gammad * bodys / 1.5);
    arg            := out_c.m_cdrain * (dudvgs / ufact - dldvgs / clfact);
    out_c.m_gm     := arg + beta1 * out_c.m_vdsat
                     + beta1 * (vgs - vbin - eta * out_c.m_vdsat - gammad * bsarg) * dsdvgs;
    out_c.m_gds    := -out_c.m_cdrain * dldvds / clfact - beta1 * dgdvds * bodys / 1.5;
    arg            := out_c.m_cdrain * (dudvbs / ufact - dldvbs / clfact);
    out_c.m_gmbs   := arg - beta1 * (gdbdvs + dgdvbs * bodys / 1.5 - factor * out_c.m_vdsat)
                     + beta1 *  (vgs - vbin - eta * out_c.m_vdsat - gammad * bsarg) * dsdvbs;
  end if;

end drainCur;


Parameter renaming to internal names


This function mos2RenameParameters assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., RD) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_drainResistance). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 2).


ModelcardMOS2ex Modelcard with technologie parameters
SpiceConstantscon Spice constants


Mos2ModelLineParamsinternOutput record model line parameters

Modelica definition

function mos2RenameParameters "Parameter renaming to internal names"

  input ModelcardMOS2 ex "Modelcard with technologie parameters";
  input SpiceConstants con "Spice constants";

  output Mos2ModelLineParams intern "Output record model line parameters";

   intern.m_narrowFactor := ex.DELTA;           // DELTA, Width effect on threshold
   intern.m_critFieldExp := ex.UEXP;            // UEXP, Crit. field exp for mob. deg
   intern.m_critField := ex.UCRIT;              // UCRIT, Crit. field for mob. degradation
   intern.m_maxDriftVel := ex.VMAX;             // VMAX, Maximum carrier drift velocity
   intern.m_junctionDepth := ex.XJ;             // XJ, Junction depth
   intern.m_channelCharge := ex.NEFF;           // NEFF, Total channel charge coeff
   intern.m_fastSurfaceStateDensity := ex.NFS;  // NFS, Fast surface state density

   intern.m_oxideCapFactor := 0;

    intern.m_vtOIsGiven := if          (ex.VTO > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_vt0 := if         (ex.VTO > -1e40) then ex.VTO else 0;

    intern.m_capBDIsGiven := if          (ex.CBD > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_capBD := if         (ex.CBD > -1e40) then ex.CBD else 0;

    intern.m_capBSIsGiven := if          (ex.CBS > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_capBS := if         (ex.CBS > -1e40) then ex.CBS else 0;

    intern.m_bulkCapFactor := ex.CJ;           // F/(m*m) zero-bias bulk junction bottom cap. per sq-meter of junction area (default 0)
    intern.m_sideWallCapFactor := ex.CJSW;     // F/m zero-bias junction sidewall cap. per meter of junction perimeter (default 0)
    intern.m_fwdCapDepCoeff := ex.FC;          // coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula (default 0.5)

    intern.m_phiIsGiven := if          (ex.PHI > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_phi := if         (ex.PHI > -1e40) then ex.PHI else 0.6;

    intern.m_gammaIsGiven := if          (ex.GAMMA > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_gamma := if         (ex.GAMMA > -1e40) then ex.GAMMA else 0;

    intern.m_lambda := ex.LAMBDA;              // 1/V channel-length modulation (default 0)

    intern.m_substrateDopingIsGiven := if          (ex.NSUB > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_substrateDoping := if         (ex.NSUB > -1e40) then ex.NSUB else 0;

    intern.m_gateType := ex.TPG;               // type of gate material: +1 opp. to substrate, -1 same as substrate, 0 Al gate (default 1)
    intern.m_surfaceStateDensity := ex.NSS;    // 1/(cm*cm) surface state density (default 0)
    intern.m_surfaceMobility := ex.UO;         // (cm*cm)/(Vs) surface mobility (default 600)
    intern.m_latDiff := ex.LD;                 // m lateral diffusion (default 0)
    intern.m_jctSatCur := ex.IS;               // A bulk junction saturation current (defaul 1e-14)

    intern.m_drainResistanceIsGiven := if 
                                         (ex.RD > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_drainResistance := if 
                                 (ex.RD > -1e40) then ex.RD else 0;

          intern.m_sourceResistanceIsGiven := if 
                                         (ex.RS > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_sourceResistance := if 
                                 (ex.RS > -1e40) then ex.RS else 0;

    intern.m_transconductanceIsGiven := if          (ex.KP > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    intern.m_transconductance := if         (ex.KP > -1e40) then ex.KP else 2e-5;

  intern.m_tnom := if (ex.TNOM > -1e40) then ex.TNOM + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK else 

   intern.m_jctSatCurDensity := ex.JS;             // A/(m*m) bulk junction saturation current per sq-meter of junction area (default 0)
   intern.m_sheetResistance := ex.RSH;             // Ohm drain and source diffusion sheet resistance (default 0)
   intern.m_bulkJctPotential := ex.PB;             // V bulk junction potential (default 0.8)
   intern.m_bulkJctBotGradingCoeff := ex.MJ;       // bulk junction bottom grading coeff. (default 0.5)
   intern.m_bulkJctSideGradingCoeff := ex.MJSW;    // bulk junction sidewall grading coeff. (default 0.5)

   intern.m_oxideThickness := ex.TOX;              // m oxide thickness (default 1e-7)

   intern.m_oxideThicknessIsGiven := if          (ex.TOX > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
   intern.m_oxideThickness := if         (ex.TOX > -1e40) then ex.TOX else 1e-7;

   intern.m_gateSourceOverlapCapFactor := ex.CGSO; // F/m gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width (default 0)
   intern.m_gateDrainOverlapCapFactor := ex.CGDO;  // F/m gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width (default 0)
   intern.m_gateBulkOverlapCapFactor := ex.CGBO;   // F/m gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel width (default 0)
   intern.m_fNcoef := ex.KF;                       // flicker-noise coefficient (default 0)
   intern.m_fNexp := ex.AF;                        // flicker-noise exponent (default 1)

end mos2RenameParameters;


Device parameter renaming to internal names


This function mos2RenameParameters assigns the external (given by the user) device parameters to the internal parameters. It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values (level 2).


LengthW Width of channel region [m]
LengthL Length of channel region [m]
AreaAD Area of drain diffusion [m2]
AreaAS Area of source diffusion [m2]
LengthPD Drain perimeter [m]
LengthPS Source perimeter [m]
RealNRD Length of drain squares
RealNRS Length of Source squares
IntegerOFF Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet
RealIC Initial condition values, not implemented yet
Temp_CTEMP Temperature [degC]


MosfetdevOutput record Mosfet

Modelica definition

function mos2RenameParametersDev 
  "Device parameter renaming to internal names"
  input ModelcardMOS2 ex;
  input Integer mtype;
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length W "Width of channel region";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length L "Length of channel region";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Area AD "Area of drain diffusion";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Area AS "Area of source diffusion";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length PD "Drain perimeter";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length PS "Source perimeter";
  input Real NRD "Length of drain squares";
  input Real NRS "Length of Source squares";
  input Integer OFF 
    "Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet";
  input Real IC "Initial condition values, not implemented yet";
  input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C TEMP "Temperature";

  output Mosfet.Mosfet dev "Output record Mosfet";

/*device parameters*/
  dev.m_len := L;               // L, length of channel region
  dev.m_width := W;             // W, width of channel region
  dev.m_drainArea := AD;        // AD, area of drain diffusion
  dev.m_sourceArea := AS;       // AS, area of source diffusion
  dev.m_drainSquares := NRD;    // NRD, length of drain in squares
  dev.m_sourceSquares := NRS;   // NRS, length of source in squares
  dev.m_drainPerimiter := PD;   // PD, Drain perimeter;
  dev.m_sourcePerimiter := PS;  // PS, Source perimeter

    dev.m_dICVDSIsGiven := if          (IC > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    dev.m_dICVDS := if         (IC > -1e40) then IC else 0;

    dev.m_dICVGSIsGiven := if          (IC > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    dev.m_dICVGS := if         (IC > -1e40) then IC else 0;

    dev.m_dICVBSIsGiven := if          (IC > -1e40) then 1 else 0;
    dev.m_dICVBS := if         (IC > -1e40) then IC else 0;

  dev.m_off := OFF;             // non-zero to indicate device is off for dc analysis
  dev.m_bPMOS := mtype;         // P type MOSfet model
  dev.m_nLevel := ex.LEVEL;
  assert(ex.LEVEL== 1, "only MOS Level1 implemented");
  dev.m_dTemp :=TEMP + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK;
end mos2RenameParametersDev;

Automatically generated Fri Nov 12 16:29:47 2010.