This package Bjt3 contains functions and records with data of the Bjt3 bipolar transistor models.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | Record for bjt model line parameters |
![]() | Record for bjt model line variables |
![]() | Initial calculation |
![]() | Record for bjt3 device parameters |
![]() | Variables for the bjt3 model |
![]() | Bjt3 variables |
![]() | Bjt3 variables |
![]() | Initial calculation |
![]() | Temperature dependency calculation |
![]() | Calculation of currents |
![]() | Record for bjt device parameters |
![]() | Variables for the bjt model |
![]() | Initial calculation |
![]() | Calculation of currents |
![]() | Technology parameter renaming |
![]() | Temperature calculation |
![]() | Temperature calculation |
![]() | Type |
This record contains the model line (also called model card) parameters that are used for the bipolar transistor model in SPICE3.
record BjtModelLineParams "Record for bjt model line parameters" Real m_type( start = 1) "device type : 1 = n, -1 = p"; Boolean m_bNPN( start = true) "NPN type device"; Boolean m_bPNP( start = false) "PNP type device"; Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C m_tnom( start=SpiceConstants.CKTnomTemp) "TNOM, Parameter measurement temperature"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_satCur( start = 1.0e-16) "IS, Saturation Current"; Real m_betaF( start = 100.0) "BF, Ideal forward beta"; Real m_emissionCoeffF( start = 1.0) "NF, Forward emission coefficient"; Real m_leakBEemissionCoeff( start = 1.5) "NE, B-E leakage emission coefficient"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_leakBEcurrent( start = 0.) "ISE, B-E leakage saturation current"; Real m_c2( start = 0.) "C2, Obsolete parameter name"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_leakBCcurrent( start = 0.) "ISC, B-C leakage saturation current"; Real m_c4( start = 0.) "C4, Obsolete parameter name"; Real m_leakBEcurrentIsGiven; Real m_c2IsGiven; Real m_leakBCcurrentIsGiven; Real m_c4IsGiven; Real m_betaR( start = 1.0) "BR, Ideal reverse beta"; Real m_emissionCoeffR( start = 1.0) "NR, Reverse emission coefficient"; Real m_leakBCemissionCoeff( start = 2.0) "NC, B-C leakage emission coefficient"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_earlyVoltF( start = 0.0) "VAF, Forward Early voltage"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_rollOffF( start = 0.0) "IKF, Forward beta roll-off corner current"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_earlyVoltR( start = 0.0) "VAR, Reverse Early voltage"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_rollOffR( start = 0.0) "IKR, reverse beta roll-off corner current"; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_emitterResist( start = 0.0) "RE, Emitter resistance"; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_collectorResist( start = 0.0) "RC, Collector resistance"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_baseCurrentHalfResist( start = 0.0) "IRB, Current for base resistance=(rb+rbm)/2"; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_baseResist( start = 0.0) "RB, Zero bias base resistance"; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_minBaseResist( start = 0.0) "RBM, Minimum base resistance"; Real m_minBaseResistIsGiven; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_depletionCapBE( start = 0.0) "CJE, Zero bias B-E depletion capacitance"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_potentialBE( start = 0.75) "VJE, B-E built in potential"; Real m_junctionExpBE( start = 0.33) "MJE, B-E built in potential"; Modelica.SIunits.Time m_transitTimeF( start = 0.0) "TF, Ideal forward transit time"; Real m_transitTimeBiasCoeffF( start = 0.0) "XTF, Coefficient for bias dependence of TF"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_transitTimeHighCurrentF( start = 0.0) "ITF, High current dependence of TF"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_transitTimeFVBC( start = 0.0) "VTF, Voltage giving VBC dependence of TF"; Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C m_excessPhase( start = 0.0) "PTF, Excess phase"; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_depletionCapBC( start = 0.0) "CJC, Zero bias B-C depletion capacitance"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_potentialBC( start = 0.75) "VJC, B-C built in potential"; Real m_junctionExpBC( start = 0.33) "MJC, B-C junction grading coefficient"; Real m_baseFractionBCcap( start = 1.0) "XCJC, Fraction of B-C cap to internal base"; Modelica.SIunits.Time m_transitTimeR( start = 0.0) "TR, Ideal reverse transit time"; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_capCS( start = 0.0) "CJS, Zero bias C-S capacitance"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_potentialSubstrate( start = 0.75) "VJS, Zero bias C-S capacitance"; Real m_exponentialSubstrate( start = 0.0) "MJS, Substrate junction grading coefficient"; Real m_betaExp( start = 0.0) "XTB, Forward and reverse beta temp. exp."; Modelica.SIunits.GapEnergy m_energyGap( start = 1.11) "EG, Energy gap for IS temp. dependency"; Real m_tempExpIS( start = 3.0) "XTI,Temp. exponent for IS"; Real m_fNcoef( start = 0.0) "KF, Flicker Noise Coefficient"; Real m_fNexp( start = 1.0) "AF, Flicker Noise Exponent"; Real m_depletionCapCoeff( start = 0.5) "FC, Forward bias junction fit parameter"; Real m_collectorConduct( start = 0.0); Real m_emitterConduct( start = 0.0); Real m_transitTimeVBCFactor( start = 0.0); Real m_excessPhaseFactor( start = 0.0); Real m_invEarlyVoltF( start = 0.0); Real m_invRollOffF( start = 0.0); Real m_invEarlyVoltR( start = 0.0); Real m_invRollOffR( start = 0.0);end BjtModelLineParams;
This record contains the model line (also called model card) variables that are used for the bipolar transistor model in SPICE3.
record BjtModelLineVariables "Record for bjt model line variables" Modelica.SIunits.Current m_leakBEcurrent; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_leakBCcurrent; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_minBaseResist; Real m_invEarlyVoltF; Real m_invRollOffF; Real m_invEarlyVoltR; Real m_invRollOffR; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance m_collectorConduct; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance m_emitterConduct; Real m_transitTimeVBCFactor; Real m_excessPhaseFactor; Integer m_type;end BjtModelLineVariables;
Within this function some parameters are initially precalculated from model line parameters.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
BjtModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with Bjt model line parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
BjtModelLineVariables | out_v | Output record with Bjt model line variables |
function bjtModelLineInitEquations "Initial calculation" input BjtModelLineParams in_p "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; output BjtModelLineVariables out_v "Output record with Bjt model line variables"; protected Real xfc; algorithm out_v.m_type := if (in_p.m_bPNP) then -1 else 1; if ( not (in_p.m_leakBEcurrentIsGiven > 0.5) and (in_p.m_c2IsGiven > 0.5)) then out_v.m_leakBEcurrent := in_p.m_c2 * in_p.m_satCur; end if; if ( not (in_p.m_leakBCcurrentIsGiven > 0.5) and (in_p.m_c4IsGiven > 0.5)) then out_v.m_leakBCcurrent := in_p.m_c4 * in_p.m_satCur; end if; if ( not (in_p.m_minBaseResistIsGiven > 0.5)) then out_v.m_minBaseResist := in_p.m_baseResist; end if; if (in_p.m_earlyVoltF <> 0) then out_v.m_invEarlyVoltF := 1 / in_p.m_earlyVoltF; end if; if (in_p.m_rollOffF <> 0) then out_v.m_invRollOffF := 1 / in_p.m_rollOffF; end if; if (in_p.m_earlyVoltR <> 0) then out_v.m_invEarlyVoltR := 1 / in_p.m_earlyVoltR; end if; if (in_p.m_rollOffR <> 0) then out_v.m_invRollOffR := 1 / in_p.m_rollOffR; end if; if (in_p.m_collectorResist <> 0) then out_v.m_collectorConduct := 1 / in_p.m_collectorResist; end if; if (in_p.m_emitterResist <> 0) then out_v.m_emitterConduct := 1 / in_p.m_emitterResist; end if; if (in_p.m_transitTimeFVBC <> 0) then out_v.m_transitTimeVBCFactor := 1 / (in_p.m_transitTimeFVBC * 1.44); end if; out_v.m_excessPhaseFactor := (in_p.m_excessPhase / (180.0 / Modelica.Constants.pi)) * in_p.m_transitTimeF; xfc := Modelica.Math.log(1 - in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff);end bjtModelLineInitEquations;
This record contains the device parameters that are used for the bipolar transistor bjt3 model in SPICE3.
Extends from Model.Model (Device Temperature).
record Bjt3 "Record for bjt3 device parameters" extends Model.Model; Real m_area( start = 1.0) "AREA"; Boolean m_bOff( start = false) "OFF"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_dICvbe( start = 0.0) "IC_VBE"; Real m_bICvbeIsGiven( start = 0.0); Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_dICvce( start = 0.0) "IC_VCE"; Real m_bICvceIsGiven( start = 0.0); Boolean m_bSensArea( start = false) "SENS_AREA"; Real m_transitTimeHighCurrentF(start = 0.0); Real m_invRollOffF( start = 0); Real m_invRollOffR( start = 0);end Bjt3;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the bipoar transistor bjt3 model in SPICE3.
record Bjt3Variables "Variables for the bjt3 model" Modelica.SIunits.Current m_transitTimeHighCurrentF( start = 0.0); Real m_invRollOffF( start = 0.0); Real m_invRollOffR( start = 0.0);end Bjt3Variables;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the bipolar transistor model in SPICE3.
record Bjt3Calc "Bjt3 variables" Modelica.SIunits.Current m_tSatCur = 0; Real m_tBetaF = 1; Real m_tBetaR = 1; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_tBEleakCur = 1e-14; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_tBCleakCur = 1e-14; Real m_tBEcap = 0; Real m_tBEpot = 0.7; Real m_tBCcap = 0; Real m_tBCpot = 0.7; Real m_tDepCapBE = 0.7; Real m_tDepCapBC = 0.7; Real m_tVcrit = 0.7; Real m_dVt = 0.25; Real m_tF1c = 0; Real m_f2c = 0; Real m_f3c = 0; Real m_tF1e = 0; Real m_f2e = 0; Real m_f3e = 0;end Bjt3Calc;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the bipoar transistor model in SPICE3.
record CurrentsCapacitances "Bjt3 variables" Modelica.SIunits.Current iBE( start = 0.0); //current through diode dE1 (ideal part) Modelica.SIunits.Current iBEN( start = 0.0); //current through diode dE2 (non ideal part) Modelica.SIunits.Current iBC( start = 0.0); //current through diode dC1 (ideal part) Modelica.SIunits.Current iBCN( start = 0.0); //current through diode dC2 (non ideal part) Modelica.SIunits.Current iCC( start = 0.0); //channel current Modelica.SIunits.Current capbc( start = 0.0); Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbe( start = 0.0); Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbx( start = 0.0); Real iXX( start = 0.0); Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capcs( start = 0.0);end CurrentsCapacitances;
Within this function some parameters are initially precalculated from model line parameters.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Bjt3 | in_p | Input record Bjt3 | |
BjtModelLineParams | in_pml | Input record with Bjt model line parameters | |
BjtModelLineVariables | in_vl | Input record with Bjt model line variables |
Type | Name | Description |
Bjt3Variables | out_v | Output record with Bjt variables |
function bjt3InitEquations "Initial calculation" input Bjt3 in_p "Input record Bjt3"; input BjtModelLineParams in_pml "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; input BjtModelLineVariables in_vl "Input record with Bjt model line variables"; output Bjt3Variables out_v "Output record with Bjt variables"; algorithm // calculate the parameters that depend on the area factor out_v.m_transitTimeHighCurrentF := in_pml.m_transitTimeHighCurrentF * in_p.m_area; out_v.m_invRollOffF := in_vl.m_invRollOffF / in_p.m_area; out_v.m_invRollOffR := in_vl.m_invRollOffR / in_p.m_area;end bjt3InitEquations;
In this function for the bipolar transistor model temperature dependencies are calculated using temperature treating functions from the equation package.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Bjt3 | in_p3 | Input record Bjt3 | |
BjtModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with Bjt model line parameters | |
Model | m | Input record model | |
BjtModelLineVariables | in_vl | Input record with Bjt model line variables |
Type | Name | Description |
Bjt3Calc | out_c | Output record Bjt3Calc |
function bjt3CalcTempDependencies "Temperature dependency calculation" input Bjt3 in_p3 "Input record Bjt3"; input BjtModelLineParams in_p "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; input Model.Model m "Input record model"; input BjtModelLineVariables in_vl "Input record with Bjt model line variables"; output Bjt3Calc out_c "Output record Bjt3Calc"; protected Real xfc; Real gmanew; Real fact1; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vt; Real fact2; Real egfet; Real arg; Real pbfact; Real ratlog; Real ratio1; Real factlog; Real factor; Real bfactor; Real pbo; Real gmaold; algorithm fact1 := in_p.m_tnom/SpiceConstants.REFTEMP; vt := m.m_dTemp*SpiceConstants.CONSTKoverQ; fact2 := m.m_dTemp/SpiceConstants.REFTEMP; egfet := 1.16 - (7.02e-4 * m.m_dTemp * m.m_dTemp) / (m.m_dTemp + 1108); arg := -egfet/(2*Modelica.Constants.k*m.m_dTemp) + 1.1150877/( Modelica.Constants.k*(SpiceConstants.REFTEMP + SpiceConstants.REFTEMP)); pbfact := -2*vt*(1.5*Modelica.Math.log(fact2) + SpiceConstants.CHARGE* arg); ratlog := Modelica.Math.log( m.m_dTemp / in_p.m_tnom); ratio1 := m.m_dTemp / in_p.m_tnom - 1; factlog := ratio1 * in_p.m_energyGap / vt + in_p.m_tempExpIS * ratlog; factor := exp( factlog); bfactor := exp(ratlog * in_p.m_betaExp); pbo := (in_p.m_potentialBE - pbfact) / fact1; gmaold := (in_p.m_potentialBE - pbo) / pbo; out_c.m_tSatCur := in_p.m_satCur * factor * in_p3.m_area; out_c.m_tBetaF := in_p.m_betaF * bfactor; out_c.m_tBetaR := in_p.m_betaR * bfactor; out_c.m_tBEleakCur := in_vl.m_leakBEcurrent * exp(factlog / in_p.m_leakBEemissionCoeff) / bfactor * in_p3.m_area; out_c.m_tBCleakCur := in_vl.m_leakBCcurrent * exp(factlog / in_p.m_leakBCemissionCoeff) / bfactor * in_p3.m_area; out_c.m_tBEcap := in_p.m_depletionCapBE/(1 + in_p.m_junctionExpBE*(4e-4 *(in_p.m_tnom - SpiceConstants.REFTEMP) - gmaold)); out_c.m_tBEpot := fact2 * pbo + pbfact; gmanew := (out_c.m_tBEpot - pbo) / pbo; out_c.m_tBEcap := out_c.m_tBEcap*(1 + in_p.m_junctionExpBE*(4e-4*(m.m_dTemp - SpiceConstants.REFTEMP) - gmanew)); pbo := (in_p.m_potentialBC - pbfact) / fact1; gmaold := (in_p.m_potentialBC - pbo) / pbo; out_c.m_tBCcap := in_p.m_depletionCapBC/(1 + in_p.m_junctionExpBC*(4e-4 *(in_p.m_tnom - SpiceConstants.REFTEMP) - gmaold)); out_c.m_tBCpot := fact2 * pbo + pbfact; gmanew := (out_c.m_tBCpot - pbo) / pbo; out_c.m_tBCcap := out_c.m_tBCcap*(1 + in_p.m_junctionExpBC*(4e-4*(m.m_dTemp - SpiceConstants.REFTEMP) - gmanew)); out_c.m_tDepCapBE := in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff * out_c.m_tBEpot; out_c.m_tDepCapBC := in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff * out_c.m_tBCpot; xfc := Modelica.Math.log( 1 - in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff); out_c.m_tVcrit := vt*Modelica.Math.log(vt/(SpiceConstants.CONSTroot2*in_p.m_satCur)); out_c.m_dVt := vt; // calculate the parameters that depend on the area factor out_c.m_tBEcap := out_c.m_tBEcap * in_p3.m_area; out_c.m_tBCcap := out_c.m_tBCcap * in_p3.m_area; (out_c.m_tF1c,out_c.m_f2c,out_c.m_f3c) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapCoeffs( in_p.m_junctionExpBC, in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff, out_c.m_tBCpot); (out_c.m_tF1e,out_c.m_f2e,out_c.m_f3e) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapCoeffs( in_p.m_junctionExpBE, in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff, out_c.m_tBEpot);end bjt3CalcTempDependencies;
This function NoBypassCode calculates the currents (and the capacitances) that are necessary for the currents to be used in the toplevel model.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Model | in_m | Input record model | |
Bjt | in_p3 | Input record Bjt3 | |
BjtModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with Bjt model line parameters | |
Bjt3Calc | in_c | Input record Bjt3Calc | |
BjtModelLineVariables | in_vl | Input record with Bjt model line variables | |
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[6] | [V] | |
Boolean | in_m_bInit |
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentsCapacitances | out_cc | Output record with calculated currents and capacitances |
Capacitance | capbe | Capacitance [F] |
Capacitance | capbc | Capacitance [F] |
Capacitance | capbx | Capacitance [F] |
function bjt3NoBypassCode "Calculation of currents" input Model.Model in_m "Input record model"; input Bjt in_p3 "Input record Bjt3"; input BjtModelLineParams in_p "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; input Bjt3Calc in_c "Input record Bjt3Calc"; input BjtModelLineVariables in_vl "Input record with Bjt model line variables"; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage[6] in_m_pVoltageValues; /* 1 Col; 2 Base; 3 Emit; 4 ColP; 5 BaseP; 6 EmitP */ input Boolean in_m_bInit; output CurrentsCapacitances out_cc "Output record with calculated currents and capacitances"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbe "Capacitance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbc "Capacitance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbx "Capacitance"; protected Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vce; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vbe; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vbx; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vbc; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance gbe; Modelica.SIunits.Current cbe; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance gbc; Modelica.SIunits.Current cbc; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance gben; Modelica.SIunits.Current cben; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance gbcn; Modelica.SIunits.Current cbcn; Modelica.SIunits.Current cjbe; Modelica.SIunits.Current cjbc; Real dqbdve; Real dqbdvc; Real qb; Real q1; Real q2; Real arg; Real sqarg; Real cc; Modelica.SIunits.Current cex; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance gex; Modelica.SIunits.Time ttime; Real step; Real laststep; Modelica.SIunits.Current bcex0; Modelica.SIunits.Current bcex1; Real arg1; Real arg2; Real denom; Real arg3; Real rbpr; Real rbpi; Real gx; Real xjrb; Real go; Real gm; Real captt; Modelica.SIunits.Charge chargebe; Modelica.SIunits.Charge chargebc; Modelica.SIunits.Charge chargebx; Real argtf; Real exponent; Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K temp; Real aux1; Real aux2; algorithm vce := in_p.m_type * (in_m_pVoltageValues[4] - in_m_pVoltageValues[6]); // ( ColP, EmitP); vbe := in_p.m_type * (in_m_pVoltageValues[5] - in_m_pVoltageValues[6]); // ( BaseP, EmitP); vbx := in_p.m_type * (in_m_pVoltageValues[2] - in_m_pVoltageValues[4]); // ( Base, ColP); if (SpiceRoot.useInitialConditions()) then if (in_p3.m_bICvbeIsGiven > 0.5) then vbe := in_p.m_type * in_p3.m_dICvbe; end if; if (in_p3.m_bICvceIsGiven > 0.5) then vce := in_p.m_type * in_p3.m_dICvce; end if; vbx := vbe - vce; elseif (SpiceRoot.initJunctionVoltages()) then if (in_p3.m_bOff) then vbe := 0.0; vce := 0.0; vbx := 0.0; else vbe := in_c.m_tVcrit; vce := vbe; vbx := 0.0; end if; end if; vbc := vbe - vce; // junction current (cbe,gbe) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction2( vbe, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeffF, in_c.m_tSatCur); out_cc.iBE := in_p.m_type * cbe / in_c.m_tBetaF; (cben,gben) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction2( vbe, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_leakBEemissionCoeff, in_c.m_tBEleakCur); out_cc.iBEN := in_p.m_type * cben; (cbc,gbc) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction2( vbc, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeffR, in_c.m_tSatCur); out_cc.iBC := in_p.m_type * cbc / in_c.m_tBetaR; (cbcn,gbcn) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction2( vbc, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_leakBCemissionCoeff, in_c.m_tBCleakCur); out_cc.iBCN := in_p.m_type * cbcn; cjbe := cbe / in_c.m_tBetaF + cben; cjbc := cbc / in_c.m_tBetaR + cbcn; // determine base charge terms q1 := 1.0/(1.0 - in_p.m_invEarlyVoltF * vbc - in_p.m_invEarlyVoltR * vbe); if (in_vl.m_invRollOffF == 0 and in_vl.m_invRollOffR == 0) then qb := q1; dqbdve := q1*qb*in_p.m_invEarlyVoltR; dqbdvc := q1*qb*in_p.m_invEarlyVoltF; else q2 := in_vl.m_invRollOffF*cbe + in_vl.m_invRollOffR*cbc; arg := max( 0.0, 1+4*q2); sqarg := 1; if (arg <> 0) then sqarg := sqrt(arg); end if; qb := q1*(1+sqarg)/2; dqbdve := q1*(qb*in_p.m_invEarlyVoltR + in_vl.m_invRollOffF*gbe/sqarg); dqbdvc := q1*(qb*in_p.m_invEarlyVoltF + in_vl.m_invRollOffR*gbc/sqarg); end if; // determine dc incremental conductances - Weil's approximation cc := 0.0; cex := cbe; gex := gbe; ttime := 1; if ((in_vl.m_excessPhaseFactor <> 0) and (ttime > 0.0)) then step :=0; laststep :=1; bcex0 :=0; bcex1 :=0; if ( bcex1 == 0.0) then bcex1 := cbe / qb; bcex0 := bcex1; end if; arg1 := step / in_vl.m_excessPhaseFactor; arg2 := 3 * arg1; arg1 := arg2 * arg1; denom := 1 + arg1 + arg2; arg3 := arg1 / denom; cc := (bcex0 * (1 + step / laststep + arg2) - bcex1 * step / laststep) / denom; cex := cbe * arg3; gex := gbe * arg3; end if; cc := cc+(cex-cbc)/qb; // resistances rbpr := in_vl.m_minBaseResist / in_p3.m_area; rbpi := in_p.m_baseResist / in_p3.m_area-rbpr; gx := rbpr + rbpi / qb; xjrb := in_p.m_baseCurrentHalfResist * in_p3.m_area; if (xjrb <> 0) then arg1 := max( (cjbe + cjbc) / xjrb, 1e-9); arg2 := (-1 + sqrt( 1 + 14.59025 * arg1)) / 2.4317 / sqrt( arg1); arg1 := tan(arg2); gx := rbpr + 3 * rbpi * (arg1-arg2) / arg2 / arg1 / arg1; end if; if (gx <> 0) then gx := 1 / gx; end if; // determine dc incremental conductances go := (gbc+(cex-cbc)*dqbdvc/qb)/qb; gm := (gex-(cex-cbc)*dqbdve/qb)/qb - go; out_cc.iCC := in_p.m_type * cc; // charge storage elements and transit time calculation captt := 0.0; if (in_p.m_transitTimeF <> 0.0 and vbe > 0.0) then argtf := 0.0; arg2 := 0.0; arg3 := 0.0; if (in_p.m_transitTimeBiasCoeffF <> 0.0) then argtf := in_p.m_transitTimeBiasCoeffF; if (in_vl.m_transitTimeVBCFactor <> 0.0) then exponent := min( 50., vbc * in_vl.m_transitTimeVBCFactor); argtf := argtf * exp( exponent); end if; arg2 := argtf; if (in_p.m_transitTimeHighCurrentF <> 0) then temp := cbe / (cbe + in_p.m_transitTimeHighCurrentF); argtf := argtf * temp * temp; arg2 := argtf * (3-temp-temp); end if; arg3 := cbe * argtf * in_vl.m_transitTimeVBCFactor; end if; cbe := cbe * (1 + argtf) / qb; gbe := (gbe * (1 + arg2) - cbe * dqbdve) / qb; captt := in_p.m_transitTimeF * (arg3 - cbe * dqbdvc) / qb; end if; (capbe,chargebe) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapTransTime( in_c.m_tBEcap, vbe, in_c.m_tDepCapBE, in_p.m_junctionExpBE, in_c.m_tBEpot, in_c.m_tF1e, in_c.m_f2e, in_c.m_f3e, in_p.m_transitTimeF, gbe, cbe); out_cc.iXX := 0; aux1 := in_c.m_tBCcap*in_p.m_baseFractionBCcap; (capbc,chargebc) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapTransTime( aux1, vbc, in_c.m_tDepCapBC, in_p.m_junctionExpBC, in_c.m_tBCpot, in_c.m_tF1c, in_c.m_f2c, in_c.m_f3c, in_p.m_transitTimeR, gbc, cbc); aux2:= in_c.m_tBCcap*(1. - in_p.m_baseFractionBCcap); (capbx,chargebx) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCap( aux2, vbx, in_c.m_tDepCapBC, in_p.m_junctionExpBC, in_c.m_tBCpot, in_c.m_tF1c, in_c.m_f2c, in_c.m_f3c);end bjt3NoBypassCode;
This record contains the device parameters that are used for the bipolar transistor bjt model in SPICE3.
Extends from Bjt3 (Record for bjt3 device parameters).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Initialization | |||
Real | m_area.start | 1.0 | AREA |
Boolean | m_bOff.start | false | OFF |
Voltage | m_dICvbe.start | 0.0 | IC_VBE [V] |
Real | m_bICvbeIsGiven.start | 0.0 | |
Voltage | m_dICvce.start | 0.0 | IC_VCE [V] |
Real | m_bICvceIsGiven.start | 0.0 | |
Boolean | m_bSensArea.start | false | SENS_AREA |
Real | m_transitTimeHighCurrentF.start | 0.0 | |
Real | m_invRollOffF.start | 0 | |
Real | m_invRollOffR.start | 0 |
record Bjt "Record for bjt device parameters" extends Bjt3;end Bjt;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the bipoar transistor bjt model in SPICE3.
Extends from Bjt3Variables (Variables for the bjt3 model).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Initialization | |||
Current | m_transitTimeHighCurrentF.start | 0.0 | [A] |
Real | m_invRollOffF.start | 0.0 | |
Real | m_invRollOffR.start | 0.0 |
record BjtVariables "Variables for the bjt model" extends Bjt3Variables; Real m_CScap;end BjtVariables;
Within this function some parameters are initially precalculated from model line parameters.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Bjt | in_p | Input record Bjt | |
BjtModelLineParams | in_pml | Input record with Bjt model line parameters | |
BjtModelLineVariables | in_vl | Input record with Bjt model line variables |
Type | Name | Description |
BjtVariables | out_v | Output record with Bjt variables |
function bjtInitEquations "Initial calculation" input Bjt in_p "Input record Bjt"; input BjtModelLineParams in_pml "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; input BjtModelLineVariables in_vl "Input record with Bjt model line variables"; output BjtVariables out_v "Output record with Bjt variables"; protected Bjt3Variables v3 "Record with Bjt variables"; algorithm v3 := bjt3InitEquations(in_p, in_pml, in_vl); // calculate the parameters that depend on the area factor out_v.m_CScap := in_pml.m_capCS * in_p.m_area;end bjtInitEquations;
This function NoBypassCode calculates the currents (and the capacitances) that are necessary for the currents to be used in the toplevel model.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Model | in_m | Input record model | |
Bjt3 | in_p3 | Input record Bjt3 | |
BjtModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with Bjt model line parameters | |
Bjt3Calc | in_c | Input record Bjt3Calc | |
BjtVariables | in_v | Input record with Bjt variables | |
BjtModelLineVariables | in_vl | ||
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[6] | [V] | |
Boolean | in_m_bInit |
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentsCapacitances | out_cc | Output record with calculated currents and capacitances |
Capacitance | capbe | Capacitance [F] |
Capacitance | capbc | Capacitance [F] |
Capacitance | capbx | Capacitance [F] |
function bjtNoBypassCode "Calculation of currents" input Model.Model in_m "Input record model"; input Bjt3 in_p3 "Input record Bjt3"; input BjtModelLineParams in_p "Input record with Bjt model line parameters"; input Bjt3Calc in_c "Input record Bjt3Calc"; input BjtVariables in_v "Input record with Bjt variables"; input BjtModelLineVariables in_vl; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage[6] in_m_pVoltageValues; /* 1 Col; 2 Base; 3 Emit; 4 Subst; 5 ColP; 6 BaseP; 7 EmitP */ input Boolean in_m_bInit; output CurrentsCapacitances out_cc "Output record with calculated currents and capacitances"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbe "Capacitance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbc "Capacitance"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capbx "Capacitance"; protected Modelica.SIunits.Voltage[6] bjt3_VoltageValues; /* 1 Col; 2 Base; 3 Emit; 4 ColP; 5 BaseP; 6 EmitP */ Integer i; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance capcs; Modelica.SIunits.Charge chargecs; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage vcs; Real arg; Real sarg; algorithm // Bjt3 has got only 6 pins, therefore new vector VoltageValues for i in 1:3 loop bjt3_VoltageValues[i] := in_m_pVoltageValues[i]; end for; for i in 4:6 loop bjt3_VoltageValues[i] := in_m_pVoltageValues[i]; end for; (out_cc, capbe, capbc, capbx) := bjt3NoBypassCode(in_m, in_p3, in_p, in_c, in_vl, bjt3_VoltageValues, in_m_bInit); capcs := 0; chargecs := 0; vcs := in_p.m_type * (0- in_m_pVoltageValues[4]); // ( Subst, ColP); if (vcs < 0) then arg := 1 - vcs / in_p.m_potentialSubstrate; sarg := exp( -in_p.m_exponentialSubstrate * Modelica.Math.log( arg)); capcs := in_v.m_CScap * sarg; chargecs := in_p.m_potentialSubstrate * in_v.m_CScap * (1-arg*sarg)/(1-in_p.m_exponentialSubstrate); else capcs := in_v.m_CScap * (1 + in_p.m_exponentialSubstrate * vcs / in_p.m_potentialSubstrate); chargecs := vcs * in_v.m_CScap *(1+in_p.m_exponentialSubstrate*vcs/ (2*in_p.m_potentialSubstrate)); end if;end bjtNoBypassCode;
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., IS) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_satCur). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ModelcardBJT | ex | Modelcard with technologie parameters | |
SpiceConstants | con | Spice constants |
Type | Name | Description |
BjtModelLineParams | intern | Output record with Bjt model line parameters |
function bjtRenameParameters "Technology parameter renaming" input ModelcardBJT ex "Modelcard with technologie parameters"; input SpiceConstants con "Spice constants"; output BjtModelLineParams intern "Output record with Bjt model line parameters"; algorithm intern.m_satCur := ex.IS; intern.m_betaF := ex.BF; intern.m_emissionCoeffF := ex.NF; intern.m_leakBEemissionCoeff := ex.NE; intern.m_leakBEcurrentIsGiven := if (ex.ISE > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_leakBEcurrent := if (ex.ISE > -1e40) then ex.ISE else 0; intern.m_c2IsGiven := if (ex.C2 > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_c2 := if (ex.C2 > -1e40) then ex.C2 else 0; intern.m_leakBCcurrentIsGiven := if (ex.ISC > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_leakBCcurrent := if (ex.ISC > -1e40) then ex.ISC else 0; intern.m_c4IsGiven := if (ex.C4 > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_c4 := if (ex.C4 > -1e40) then ex.C4 else 0; intern.m_betaR := ex. BR; intern.m_emissionCoeffR := ex.NR; intern.m_leakBCemissionCoeff := ex.NC; intern.m_earlyVoltF := ex.VAF; intern.m_rollOffF := ex.IKF; intern.m_earlyVoltR := ex.VAR; intern.m_rollOffR := ex.IKR; intern.m_emitterResist := ex.RE; intern.m_collectorResist := ex.RC; intern.m_baseCurrentHalfResist := ex.IRB; intern.m_baseResist := ex.RB; intern.m_minBaseResistIsGiven := if (ex.RBM > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_minBaseResist := if (ex.RBM > -1e40) then ex.RBM else 0; intern.m_depletionCapBE :=ex.CJE; intern.m_potentialBE :=ex.VJE; intern.m_junctionExpBE := ex.MJE; intern.m_transitTimeF :=ex.TF; intern.m_transitTimeBiasCoeffF := ex.XTF; intern.m_transitTimeHighCurrentF := ex.ITF; intern.m_transitTimeFVBC :=ex.VTF; intern.m_excessPhase := ex.PTF; intern.m_depletionCapBC := ex.CJC; intern.m_potentialBC := ex.VJC; intern.m_junctionExpBC := ex.MJC; intern.m_baseFractionBCcap := ex.XCJC; intern.m_transitTimeR := ex.TR; intern.m_capCS := ex.CJS; intern.m_potentialSubstrate := ex.VJS; intern.m_exponentialSubstrate := ex.MJS; intern.m_betaExp := ex.XTB; intern.m_energyGap := ex.EG; intern.m_tempExpIS := ex.XTI; intern.m_fNcoef := ex.KF; intern.m_fNexp := ex.AF; intern.m_depletionCapCoeff :=ex.FC; intern.m_tnom := if (ex.TNOM > -1e40) then ex.TNOM + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK else 300.15;end bjtRenameParameters;
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., AREA) device parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_area). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | AREA | Area factor | |
Boolean | OFF | Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet | |
Voltage | IC_VBE | Initial condition value, not yet implemented [V] | |
Voltage | IC_VCE | Initial condition value, not yet implemented [V] | |
Boolean | SENS_AREA | Flag for sensitivity analysis, not yet implemented |
Type | Name | Description |
Bjt3 | dev | Output record Bjt3 |
function bjtRenameParametersDev "Temperature calculation" input Real AREA "Area factor"; input Boolean OFF "Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet"; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage IC_VBE "Initial condition value, not yet implemented"; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage IC_VCE "Initial condition value, not yet implemented"; input Boolean SENS_AREA "Flag for sensitivity analysis, not yet implemented"; output Bjt3 dev "Output record Bjt3"; algorithm dev.m_area := AREA; dev.m_bOff := OFF; dev.m_bICvbeIsGiven := if (IC_VBE > -1e40) then 1 else 0; dev.m_dICvbe := if (IC_VBE > -1e40) then IC_VBE else 0; dev.m_bICvceIsGiven := if (IC_VCE > -1e40) then 1 else 0; dev.m_dICvce := if (IC_VCE > -1e40) then IC_VCE else 0; dev.m_bSensArea := SENS_AREA;end bjtRenameParametersDev;
This function calculates device parameters wehich are temperature dependent.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature [degC] |
Type | Name | Description |
Model | m | Output record model |
function bjtRenameParametersDevTemp "Temperature calculation" input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C TEMP "Temperature"; output Model.Model m "Output record model"; algorithm m.m_dTemp :=TEMP + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK;end bjtRenameParametersDevTemp;
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g. AREA) device parameters to the internal parameters (e.g. m_area). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | TBJT | Type |
Type | Name | Description |
BjtModelLineParams | dev_type | Outputrecord Bjt3 |
function bjtRenameParametersType "Type" input Real TBJT "Type"; output BjtModelLineParams dev_type "Outputrecord Bjt3"; algorithm dev_type.m_type := TBJT;end bjtRenameParametersType;