This package Diode contains functions and record with data of the semiconductor diode model.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
![]() | Record for Diode model line parameters |
![]() | Record for Diode model line variables |
![]() | Record for Diode device parameters |
![]() | Variables for the diode model |
![]() | Diode variables |
![]() | Diode variables |
![]() | Initial precalculation of model line parameters |
![]() | Initial calculation |
![]() | Temperature dependency calculation |
![]() | Calculation of currents |
![]() | Calculation of additional values |
![]() | Technology parameter renaming |
![]() | Temperature calculation |
![]() | Temperature calculation |
This record contains the model line (also called model card) parameters that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record DiodeModelLineParams "Record for Diode model line parameters" Modelica.SIunits.Current m_satCur( start = 1.0e-14) "IS, Saturation current"; Modelica.SIunits.Resistance m_resist( start = 0.0) "RS, Ohmic resistance"; Real m_emissionCoeff( start = 1.0) "N, Emission Coefficient"; Modelica.SIunits.Time m_transitTime( start = 0.0) "TT, Transit Time"; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_junctionCap( start = 0.0) "CJO, Junction capacitance"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_junctionPot( start = 1.0) "VJ, Junction potential"; Real m_gradingCoeff( start = 0.5) "M, Grading coefficient"; Modelica.SIunits.ActivationEnergy m_activationEnergy( start = 1.11) "EG, Activation energy"; Real m_saturationCurrentExp( start = 3.0) "XTI, Saturation current temperature exp."; Real m_depletionCapCoeff( start = 0.5) "FC, Forward bias junction fit parameter"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_breakdownVoltage "BV, Reverse breakdown voltage"; Real m_pBvIsGiven "BV is given value"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_breakdownCurrent( start = 1.0e-3) "IBV, Current at reverse breakdown voltage"; Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C m_nomTemp( start=SpiceConstants.CKTnomTemp) "TNOM, Parameter measurement temperature"; Real m_fNcoef( start = 0.0) "KF, flicker noise coefficient"; Real m_fNexp( start = 1.0) "AF, flicker noise exponent"; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance m_conductance "G, Ohmic conductance";end DiodeModelLineParams;
This record contains the model line (also called model card) variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record DiodeModelLineVariables "Record for Diode model line variables" Real m_gradingCoeff; Real m_activationEnergy; Real m_depletionCapCoeff; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance m_conductance;end DiodeModelLineVariables;
This record contains the device parameters that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record DiodeParams "Record for Diode device parameters" Real m_area(start = 1.0) "AREA, Area factor"; Boolean m_bOff(start = false) "OFF, Initially off"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_dIC(start = 0.0) "IC, Initial device voltage"; Real m_pIcIsGiven "IC is giben value"; Boolean m_bSensArea(start = false) "SENS_AREA, flag to request sensitivity WRT area";end DiodeParams;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record DiodeVariables "Variables for the diode model" Real m_pBvIsGiven "Additional BV is given variable";end DiodeVariables;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record DiodeCalc "Diode variables" Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_tJctPot; Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_tJctCap; Real m_tF1; Real m_f2; Real m_f3; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_tSatCur; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_tVcrit; Real m_dVte; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_tBrkdwnV;end DiodeCalc;
This record contains the model variables that are used for the diode model in SPICE3.
record CurrentsCapacitances "Diode variables" Modelica.SIunits.Current m_dCurrent;end CurrentsCapacitances;
Within this function some parameters are initially precalculated from model line parameters.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineVariables | out_v | Output record with diode model line variables |
function diodeModelLineInitEquations "Initial precalculation of model line parameters" input DiodeModelLineParams in_p "Input record with diode model line parameters"; output DiodeModelLineVariables out_v "Output record with diode model line variables"; algorithm // limit grading coeff to max of 0.9 if (in_p.m_gradingCoeff > 0.9) then out_v.m_gradingCoeff := 0.9; end if; // limit activation energy to min of 0.1 if (in_p.m_activationEnergy < 0.1) then out_v.m_activationEnergy := 0.1; end if; // limit depletion cap coeff to max of 0.95 if (in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff > 0.95) then out_v.m_depletionCapCoeff := 0.95; end if; out_v.m_conductance := if (in_p.m_resist == 0.0) then 0.0 else 1.0 / in_p.m_resist;end diodeModelLineInitEquations;
In this function some initial calculations for the diode model are done, especially concerning the handling of the breakthrough voltage.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeVariables | out_v | Output record with diode variables |
function diodeInitEquations "Initial calculation" input DiodeModelLineParams in_p "Input record with diode model line parameters"; output DiodeVariables out_v "Output record with diode variables"; algorithm out_v.m_pBvIsGiven := in_p.m_pBvIsGiven; if (out_v.m_pBvIsGiven > 0.5) then if (in_p.m_breakdownVoltage > 1.0e+100) then out_v.m_pBvIsGiven := 1.0e-41; // set to false end if; end if;end diodeInitEquations;
In this function for the diode model temperature dependencies are calculated using temperature treating functions from the equation package.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record diode model line parameters | |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record diode paramters | |
Model | in_m | Input record Model | |
DiodeVariables | in_v | Input record diode variables |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeCalc | out_c | Output record with calculated values |
function diodeCalcTempDependencies "Temperature dependency calculation" input DiodeModelLineParams in_p "Input record diode model line parameters"; input DiodeParams in_dp "Input record diode paramters"; input Model.Model in_m "Input record Model"; input DiodeVariables in_v "Input record diode variables"; output DiodeCalc out_c "Output record with calculated values"; algorithm (out_c.m_tJctPot,out_c.m_tJctCap) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionParamDepTempSPICE3( in_p.m_junctionPot, in_p.m_junctionCap, in_p.m_gradingCoeff, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_nomTemp); out_c.m_tJctCap := in_dp.m_area * out_c.m_tJctCap; (out_c.m_tF1,out_c.m_f2,out_c.m_f3) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapCoeffs( in_p.m_gradingCoeff, in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff, out_c.m_tJctPot); out_c.m_tSatCur := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.saturationCurDepTempSPICE3( in_p.m_satCur, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_nomTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeff, in_p.m_activationEnergy, in_p.m_saturationCurrentExp); out_c.m_tVcrit := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionVCrit( in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeff, out_c.m_tSatCur); out_c.m_dVte := in_m.m_dTemp*SpiceConstants.CONSTKoverQ*in_p.m_emissionCoeff; if (in_v.m_pBvIsGiven > 0.5) then out_c.m_tBrkdwnV := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionVoltage23SPICE3( in_p.m_breakdownVoltage, in_p.m_breakdownCurrent, out_c.m_tSatCur, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeff); end if; out_c.m_tSatCur := in_dp.m_area * out_c.m_tSatCur;end diodeCalcTempDependencies;
This function NoBypassCode calculates the currents (and the capacitances) that are necessary for the currents to be used in the toplevel model.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record model line parameters for diode | |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record with parameters for diode | |
DiodeCalc | in_c | Input record DiodeCalc | |
Model | in_m | Input record model | |
Boolean | in_m_mbInit | ||
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[2] | [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentsCapacitances | out_cc | Output record with calculated currents and capacitances |
Capacitance | m_dCap | Output capacitance [F] |
function diodeNoBypassCode "Calculation of currents" input DiodeModelLineParams in_p "Input record model line parameters for diode"; input DiodeParams in_dp "Input record with parameters for diode"; input DiodeCalc in_c "Input record DiodeCalc"; input Model.Model in_m "Input record model"; input Boolean in_m_mbInit; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage[2] in_m_pVoltageValues; /* DPP, DN */ output CurrentsCapacitances out_cc "Output record with calculated currents and capacitances"; output Modelica.SIunits.Capacitance m_dCap "Output capacitance"; protected Modelica.SIunits.Voltage m_dPNVoltage "Voltage"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_dCurrent "Current"; Modelica.SIunits.Conductance m_dCond "Conductance"; Modelica.SIunits.Charge m_dCharge "Charge"; Modelica.SIunits.Current m_dCapCurrent "Current"; algorithm m_dPNVoltage := in_m_pVoltageValues[1] - in_m_pVoltageValues[2]; if (SpiceRoot.useInitialConditions() and in_dp.m_pIcIsGiven > 0.5) then m_dPNVoltage := in_dp.m_dIC; elseif (SpiceRoot.initJunctionVoltages()) then if (in_dp.m_bOff) then m_dPNVoltage := 0.0; else m_dPNVoltage := in_c.m_tVcrit; end if; end if; if (in_p.m_pBvIsGiven > 0.5) then (out_cc.m_dCurrent,m_dCond) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction3( m_dPNVoltage, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeff, in_c.m_tSatCur, in_c.m_tBrkdwnV); else (out_cc.m_dCurrent,m_dCond) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junction2( m_dPNVoltage, in_m.m_dTemp, in_p.m_emissionCoeff, in_c.m_tSatCur); end if; (m_dCap,m_dCharge) := Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Functions.junctionCapTransTime( in_c.m_tJctCap, m_dPNVoltage, in_c.m_tJctPot*in_p.m_depletionCapCoeff, in_p.m_gradingCoeff, in_p.m_junctionPot, in_c.m_tF1, in_c.m_f2, in_c.m_f3, in_p.m_transitTime, m_dCond, m_dCurrent);end diodeNoBypassCode;
This function is prepared for additional calculations but it is plain (inputs are written to the outputs) in the actual version of this library.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
DiodeVariables | in_v | Input record with diode variables | |
DiodeModelLineParams | in_p | Input record with diode model line parameters | |
DiodeParams | in_dp | Input record with diode parameters | |
Voltage | in_m_pVoltageValues[2] | [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeVariables | out_v | Output record with diode variables |
function diodeCalcAdditionalValues "Calculation of additional values" input DiodeVariables in_v "Input record with diode variables"; input DiodeModelLineParams in_p "Input record with diode model line parameters"; input DiodeParams in_dp "Input record with diode parameters"; input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage[2] in_m_pVoltageValues; /* DP, DPP */ output DiodeVariables out_v "Output record with diode variables"; algorithm out_v := in_v;end diodeCalcAdditionalValues;
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., IS) technology parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_satCur). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
ModelcardDIODE | ex | Modelcard with technologie parameters | |
SpiceConstants | con | Spice constants |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeModelLineParams | intern | Output record diode model line parameters |
function diodeRenameParameters "Technology parameter renaming" input ModelcardDIODE ex "Modelcard with technologie parameters"; input SpiceConstants con "Spice constants"; output DiodeModelLineParams intern "Output record diode model line parameters"; algorithm intern.m_satCur := ex.IS; intern.m_resist:=ex.RS; intern.m_emissionCoeff := ex.N; intern.m_transitTime := ex.TT; intern.m_junctionCap := ex.CJO; intern.m_junctionPot := ex.VJ; intern.m_gradingCoeff := if (ex.M > 0.9) then 0.9 else ex.M; intern.m_activationEnergy := if (ex.EG < 0.1) then 0.1 else ex.EG; intern.m_saturationCurrentExp := ex.XTI; intern.m_depletionCapCoeff := if (ex.FC > 0.95) then 0.95 else ex.FC; intern.m_pBvIsGiven := if (ex.BV > -1e40) then 1 else 0; intern.m_breakdownVoltage := if (ex.BV > -1e40) then ex.BV else 0; intern.m_breakdownCurrent := ex.IBV; intern.m_nomTemp := ex.TNOM + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK; intern.m_fNcoef := ex.KF; intern.m_fNexp := ex.AF; intern.m_conductance := if (ex.RS == 0) then 0 else 1/ex.RS;end diodeRenameParameters;
This function assigns the external (given by the user, e.g., AREA) device parameters to the internal parameters (e.g., m_area). It also does the analysis of the IsGiven values.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temp_K | TEMP | Temperature [K] | |
Real | AREA | Area factor | |
Real | IC | Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet | |
Boolean | OFF | Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet | |
Boolean | SENS_AREA | Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet |
Type | Name | Description |
DiodeParams | dev | Output record with calculated diode parameters |
function diodeRenameParametersDev "Temperature calculation" input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K TEMP "Temperature"; input Real AREA "Area factor"; input Real IC "Initial condition value (VD, not implemented yet"; input Boolean OFF "Optional initial condition: false - IC not used, true - IC used, not implemented yet"; input Boolean SENS_AREA "Flag to request sensitivity WRT area, not implemented yet"; output DiodeParams dev "Output record with calculated diode parameters"; algorithm /*device parameters*/ dev.m_area := AREA; dev.m_pIcIsGiven := if (IC > -1e40) then 1 else 0; dev.m_dIC := if (IC > -1e40) then IC else 0; dev.m_bOff := OFF; dev.m_bSensArea := SENS_AREA;end diodeRenameParametersDev;
This function calculates device parameters wehich are temperature dependent.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Temp_C | TEMP | Temperature [degC] |
Type | Name | Description |
Model | dev_temp | Input record Model |
function diodeRenameParametersDevTemp "Temperature calculation" input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_C TEMP "Temperature"; output Model.Model dev_temp "Input record Model"; algorithm dev_temp.m_dTemp := TEMP + SpiceConstants.CONSTCtoK;end diodeRenameParametersDevTemp;