The package SpiceRoot contains basic records and functions that are needed in SPICE3.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
SpiceRoot | Data for insertion to matrices |
useInitialConditions | Initial condition handling |
initJunctionVoltages | Choice of junction voltage handling |
limitJunctionVoltage | Limitation of junction voltage |
This data are to collect intermediate results to be inserted into SPICE-like matrices for linear ssystems of equations.
record SpiceRoot "Data for insertion to matrices" Modelica.SIunits.Current[6] m_pCurrentValues( start = zeros(6)); Real[36] m_pResJacobi( start = zeros(36)); Real[36] m_pCapJacobi( start = zeros(36));end SpiceRoot;
This function useInitialConditions appoints wether the initial conditions that are given in the description are used or not.
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | ret |
function useInitialConditions "Initial condition handling" output Boolean ret; algorithm ret := false;end useInitialConditions;
This internal function is provided to choose the junction voltage handling which is at the current library version fixed to false.
Type | Name | Description |
Boolean | ret |
function initJunctionVoltages "Choice of junction voltage handling" output Boolean ret; algorithm ret := false;end initJunctionVoltages;
This internal function is provided to limit the junction voltage which is at the current library version fixed to false.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Voltage | voltage | Input voltage [V] |
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | ret | [V] |
function limitJunctionVoltage "Limitation of junction voltage" input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage voltage "Input voltage"; output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage ret; algorithm ret := voltage;end limitJunctionVoltage;