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Conference Proceedings
Dexter, Arthur L, Mahroo M Eftekhari, Philip Haves, and Fábio Gonçalves Jota. "The Use of Dynamic Simulation Models to Evaluate Algorithms for Building Energy Control: Experience with HVACSIM+." International Congress on Building Energy Management 1987.
Vaezi-Nejad, Hossein, E. Hutter, Philip Haves, Arthur L Dexter, George E Kelly, Pierre Nusgens, and Shengwei Wang. "Use of Building Emulators to Evaluate the Performance of Building Energy Management Systems." Building Simulation '91 1991: 209-213.
Haves, Philip, and Arthur L Dexter. "Use of a Building Emulator to Evaluate Control Strategies Implemented in Commercial BEMS." Building Environmental Performance '91 1991.
Dexter, Arthur L, and Philip Haves. "Simulation of Local Loop Controls." Building Simulation 89 1989.
Ling, Keck-Voon, Arthur L Dexter, G. Geng, and Philip Haves. "Self-tuning Control with Fuzzy Rule-Based Supervision for HVAC Applications." ITAC 91 1991.
Benouarets, Mourad, Arthur L Dexter, Richard S Fargus, Philip Haves, Tim I Salsbury, and Jonathan A Wright. "Model-Based Approaches to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Air-Conditioning System." System Simulation in Buildings '94 1994.
Dexter, Arthur L, and Philip Haves. "The Influence of Tuning on the Performance of a Building Control System." System Simulation in Buildings '90 1990.
Dexter, Arthur L, Richard S Fargus, and Philip Haves. "Fault Detection in Air-Conditioning Systems Using A.I. Techniques." BEP'94 1994.
Dexter, Arthur L, Philip Haves, and D.R. Jorgensen. "Development of Techniques to Assist in the Commissioning of HVAC Control Systems." CIBSE National Conference 1993.
Haves, Philip, D.R. Jorgensen, Tim I Salsbury, and Arthur L Dexter. "Development and Testing of a Prototype Tool for HVAC Control System Commissioning." ASHRAE Transactions 1996.
Dexter, Arthur L, Philip Haves, and D.R. Jorgensen. "Automatic Commissioning of HVAC Control Systems." CLIMA 2000 1993.