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Crawley, Drury B, Linda K Lawrie, Curtis O Pedersen, Frederick C Winkelmann, Michael J Witte, Richard K Strand, Richard J Liesen, Walter F Buhl, Yu Joe Huang, Robert H Henninger, Jason Glazer, Daniel E Fisher, Don B Shirley, Brent T Griffith, Peter G Ellis, and Lixing Gu. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, S. Nara, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, J. Wang, and David W Song. "Evaluation of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Calculate Thermal Conductivity of Water and Systematic Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Oxide – Water Nanofluiids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,. Anaheim, CA, 2004.
Witte, Michael J, Robert H Henninger, and Drury B Crawley. "Experience Testing EnergyPlus With the ASHRAE 1052-RP Building Fabric Analytical Tests." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Wetter, Michael. GenOpt 2.0.0 - Generic optimization program. 2004. LBNL-54199.
Li, Angui, Phillip Jones, Pingge Zhao, and Liping Wang. "Heat transfer and natural ventilation from single-sided heated solar chimney for buildings." Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 3.2 (2004).
Wang, Liping, and Angui Li. "A numerical study of vertical solar chimney for Enhancing stack ventilation in buildings." The 21st International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, The Netherlands. 2004.
Strand, Richard K, Richard J Liesen, and Michael J Witte. "Resources for Teaching Building Energy Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Wetter, Michael. "Simulation-Based Building Energy Optimization." University of California, Berkeley, 2004.
Wetter, Michael. "Simulation-based building energy optimization." 2004.
Wetter, Michael. "GenOpt - A Generic Optimization Program." Ed. Roberto Lamberts, Negrão, Cezar OR, and Hensen, Jan. Proc. of the 7th IBPSA Conference 2001: 601-608. LBNL-48371.
Dumortier, Dominique, Ron C Kammerud, Bruce E Birdsall, Brandt Andersson, Joseph H Eto, William L Carroll, and Frederick C Winkelmann. "Thermal Energy Storage System Sizing." IBPSA Building Simulation '89. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1989. LBNL-27203.
Curtis, Richard B, Bruce E Birdsall, Walter F Buhl, Ender Erdem, Joseph H Eto, James J Hirsch, Karen H Olson, and Frederick C Winkelmann. "The DOE-2 Building Energy Analysis Program." ASEAN Conference on Energy Conservation in Buildings. Singapore, 1984. LBNL-18046.
