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"The Radio Polarization of Quasars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 168 (1974) 137-162.
. "The DOE-2 Building Energy Analysis Program." ASEAN Conference on Energy Conservation in Buildings. Singapore, 1984. LBNL-18046.
. "The DOE-2 Computer Program for Thermal Simulation of Buildings." American Institute of Physics (AIP). Vol. 135. American Institute of Physics, 1985.
. "New Features of the DOE-2.1c Energy Analysis Program." International Building Performance Simulation Association 1985.
. "Thermal Energy Storage System Sizing." IBPSA Building Simulation '89. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1989. LBNL-27203.
. "Use of Building Emulators to Evaluate the Performance of Building Energy Management Systems." Building Simulation '91 1991: 209-213.
. "Design, Construction and Commissioning of Building Emulators for EMCS Applications." ASHRAE Transactions 100.Pt. 1 (1994).
. "Investigation of the Reliability of Building Emulators for Testing Energy Management and Control Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 100.Pt. 1 (1994).
. "Model-Based Approaches to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Air-Conditioning System." System Simulation in Buildings '94 1994.
. "A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method Based on First Principles Models and Expert Rules." Tsinghua HVAC-95 1995.
. "Condition Monitoring in HVAC Subsystems using First Principles Models." ASHRAE Transactions 102.Pt. 1 (1996).
. "GenOpt - A Generic Optimization Program." . Proc. of the 7th IBPSA Conference 2001: 601-608. LBNL-48371.
. "Non-Linear Recursive Parameter Estimation Applied to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Real Buildings." System Simulation in Buildings ’02 2002.
. "Comparison of a generalized pattern search and a genetic algorithm optimization method." . Proc. of the 8th IBPSA Conference 2003: 1401-1408.
. "Comparison of a generalized pattern search and a genetic algorithm optimization method." . Proc. of the 8th IBPSA Conference 2003: 1401-1408.
. "A convergent optimization method using pattern search algorithms with adaptive precision simulation." . Proceedings of the 8th IBPSA Conference 2003: 1393-1400.
. "Field Testing Model-Based Condition Monitoring on a HVAC Cooling Coil Sub-System." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 24.2 (2003) 103-116.
. "Building Design Optimization Using a Convergent Pattern Search Algorithm with Adaptive Precision Simulations." Energy and Buildings 37 (2004) 603-612.
. BuildOpt 1.0.1 validation. 2004. LBNL-54658.
. "BuildOpt - A new building energy simulation program that is built on smooth models." Building and Environment 40.8 (2004). LBNL-54657.
. "A comparison of deterministic and probabilistic optimization algorithms for nonsmooth simulation-based optimization
." Building and Environment 39.8 (2004) 989-999.
. "A comparison of deterministic and probabilistic optimization algorithms for nonsmooth simulation-based optimization
." Building and Environment 39.8 (2004) 989-999.
. "A convergent optimization method using pattern search algorithms with adaptive precision simulation." Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 25.4 (2004) 327-338.
. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.