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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is C and Author is Qingyan Chen  [Clear All Filters]
Zuo, Wangda, Mingang Jin, and Qingyan Chen. "Reduction of numerical viscosity in FFD model." Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6.2 (2012) 234-247.
Jin, Mingang, Wangda Zuo, and Qingyan Chen. "Validation of three dimensional fast fluid dynamics for indoor airflow simulations." the 2nd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2012) 2012: 1055-1062.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Fast parallelized flow simulations on graphic processing units." the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009) 2009.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "High performance computing for indoor air." 11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) 2009: 244-249.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Real time or faster-than-real-time simulation of airflow in buildings." Indoor Air 19.1 (2009) 33-44.
Chen, Qingyan, Zhao Zhang, and Wangda Zuo. "Computational fluid dynamics for indoor environment modeling: past, present, and future." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 1-9.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Real time airflow simulation in buildings." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 459-466.
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen. "Validation of fast fluid dynamics for room airflow." the 10th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2007) 2007: 980-983.
Zhai, Zhiqiang, Qingyan Chen, Joseph H Klems, and Philip Haves. "Strategies for Coupling Energy Simulation Programs and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building Sim 2001. Vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001. 59-66. LBNL-48286.