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Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Improving building energy performance simulation with software interoperability." Building Simulation 2003. Vol. 1. Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2003. LBNL/PUB-908.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Building energy performance simulation as part of interoperable software environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883. LBNL/PUB-905.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Building Energy Performance Simulation as Part of Interoperable Software Environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883.
O'Donnell, James, Elmer Morrissey, Marcus Keane, and Vladimir Bazjanac. "BuildingPI: A Future Tool for Building Life Cycle Analysis." SimBuild 2004 1st International Conference of IBPSA-USA. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2004. LBNL-56071.
Bazjanac, Vladimir, and Tobias Maile. "IFC HVAC interface to EnergyPlus - A case of expanded interoperability for energy simulation." SimBuild 2004. Boulder, CO, 2004. LBNL/PUB-907.
Bazjanac, Vladimir, and Tobias Maile. "IFC HVAC Interface to EnergyPlus: A Case of Expanded Interoperability for Energy Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Morrissey, Elmer, James O'Donnell, Marcus Keane, and Vladimir Bazjanac. "Specification and Implementation of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Morrissey, Elmer, James O'Donnell, Marcus Keane, and Vladimir Bazjanac. "Specification and Implementation of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004: Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation. Boulder, CO, 2004. LBNL/PUB-906.
Morrissey, Elmer, James O'Donnell, Marcus Keane, and Vladimir Bazjanac. "Specification and Implementation of IFC-Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
Morrissey, Elmer, James O'Donnell, Marcus Keane, and Vladimir Bazjanac. "Specification of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004 1st International Conference of IBPSA-USA. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2004.
Bazjanac, Vladimir. "Virtual Building Environments - Applying Information Modeling to Buildings." European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building and Construction Industry (ECPPM) 2004. Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. LBNL-56072.