This section summarizes the changes that have been performed on the Buildings library
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Name | Description |
![]() | Version 1.1 build 0 (release candidate 2) |
![]() | Version 1.0 build 2 |
![]() | Version 1.0 build 1 |
![]() | Version 0.12.0 |
![]() | Version 0.11.0 |
![]() | Version 0.10.0 |
![]() | Version 0.9.1 |
![]() | Version 0.9.0 |
![]() | Version 0.8.0 |
![]() | Version 0.7.0 |
![]() | Version 0.6.0 |
![]() | Version 0.5.0 |
![]() | Version 0.4.0 |
![]() | Version 0.3.0 |
![]() | Version 0.2.0 |
![]() | Version 0.1.0 |
Version 1.1 build 0 is a release candidate. It contains improvements to models that address numerical problems. In particular, flow machines and actuators now have an optional filter that converts step changes in the input signal to a smooth change in speed or actuator position. Also, ( Buildings.Examples.Tutorial) has been added to provide step-by-step instruction for how to build system models.
The following new libraries have been added:
Buildings.Examples.Tutorial | Tutorial with step by step instructions for how to build system models. |
The following new components have been added to existing libraries:
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.Pipe | Added a model for a pipe with transport delay and optional heat exchange with the environment. |
Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.UsersGuide | Added a user's guide for actuator models. |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.ConservationEquation Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticConservationEquation |
These base classes have been added to simplify the implementation of dynamic and steady-state thermofluid models. |
Buildings.Fluid.Data.Fuels | Package with physical properties of fuels that are used by the boiler model. |
The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Dampers.Exponential Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Dampers.VAVBoxExponential Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Dampers.MixingBox Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Dampers.MixingBoxMinimumFlow Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.ThreeWayEqualPercentageLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.ThreeWayLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayEqualPercentage Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayQuickOpening |
Added an optional 2nd order lowpass filter for the input signal.
The filter approximates the travel time of the actuators.
It also makes the system of equations easier to solve
because a step change in the input signal causes a gradual change in the actuator
position. Note that this filter affects the time response of closed loop control. Therefore, enabling the filter may require retuning of control loops. See the user's guide of the Buildings.Fluid.Actuators package. |
Buildings.Fluid.Boilers.BoilerPolynomial | Added computation of fuel usage and improved the documentation. |
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_y Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_Nrpm Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_dp Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_m_flow |
Added a 2nd order lowpass filter to the input signal.
The filter approximates the startup and shutdown transients of fans or pumps.
It also makes the system of equations easier to solve
because a step change in the input signal causes a gradual change in the
mass flow rate. Note that this filter affects the time response of closed loop control. Therefore, enabling the filter may require retuning of control loops. See the user's guide of the Buildings.Fluid.Movers package. |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger | Changed model to use graphical implementation of models for pressure drop and conservation equations. |
Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.PartialResistance Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.FixedResistanceDpM Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialTwoWayValve Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialDamperExponential |
Revised base classes and models to simplify object inheritance tree.
Set m_flow_small to final in Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.PartialResistance,
and removed its assignment in the other classes.
Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.FixedResistanceDpM Buildings.Fluid.FixedResistances.SplitterFixedResistanceDpM |
Improved documentation. |
Buildings.HeatTransfer | |
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.Functions.glassProperty | Added the function glassPropertyUncoated that calculates the property for uncoated glass.
Buildings.Rooms | |
Buildings.Rooms.MixedAir | Changed model to use new implementation of Buildings.HeatTransfer.Radiosity.OutdoorRadiosity in its base classes. This change leads to the use of the same equations for the radiative heat transfer between window and ambient as is used for the opaque constructions. |
The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.ThreeWayEqualPercentageLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.ThreeWayLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayEqualPercentage Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayLinear Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayQuickOpening |
Changed models to allow modeling of a fixed resistance that is
within the controlled flow leg. This allows in some cases
the avoidance of a nonlinear equation if a flow resistance is
in series to the valve.
This change required changing the parameter for the valve resistance
dp_nominal to dpValve_nominal ,
and introducing the parameter
dpFixed_nominal , with dpFixed_nominal=0
as its default value.
Previous models that instantiate these components need to change the
assignment of dp_nominal to an assignment of
dpValve_nominal .
See also
Buildings.HeatTransfer | |
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Radiosity.OutdoorRadiosity Buildings.HeatTransfer.Windows.ExteriorHeatTransfer |
Changed model to use new implementation of Buildings.HeatTransfer.Radiosity.OutdoorRadiosity. This change leads to the use of the same equations for the radiative heat transfer between window and ambient as is used for the opaque constructions. |
Buildings.Controls | |
Buildings.Controls.SetPoints.OccupancySchedule | Changed model to fix a bug that caused the output of the block
to be incorrect when the simulation started
at a time different from zero.
When fixing this bug, the parameter startTime was removed,
and the parameter endTime was renamed to period .
The period always starts at t=0 seconds.
The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):
Buildings.Controls | |
Buildings.Controls.SetPoints.OccupancySchedule | The output of the block was incorrect when the simulation started at a time different from zero. |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers | |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DryCoilCounterFlow Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.WetCoilCounterFlow |
Corrected error in assignment of dp2_nominal .
The previous assignment caused a pressure drop in all except one element,
instead of the opposite. This caused too high a flow resistance
of the heat exchanger.
The following uncritical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that do not lead to wrong simulation results, e.g., units are wrong or errors in documentation):
Buildings.BoundaryConditions | |
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.SkyTemperature.BlackBody | Fixed error in BlackBody model that was causing a translation error when calTSky was set to Buildings.BoundaryConditions.Types.SkyTemperatureCalculation.HorizontalRadiation .
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.TwoPortHeatMassExchanger | Fixed wrong class reference in information section. |
Buildings.Utilities | |
Buildings.Utilities.IO.BCVTB.Examples.MoistAir | Updated fan parameters, which were still for version 0.12 of the Buildings library and hence caused a translation error with version 1.0 or higher. |
The following trac tickets have been fixed:
Exterior longwave radiation exchange in window model | |
#51 | Changed model to use new implementation of Buildings.HeatTransfer.Radiosity.OutdoorRadiosity. This change leads to the use of the same equations for the radiative heat transfer between window and ambient as is used for the opaque constructions. |
#53 | Fixed bug in Buildings.Controls.SetPoints.OccupancySchedule that led to wrong results when the simulation started at a time different from zero. |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Version 1.0 build 2 has been released to correct model errors that were present in version 1.0 build 1. Both versions are compatible. In addition, version 1.0 build 2 contains improved documentation of various example models.
The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:
Buildings.Controls | |
Buildings.Controls.Continuous Buildings.Controls.Discrete Buildings.Controls.SetPoints |
Improved documentation of models and of examples. |
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone | |
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.DoorDiscretizedOpen Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.DoorDiscretizedOperable |
Changed the computation of the discharge coefficient to use the
nominal density instead of the actual density.
Computing sqrt(2/rho) sometimes causes warnings from the solver,
as it seems to try negative values for the density during iterative solutions.
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.Examples | Improved documentation of examples. |
Buildings.Examples.DualFanDualDuct | |
Buildings.Examples.DualFanDualDuct.Controls.RoomMixingBox | Improved control of minimum air flow rate to avoid overheating. |
The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):
Buildings.HeatTransfer | |
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Convection.Exterior | Fixed error in assignment of wind-based convection coefficient. The old implementation did not take into account the surface roughness. |
Buildings.Rooms | |
Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.SolarRadiationExchange | In the previous version, the radiative properties of the long-wave spectrum instead of the solar spectrum have been used to compute the distribution of the solar radiation among the surfaces inside the room. |
Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.MixedAir | Added missing connect statement between window frame surface and window frame convection model. Prior to this bug fix, no convective heat transfer was computed between window frame and room air. |
Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.HeatGain | Fixed bug that caused convective heat gains to be removed from the room instead of added to the room. |
The following trac tickets have been fixed:
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.Boreholes | |
#45 | Dymola 2012 FD01 hangs when simulating a borehole heat exchanger.
This was caused by a wrong release of memory in freeArray.c .
Buildings.Rooms | |
#46 | The convective internal heat gain has the wrong sign. |
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Version 1.0 is the first official release of the Buildings
Compared to the last pre-release, which is version 0.12, this version contains
new models as well as significant improvements to the model formulation
that leads to faster and more robust simulation. A detailed list of changes is shown below.
Version 1.0 is not backward compatible to version 0.12, i.e., models developed with versions 0.12 will require some changes in their parameters to work with version 1.0. The conversion script Buildings/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/ConvertBuildings_from_0.12_to_1.0.mos can help in converting old models to this version of the library.
The following new libraries have been added:
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.Boreholes | This is a library with a model for a borehole heat exchanger. |
The following new components have been added to existing libraries:
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone | |
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.BaseClasses.windPressureLowRise | Added a function that computes wind pressure on the facade of low-rise buildings. |
Buildings.Examples | |
Buildings.Examples.ChillerPlant | Added an example for a chilled water plant model. |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces | |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.UsersGuide | Added a user's guide that describes the main functionality of all base classes. |
Buildings.Fluid.Sources | |
Buildings.Fluid.Sources.Outside_Cp Buildings.Fluid.Sources.Outside_CpLowRise |
Added models to compute wind pressure on building facades. |
Buildings.HeatTransfer | |
Buildings.HeatTransfer.Conductor | Added a model for heat conduction in circular coordinates. |
Buildings.Rooms.Examples | |
Buildings.Rooms.Examples.BESTEST | Added BESTEST validation models. |
Buildings.Utilities.Math | |
Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.cubicHermiteLinearExtrapolation Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.splineDerivatives. |
Added functions for cubic hermite spline interpolation, with option for monotone increasing (or decreasing) spline. |
The following existing components have been improved in a backward compatible way:
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone | |
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.BaseClasses.powerLaw | This function has been reimplemented to handle zero flow rate in a more robust and more efficient way. This change improves all components that model flow resistance in the package Buildings.Airflow.Multizone. |
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData | |
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 | This model has now the option of using a constant value, using the data from the weather file, or from an input connector for 7 variables, including atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, dry bulb temperature, global horizontal radiation, diffuse horizontal radiation, wind direction and wind speed. |
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialActuator Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialDamperExponential Buildings.Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialTwoWayValve Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.PartialResistance Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.FlowModels.basicFlowFunction_dp Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.FlowModels.basicFlowFunction_m_flow Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger |
The computation of the linearized flow resistance has been moved from
the functions to the model, i.e., into an equation section.
If the linear implementation is in a function body, then a symbolic processor
may not invert the equation. This can lead to systems of coupled equations in
cases where an explicit solution is possible.
In addition, the handling of zero flow rate has been improved for the nonlinear
pressure drop model.
These improvements affect all models in Buildings.Fluid that compute
flow resistance. |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers | |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.HeaterCoolerPrescribed | This model can now be configured as a steady-state or dynamic model. |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DryCoilCounterFlow Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.WetCoilCounterFlow Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.DryCoilDiscretized Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.WetCoilDiscretized |
The implementation for handling zero flow rate, if the models are used as steady-state models, have been improved. |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.BaseClasses.ntu_epsilonZ | Changed implementation to use
Modelica.Media.Common.OneNonLinearEquation instead of
Buildings.Utilities.Math.BaseClasses.OneNonLinearEquation ,
which was removed for this version of the library.
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers | |
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.YorkCalc Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.FixedApproach |
These models are now based on a new base class Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.BaseClasses.CoolingTower .
This allows using the models as replaceable models without warning when checking the model.
Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.CoolingTowers.YorkCalc | Changed implementation of performance curve to avoid division by zero. |
Buildings.Fluid.MassExchangers | |
Buildings.Fluid.MassExchangers.HumidifierPrescribed | This model can now be configured as a steady-state or dynamic model. |
Buildings.Fluid.Sensors | |
Buildings.Fluid.Sensors.*TwoPort | All sensors with two ports, except for the mass flow rate sensor, have been revised to add sensor dynamics. Adding sensor dynamics avoids numerical problems when mass flow rates are close to zero and the sensor is configured to allow flow reversal. See Buildings.Fluid.Sensors.UsersGuide for details. |
Buildings.Fluid.Storage | |
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Stratified Buildings.Fluid.Storage.StratifiedEnhanced |
Changed the implementation of the model Buoyancy
to make it differentiable in the temperatures. |
Buildings.Media | |
Buildings.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleMedium Buildings.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleIdealGasMedium |
Moved the assignment of the stateSelect attribute for
the BaseProperties to the model
Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes.MixingVolume . This allows
to handle it differently for steady-state and dynamic models. |
Buildings.Utilities.Psychrometrics | |
Buildings.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Functions.TDewPoi_pW | Changed implementation to use
Modelica.Media.Common.OneNonLinearEquation instead of
Buildings.Utilities.Math.BaseClasses.OneNonLinearEquation ,
which was removed for this version of the library.
The following existing components have been improved in a non-backward compatible way:
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone | |
Buildings.Airflow.Multizone.MediumColumnDynamic | The implementation has been changed to better handle mass flow rates
near zero flow.
This required the introduction of a new parameter m_flow_nominal
that is used for the regularization near zero mass flow rate. |
Buildings.Fluid | |
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Examples.Stratified Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes |
Removed the parameters use_T_start and h_start ,
as T_start is more convenient to use than h_start
for building simulation.
Buildings.Fluid.Boilers | |
Buildings.Fluid.Boilers.BoilerPolynomial | The parameter dT_nominal has been removed
as it can be computed from the parameter m_flow_nominal .
This change was needed to avoid a non-literal value for the nominal
attribute for the mass flow rate in the pressure drop model. |
Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes | |
Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes.MixingVolume Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes.MixingVolumeDryAir Buildings.Fluid.MixingVolumes.MixingVolumeMoistAir |
The implementation has been changed to better handle mass flow rates
near zero flow if the components have exactly two fluid ports connected.
This required the introduction of a new parameter m_flow_nominal
that is used for the regularization near zero mass flow rate. |
Buildings.Fluid.Movers | |
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_y Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_Nrpm Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_dp Buildings.Fluid.Movers.FlowMachine_m_flow |
The performance data are now defined through records and not
through replaceable functions. The performance data now needs to be
declared in the formpressure(V_flow_nominal={0,V_flow_nominal,2*V_flow_nominal}, dp_nominal={2*dp_nominal,dp_nominal,0})where pressure is an instance of a record. A similar declaration is
used for power and efficiency.
The parameter m_flow_nominal has been removed from FlowMachine_y and FlowMachine_Nrpm. The parameter m_flow_max has been replaced by m_flow_nominal in FlowMachine_m_flow. The implementation of the pressure drop computation as a function of speed and volume flow rate has been revised to avoid a singularity near zero volume flow rate and zero speed. The implementation has also been simplified to avoid using two different flow paths if the models are configured for steady-state or dynamic simulation. |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces | |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.FourPortHeatMassExchanger Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialDynamicStaticFourPortHeatMassExchanger Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.TwoPortHeatMassExchanger Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialDynamicStaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.ConservationEquation |
The implementation has been changed to better handle mass flow rates near zero flow if the components have exactly two fluid ports connected. |
Buildings.Fluid.Sensors | |
Buildings.Fluid.Sensors.TemperatureTwoPortDynamic | This model has been deleted since the sensor Buildings.Fluid.Sensors.TemperatureTwoPort has been revised and can now also be used as a dynamic model of a sensor. |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces | |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialStaticTwoPortInterface | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPortInterface |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialStaticStaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticTwoPortHeatMassExchanger |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialTwoPortHeatMassExchanger | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.TwoPortHeatMassExchanger |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialFourPort | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.FourPort |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialStaticStaticFourPortHeatMassExchanger | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.StaticFourPortHeatMassExchanger |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialStaticFourPortInterface | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialFourPortInterface |
Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.PartialFourPortHeatMassExchanger | Renamed to Buildings.Fluid.Interfaces.FourPortHeatMassExchanger |
Buildings.Utilities.Math | |
Buildings.Utilities.Math.BaseClasses.OneNonLinearEquation | This package has been removed, and all functions have been revised to use Modelica.Media.Common.OneNonLinearEquation. |
Buildings.Utilities.Reports | |
Buildings.Utilities.Reports.Printer Buildings.Utilities.Reports.printRealArray |
Changed parameter precision to significantDigits and
minimumWidth to minimumLength
to use the same terminology as the Modelica Standard Library. |
The following critical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that can lead to wrong simulation results):
Buildings.BoundaryConditions | |
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.SkyTemperature.BlackBody | Fixed error in if-then statement that led to
a selection of the wrong branch to compute the sky temperature. |
Buildings.Media | |
Buildings.Media.PartialSimpleMedium Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.SimpleAir | Fixed error in assignment of singleState parameter.
This change can lead to different initial conditions if the density of
water is modeled as a function of pressure, or if the
medium model Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.SimpleAir is used. |
Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.MoistAir Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.MoistAirUnsaturated Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity.SimpleAir |
Fixed error in the function density which returned a non-constant density,
and added a call to ModelicaError(...) in setState_dTX since this
function cannot assign the medium pressure based on the density (as density is a constant
in this model).
Buildings.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleIdealGasMedium | Updated package with a new copy from the Modelica Standard Library, since the Modelica Standard Library fixed a bug in computing the internal energy of the medium. This bug led to very fast temperature transients at the start of the simulation. |
Buildings.Media.Interfaces.PartialSimpleMedium | Fixed bug in function density, which always returned d_const ,
regardless of the value of constantDensity .
Buildings.Media.GasesPTDecoupled | Fixed bug in u=h-R*T , which is only valid for ideal gases.
For this medium, the function is u=h-pStd/dStp .
Buildings.Media.GasesConstantDensity | Fixed bug in u=h-R*T , which is only valid for ideal gases.
For this medium, the function is u=h-p/dStp .
Buildings.Rooms | |
Buildings.Rooms.MixedAir Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.ExteriorBoundaryConditions | Fixed bug (ticket 35) that leads to the wrong solar heat gain for roofs and for floors. Prior to this bug fix, the outside facing surface of a ceiling received solar irradiation as if it were a floor and vice versa. |
Buildings.Rooms.MixedAir Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.ExteriorBoundaryConditionsWithWindow | Fixed bug (ticket 36) that leads to too high a surface temperature of the window frame when it receives solar radiation. The previous version did not compute the infrared radiation exchange between the window frame and the sky. |
The following uncritical errors have been fixed (i.e., errors that do not lead to wrong simulation results, but, e.g., units are wrong or errors in documentation):
Buildings.BoundaryConditions | |
Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.ConvertRadiation | Corrected wrong unit label. |
The following trac tickets have been fixed:
Buildings.BoundaryConditions | |
#8 | Add switches for new data. |
#19 | Shift the time for the radiation data 30 min forth and output the local civil time in the data reader. |
#41 | Using when-then sentences to reduce CPU time. |
#43 | Add a ConvertRadiation to convert the unit of radiation from TMY3. |
Buildings.Fluid | |
#28 | Move scripts to Buildings\Resources\Scripts\Dymola. |
Buildings.HeatTransfer | |
#18 | Add a smooth interpolation function to avoid the event. |
Buildings.Media | |
#30 | Removed non-required structurally incomplete annotation. |
Buildings.Rooms | |
#35 | Wrong surface tilt for radiation at exterior surfaces of floors and ceilings. |
#36 | High window frame temperatures. |
and a build number. The first official
release of each version has the build number 1
. For each released bug fix,
the build number is incremented.
Modelica.UsersGuide.ReleaseNotes.VersionManagement for details.
and the annotation that
generates the entry in the Command
pull down menu has been changed to
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Note: The packages whose name ends with Beta
are still being validated.
Buildings.Rooms | |
Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.InfraredRadiationExchange | The model Buildings.Rooms.BaseClasses.InfraredRadiationExchange
had an error in the view factor approximation.
The error caused too much radiosity to flow from large to small surfaces because the law of reciprocity
for view factors was not satisfied. This led to low surface temperatures if a surface had a large area
compared to other surfaces.
The bug has been fixed by rewriting the view factor calculation.
The following improvements and additions have been made:
as an algebraic variable.
This increases robustness.
and saturationPressure
in single substance media
to allow use of the room model with media that do not contain water vapor.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Note: The packages whose name ends with Beta
are still being validated.
was multiplied with the mass flow rate at
. The old implementation led to small errors that were proportional
to the amount of moisture change. For example, if the moisture added by the component
was 0.005 kg/kg
, then the error was 0.5%
Also, the results for forward flow and reverse flow differed by this amount.
With the new implementation, the energy and moisture balance is exact.
in the model
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
to avoid wrong trajectory
when concentration is around 1E-7.
See also
assert(dp_in >= 0, ...)
to assert(dp_in >= -0.1, ...)
The former implementation triggered the assert if dp_in
was solved for
in a nonlinear equation since the solution can be slightly negative while still being
within the solver tolerance.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
The following critical error has been fixed (i.e. error that can lead to wrong simulation results):
Buildings.Fluid.Storage. | |
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.StratifiedEnhanced | The model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier
had a sign error that lead to a wrong energy balance.
The model that was affected by this error is
The model
Buildings.Fluid.Storage.Stratified was not affected.The bug has been fixed by using the newly introduced model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.ThirdOrderStratifier. This model uses a third-order upwind scheme to reduce the numerical dissipation instead of the correction term that was used in Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier .
The model Buildings.Fluid.Storage.BaseClasses.Stratifier has been removed since it
also led to significant overshoot in temperatures when the stratification was pronounced.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
relations to compute the heat transfer.
, then
the flow is equal to zero if y=0
. This change required rewriting
the package to avoid division by the rotational speed.
is set to zero,
then the pressure drop equation is removed. This allows, for example,
to model a heating and a cooling coil in series, and lump there pressure drops
into a single element, thereby reducing the dimension of the nonlinear system
of equations.
in closed form assuming no saturation. Then, a check is done to determine
whether the state is in the fog region. If the state is in the fog region,
then Internal.solve
is called. This new implementation
can lead to significantly shorter computing
time in models that frequently call T_phX
to avoid compilation error
if the parameter is disabled but not specified.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
the initialization
. Previously, the initialization
was only done for Xi
but not for X
, which caused the
medium to be initialized to reference_X
, ignoring the value of X_start
and Buildings.Media.GasesPTDecoupled.MoistAirNoLiquid
and added assert
statements if saturation occurs.
and its derivative.
Fixed error by introducing parameter Td
which used to be hard-wired in the PID controller.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
ports, which are obsolete
in Modelica 3.0.
to have the same nomenclatures as is used for
d m_flow/d p
near the origin that is not too steep for a Newton-based solver.
Buildings.Fluid.BaseClasses.PartialResistance and in its
child classes.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
or Cv
be used as the flow coefficient (in [m3/h] or [USG/min]).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
library is upgraded to
to Modelica 3.0.0, it should be safe to remove this bug fix.
and 1
. This was in earlier versions restricted.
In the same model, a bug was fixed that caused the flow to be largest for y=0
, i.e., when the damper is closed.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
New in this version are models for two and three way valves.
In addition, the Fluids
package has been slightly revised.
The package Fluid.BaseClasses
has been added because in
the previous version, partial models for fixed resistances
where part of the Actuator
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).
First release of the library.
This version contains basic models for modeling building HVAC systems. It also contains new medium models in the package Buildings.Media. These medium models have simpler property functions than the ones from Modelica.Media. For example, there is medium model with constant heat capacity which is often sufficiently accurate for building HVAC simulation, in contrast to the more detailed models from Modelica.Media that are valid in a larger temperature range, at the expense of introducing non-linearities due to the medium properties.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).