
Library of continuous control blocks with internal states


This package contains basic continuous input/output blocks described by differential equations.

All blocks of this package can be initialized in different ways controlled by parameter initType. The possible values of initType are defined in Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init:

Name Description
Init.NoInit no initialization (start values are used as guess values with fixed=false)
Init.SteadyState steady state initialization (derivatives of states are zero)
Init.InitialState Initialization with initial states
Init.InitialOutput Initialization with initial outputs (and steady state of the states if possibles)

For backward compatibility reasons the default of all blocks is Init.NoInit, with the exception of Integrator and LimIntegrator where the default is Init.InitialState (this was the initialization defined in version 2.2 of the Modelica standard library).

In many cases, the most useful initial condition is Init.SteadyState because initial transients are then no longer present. The drawback is that in combination with a non-linear plant, non-linear algebraic equations occur that might be difficult to solve if appropriate guess values for the iteration variables are not provided (i.e. start values with fixed=false). However, it is often already useful to just initialize the linear blocks from the Continuous blocks library in SteadyState. This is uncritical, because only linear algebraic equations occur. If Init.NoInit is set, then the start values for the states are interpreted as guess values and are propagated to the states with fixed=false.

Note, initialization with Init.SteadyState is usually difficult for a block that contains an integrator (Integrator, LimIntegrator, PI, PID, LimPID). This is due to the basic equation of an integrator:

  initial equation
     der(y) = 0;   // Init.SteadyState
     der(y) = k*u;

The steady state equation leads to the condition that the input to the integrator is zero. If the input u is already (directly or indirectly) defined by another initial condition, then the initialization problem is singular (has none or infinitely many solutions). This situation occurs often for mechanical systems, where, e.g., u = desiredSpeed - measuredSpeed and since speed is both a state and a derivative, it is always defined by Init.InitialState or Init.SteadyState initializtion.

In such a case, Init.NoInit has to be selected for the integrator and an additional initial equation has to be added to the system to which the integrator is connected. E.g., useful initial conditions for a 1-dim. rotational inertia controlled by a PI controller are that angle, speed, and acceleration of the inertia are zero.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).

Package Content

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator Integrator Output the integral of the input signal
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimIntegrator LimIntegrator Integrator with limited value of the output
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative Derivative Approximated derivative block
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder FirstOrder First order transfer function block (= 1 pole)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.SecondOrder SecondOrder Second order transfer function block (= 2 poles)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PI PI Proportional-Integral controller
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID PID PID-controller in additive description form
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID LimPID P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.TransferFunction TransferFunction Linear transfer function
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace StateSpace Linear state space system
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Der Der Derivative of input (= analytic differentations)
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LowpassButterworth LowpassButterworth Output the input signal filtered with a low pass Butterworth filter of any order
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.CriticalDamping CriticalDamping Output the input signal filtered with an n-th order filter with critical damping

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator

Output the integral of the input signal



This blocks computes output y (element-wise) as integral of the input u multiplied with the gain k:

     y = - u

It might be difficult to initialize the integrator in steady state. This is discussed in the description of package Continuous.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Realk1Integrator gain
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.I...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)
Realy_start0Initial or guess value of output (= state)
RealOutputy.starty_startConnector of Real output signal


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal

Modelica definition

block Integrator "Output the integral of the input signal"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Integrator gain";

  /* InitialState is the default, because it was the default in Modelica 2.2
     and therefore this setting is backward compatible
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3,4: initial output)";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)";
  extends Interfaces.SISO(y(start=y_start));

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
     der(y) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState or 
         initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
  end if;
  der(y) = k*u;
end Integrator;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimIntegrator Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimIntegrator

Integrator with limited value of the output



This blocks computes y (element-wise) as integral of the input u multiplied with the gain k. If the integral reaches a given upper or lower limit and the input will drive the integral outside of this bound, the integration is halted and only restarted if the input drives the integral away from the bounds.

It might be difficult to initialize the integrator in steady state. This is discussed in the description of package Continuous.

If parameter limitAtInit = false, the limits of the integrator are removed from the initialization problem which leads to a much simpler equation system. After initialization has been performed, it is checked via an assert whether the output is in the defined limits. For backward compatibility reasons limitAtInit = true. In most cases it is best to use limitAtInit = false.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Realk1Integrator gain
RealoutMax Upper limit of output
RealoutMin-outMaxLower limit of output
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.I...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)
BooleanlimitsAtInittrue= false, if limits are ignored during initializiation (i.e., der(y)=k*u)
Realy_start0Initial or guess value of output (must be in the limits outMin .. outMax)
RealOutputy.starty_startConnector of Real output signal


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal

Modelica definition

block LimIntegrator "Integrator with limited value of the output"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Integrator gain";
  parameter Real outMax(start=1) "Upper limit of output";
  parameter Real outMin=-outMax "Lower limit of output";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)";
  parameter Boolean limitsAtInit = true 
    "= false, if limits are ignored during initializiation (i.e., der(y)=k*u)";
  parameter Real y_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value of output (must be in the limits outMin .. outMax)";
  extends Interfaces.SISO(y(start=y_start));

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
     der(y) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState or 
         initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
  end if;
  if initial() and not limitsAtInit then
     der(y) = k*u;
     assert(y >= outMin - 0.01*abs(outMin) and 
            y <= outMax + 0.01*abs(outMax),
           "LimIntegrator: During initialization the limits have been ignored.\n"+
           "However, the result is that the output y is not within the required limits:\n"+
           "  y = " + String(y) + ", outMin = " + String(outMin) + ", outMax = " + String(outMax));
     der(y) = if y < outMin and u < 0 or y > outMax and u > 0 then 0 else k*u;
  end if;
end LimIntegrator;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative

Approximated derivative block



This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y (element-wise) as approximated derivative:

             k * s
     y = ------------ * u
            T * s + 1

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general block TransferFunction instead and model a derivative block with parameters
b = {k,0}, a = {T, 1}.

If k=0, the block reduces to y=0.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


TimeT0.01Time constants (T>0 required; T=0 is ideal derivative block) [s]
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx_start0Initial or guess value of state
Realy_start0Initial value of output (= state)


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block Derivative "Approximated derivative block"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Gains";
  parameter SIunits.Time T(min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 0.01 
    "Time constants (T>0 required; T=0 is ideal derivative block)";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x_start=0 "Initial or guess value of state";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial value of output (= state)";
  extends Interfaces.SISO;

  output Real x(start=x_start) "State of block";

  parameter Boolean zeroGain = abs(k) < Modelica.Constants.eps;
initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x = x_start;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    if zeroGain then
       x = u;
       y = y_start;
    end if;
  end if;
  der(x) = if zeroGain then 0 else (u - x)/T;
  y = if zeroGain then 0 else (k/T)*(u - x);
end Derivative;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder

First order transfer function block (= 1 pole)



This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y (element-wise) as first order system:

     y = ------------ * u
            T * s + 1

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general block TransferFunction instead and model a first order SISO system with parameters
b = {k}, a = {T, 1}.

   parameter: k = 0.3, T = 0.4
   results in:
      y = ----------- * u
          0.4 s + 1.0

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


TimeT Time Constant [s]
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)
Realy_start0Initial or guess value of output (= state)
RealOutputy.starty_startConnector of Real output signal


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal

Modelica definition

block FirstOrder "First order transfer function block (= 1 pole)"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Gain";
  parameter SIunits.Time T(start=1) "Time Constant";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)";

  extends Interfaces.SISO(y(start=y_start));

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(y) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState or initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
  end if;
  der(y) = (k*u - y)/T;
end FirstOrder;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.SecondOrder Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.SecondOrder

Second order transfer function block (= 2 poles)



This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y (element-wise) as second order system:

     y = ---------------------------------------- * u
            ( s / w )^2 + 2*D*( s / w ) + 1

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general model class TransferFunction instead and model a second order SISO system with parameters
b = {k}, a = {1/w^2, 2*D/w, 1}.


   parameter: k =  0.3,  w = 0.5,  D = 0.4
   results in:
      y = ------------------- * u
          4.0 s^2 + 1.6 s + 1

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Realw Angular frequency
RealD Damping
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)
Realy_start0Initial or guess value of output (= state)
Realyd_start0Initial or guess value of derivative of output (= state)
RealOutputy.starty_startConnector of Real output signal


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal

Modelica definition

block SecondOrder "Second order transfer function block (= 2 poles)"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Gain";
  parameter Real w(start=1) "Angular frequency";
  parameter Real D(start=1) "Damping";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)";
  parameter Real yd_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value of derivative of output (= state)";

  extends Interfaces.SISO(y(start=y_start));
  output Real yd(start=yd_start) "Derivative of y";

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(y) = 0;
    der(yd) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState or initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
    yd = yd_start;
  end if;
  der(y) = yd;
  der(yd) = w*(w*(k*u - y) - 2*D*yd);
end SecondOrder;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PI Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PI

Proportional-Integral controller



This blocks defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y (element-wise) as PI system:

   y = k * (1 + ---) * u
           T*s + 1
     = k * ------- * u

If you would like to be able to change easily between different transfer functions (FirstOrder, SecondOrder, ... ) by changing parameters, use the general model class TransferFunction instead and model a PI SISO system with parameters
b = {k*T, k}, a = {T, 0}.


   parameter: k = 0.3,  T = 0.4

   results in:
               0.4 s + 1
      y = 0.3 ----------- * u
                 0.4 s

It might be difficult to initialize the PI component in steady state due to the integrator part. This is discussed in the description of package Continuous.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


TimeT Time Constant (T>0 required) [s]
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx_start0Initial or guess value of state
Realy_start0Initial value of output


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block PI "Proportional-Integral controller"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real k=1 "Gain";
  parameter SIunits.Time T(start=1,min=Modelica.Constants.small) 
    "Time Constant (T>0 required)";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x_start=0 "Initial or guess value of state";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial value of output";

  extends Interfaces.SISO;
  output Real x(start=x_start) "State of block";

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x) = 0;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x = x_start;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
  end if;
  der(x) = u/T;
  y = k*(x + u);
end PI;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID

PID-controller in additive description form



This is the text-book version of a PID-controller. For a more practically useful PID-controller, use block LimPID.

The PID block can be initialized in different ways controlled by parameter initType. The possible values of initType are defined in Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID. This type is identical to Types.Init, with the only exception that the additional option DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState is added for backward compatibility reasons (= integrator is initialized with InitialState whereas differential part is initialized with NoInit which was the initialization in version 2.2 of the Modelica standard library).

Based on the setting of initType, the integrator (I) and derivative (D) blocks inside the PID controller are initialized according to the following table:

initType I.initType D.initType
NoInit NoInit NoInit
SteadyState SteadyState SteadyState
InitialState InitialState InitialState
and initial equation: y = y_start
NoInit SteadyState
DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState InitialState NoInit

In many cases, the most useful initial condition is SteadyState because initial transients are then no longer present. If initType = InitPID.SteadyState, then in some cases difficulties might occur. The reason is the equation of the integrator:

   der(y) = k*u;

The steady state equation "der(x)=0" leads to the condition that the input u to the integrator is zero. If the input u is already (directly or indirectly) defined by another initial condition, then the initialization problem is singular (has none or infinitely many solutions). This situation occurs often for mechanical systems, where, e.g., u = desiredSpeed - measuredSpeed and since speed is both a state and a derivative, it is natural to initialize it with zero. As sketched this is, however, not possible. The solution is to not initialize u or the variable that is used to compute u by an algebraic equation.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


TimeTi Time Constant of Integrator [s]
TimeTd Time Constant of Derivative block [s]
RealNd10The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block
InitPIDinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.InitPI...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realxi_start0Initial or guess value value for integrator output (= integrator state)
Realxd_start0Initial or guess value for state of derivative block
Realy_start0Initial value of output


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block PID "PID-controller in additive description form"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID;
  extends Interfaces.SISO;

  parameter Real k=1 "Gain";
  parameter SIunits.Time Ti(min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=0.5) 
    "Time Constant of Integrator";
  parameter SIunits.Time Td(min=0, start=0.1) 
    "Time Constant of Derivative block";
  parameter Real Nd(min=Modelica.Constants.small) = 10 
    "The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID initType= Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID.DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real xi_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value value for integrator output (= integrator state)";
  parameter Real xd_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value for state of derivative block";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial value of output";

  Blocks.Math.Gain P(k=1) "Proportional part of PID controller";
  Blocks.Continuous.Integrator I(k=1/Ti, y_start=xi_start,
    initType=if initType==InitPID.SteadyState then 
                InitPID.SteadyState else 
             if initType==InitPID.InitialState or 
                initType==InitPID.DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState then 
                InitPID.InitialState else InitPID.NoInit) 
    "Integral part of PID controller";
  Blocks.Continuous.Derivative D(k=Td, T=max([Td/Nd, 100*Modelica.
        Constants.eps]), x_start=xd_start,
    initType=if initType==InitPID.SteadyState or 
                initType==InitPID.InitialOutput then InitPID.SteadyState else 
             if initType==InitPID.InitialState then InitPID.InitialState else 
                InitPID.NoInit) "Derivative part of PID controller";
  Blocks.Math.Gain Gain(k=k) "Gain of PID controller";
  Blocks.Math.Add3 Add;
initial equation 
  if initType==InitPID.InitialOutput then
     y = y_start;
  end if;

  connect(u, P.u);
  connect(u, I.u);
  connect(u, D.u);
  connect(P.y, Add.u1);
  connect(I.y, Add.u2);
  connect(D.y, Add.u3);
  connect(Add.y, Gain.u);
  connect(Gain.y, y);
end PID;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimPID

P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting



Via parameter controllerType either P, PI, PD, or PID can be selected. If, e.g., PI is selected, all components belonging to the D-part are removed from the block (via conditional declarations). The example model Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller demonstrates the usage of this controller. Several practical aspects of PID controller design are incorporated according to chapter 3 of the book:

Åström K.J., and Hägglund T.:
PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning. Instrument Society of America, 2nd edition, 1995.

Besides the additive proportional, integral and derivative part of this controller, the following features are present:

The parameters of the controller can be manually adjusted by performing simulations of the closed loop system (= controller + plant connected together) and using the following strategy:

  1. Set very large limits, e.g., yMax = Modelica.Constants.inf
  2. Select a P-controller and manually enlarge parameter k (the total gain of the controller) until the closed-loop response cannot be improved any more.
  3. Select a PI-controller and manually adjust parameters k and Ti (the time constant of the integrator). The first value of Ti can be selected, such that it is in the order of the time constant of the oscillations occuring with the P-controller. If, e.g., vibrations in the order of T=10 ms occur in the previous step, start with Ti=0.01 s.
  4. If you want to make the reaction of the control loop faster (but probably less robust against disturbances and measurement noise) select a PID-Controller and manually adjust parameters k, Ti, Td (time constant of derivative block).
  5. Set the limits yMax and yMin according to your specification.
  6. Perform simulations such that the output of the PID controller goes in its limits. Tune Ni (Ni*Ti is the time constant of the anti-windup compensation) such that the input to the limiter block (= limiter.u) goes quickly enough back to its limits. If Ni is decreased, this happens faster. If Ni=infinity, the anti-windup compensation is switched off and the controller works bad.


This block can be initialized in different ways controlled by parameter initType. The possible values of initType are defined in Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID. This type is identical to Types.Init, with the only exception that the additional option DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState is added for backward compatibility reasons (= integrator is initialized with InitialState whereas differential part is initialized with NoInit which was the initialization in version 2.2 of the Modelica standard library).

Based on the setting of initType, the integrator (I) and derivative (D) blocks inside the PID controller are initialized according to the following table:

initType I.initType D.initType
NoInit NoInit NoInit
SteadyState SteadyState SteadyState
InitialState InitialState InitialState
and initial equation: y = y_start
NoInit SteadyState
DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState InitialState NoInit

In many cases, the most useful initial condition is SteadyState because initial transients are then no longer present. If initType = InitPID.SteadyState, then in some cases difficulties might occur. The reason is the equation of the integrator:

   der(y) = k*u;

The steady state equation "der(x)=0" leads to the condition that the input u to the integrator is zero. If the input u is already (directly or indirectly) defined by another initial condition, then the initialization problem is singular (has none or infinitely many solutions). This situation occurs often for mechanical systems, where, e.g., u = desiredSpeed - measuredSpeed and since speed is both a state and a derivative, it is natural to initialize it with zero. As sketched this is, however, not possible. The solution is to not initialize u_m or the variable that is used to compute u_m by an algebraic equation.

If parameter limitAtInit = false, the limits at the output of this controller block are removed from the initialization problem which leads to a much simpler equation system. After initialization has been performed, it is checked via an assert whether the output is in the defined limits. For backward compatibility reasons limitAtInit = true. In most cases it is best to use limitAtInit = false.

Extends from Interfaces.SVcontrol (Single-Variable continuous controller).


SimpleControllercontrollerTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Simple...Type of controller
Realk1Gain of controller
TimeTi Time constant of Integrator block [s]
TimeTd Time constant of Derivative block [s]
RealyMax Upper limit of output
RealyMin-yMaxLower limit of output
Realwp1Set-point weight for Proportional block (0..1)
Realwd0Set-point weight for Derivative block (0..1)
RealNi0.9Ni*Ti is time constant of anti-windup compensation
RealNd10The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block
InitPIDinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.InitPI...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
BooleanlimitsAtInittrue= false, if limits are ignored during initializiation
Realxi_start0Initial or guess value value for integrator output (= integrator state)
Realxd_start0Initial or guess value for state of derivative block
Realy_start0Initial value of output


input RealInputu_sConnector of setpoint input signal
input RealInputu_mConnector of measurement input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of actuator output signal

Modelica definition

block LimPID 
  "P, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID;
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController;
  extends Interfaces.SVcontrol;
  output Real controlError = u_s - u_m 
    "Control error (set point - measurement)";

  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController controllerType=
         Modelica.Blocks.Types.SimpleController.PID "Type of controller";
  parameter Real k(min=0) = 1 "Gain of controller";
  parameter SIunits.Time Ti(min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=0.5) 
    "Time constant of Integrator block";
  parameter SIunits.Time Td(min=0, start= 0.1) 
    "Time constant of Derivative block";
  parameter Real yMax(start=1) "Upper limit of output";
  parameter Real yMin=-yMax "Lower limit of output";
  parameter Real wp(min=0) = 1 "Set-point weight for Proportional block (0..1)";
  parameter Real wd(min=0) = 0 "Set-point weight for Derivative block (0..1)";
  parameter Real Ni(min=100*Modelica.Constants.eps) = 0.9 
    "Ni*Ti is time constant of anti-windup compensation";
  parameter Real Nd(min=100*Modelica.Constants.eps) = 10 
    "The higher Nd, the more ideal the derivative block";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID initType= Modelica.Blocks.Types.InitPID.DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Boolean limitsAtInit = true 
    "= false, if limits are ignored during initializiation";
  parameter Real xi_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value value for integrator output (= integrator state)";
  parameter Real xd_start=0 
    "Initial or guess value for state of derivative block";
  parameter Real y_start=0 "Initial value of output";

  Blocks.Math.Add addP(k1=wp, k2=-1);
  Blocks.Math.Add addD(k1=wd, k2=-1) if with_D;
  Blocks.Math.Gain P(k=1);
  Blocks.Continuous.Integrator I(k=1/Ti, y_start=xi_start,
    initType=if initType==InitPID.SteadyState then 
                InitPID.SteadyState else 
             if initType==InitPID.InitialState or 
                initType==InitPID.DoNotUse_InitialIntegratorState then 
                InitPID.InitialState else InitPID.NoInit) if with_I;
  Blocks.Continuous.Derivative D(k=Td, T=max([Td/Nd, 1.e-14]), x_start=xd_start,
    initType=if initType==InitPID.SteadyState or 
                initType==InitPID.InitialOutput then InitPID.SteadyState else 
             if initType==InitPID.InitialState then InitPID.InitialState else 
                InitPID.NoInit) if with_D;
  Blocks.Math.Gain gainPID(k=k);
  Blocks.Math.Add3 addPID;
  Blocks.Math.Add3 addI(k2=-1) if with_I;
  Blocks.Math.Add addSat(k1=+1, k2=-1) if 
  Blocks.Math.Gain gainTrack(k=1/(k*Ni)) if with_I;
  Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter(uMax=yMax, uMin=yMin, limitsAtInit=limitsAtInit);
  parameter Boolean with_I = controllerType==SimpleController.PI or 
  parameter Boolean with_D = controllerType==SimpleController.PD or 
  Sources.Constant Dzero(k=0) if not with_D;
  Sources.Constant Izero(k=0) if not with_I;
initial equation 
  if initType==InitPID.InitialOutput then
     y = y_start;
  end if;
  assert(yMax >= yMin, "LimPID: Limits must be consistent. However, yMax (=" + String(yMax) +
                       ") < yMin (=" + String(yMin) + ")");
  if initType == InitPID.InitialOutput and (y_start < yMin or y_start > yMax) then
      Modelica.Utilities.Streams.error("LimPID: Start value y_start (=" + String(y_start) +
         ") is outside of the limits of yMin (=" + String(yMin) +") and yMax (=" + String(yMax) + ")");
  end if;
  assert(limitsAtInit or not limitsAtInit and y >= yMin and y <= yMax,
         "LimPID: During initialization the limits have been switched off.\n" +
         "After initialization, the output y (=" + String(y) +
         ") is outside of the limits of yMin (=" + String(yMin) +") and yMax (=" + String(yMax) + ")");

  connect(u_s, addP.u1);
  connect(u_s, addD.u1);
  connect(u_s, addI.u1);
  connect(addP.y, P.u);
  connect(addD.y, D.u);
  connect(addI.y, I.u);
  connect(P.y, addPID.u1);
  connect(D.y, addPID.u2);
  connect(I.y, addPID.u3);
  connect(addPID.y, gainPID.u);
  connect(gainPID.y, addSat.u2);
  connect(gainPID.y, limiter.u);
  connect(limiter.y, addSat.u1);
  connect(limiter.y, y);
  connect(addSat.y, gainTrack.u);
  connect(gainTrack.y, addI.u3);
  connect(u_m, addP.u2);
  connect(u_m, addD.u2);
  connect(u_m, addI.u2);
  connect(Dzero.y, addPID.u2);
  connect(Izero.y, addPID.u3);
end LimPID;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.TransferFunction Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.TransferFunction

Linear transfer function



This block defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y as (nb = dimension of b, na = dimension of a):

           b[1]*s^[nb-1] + b[2]*s^[nb-2] + ... + b[nb]
   y(s) = --------------------------------------------- * u(s)
           a[1]*s^[na-1] + a[2]*s^[na-2] + ... + a[na]

State variables x are defined according to controller canonical form. Internally, vector x is scaled to improve the numerics (the states in versions before version 3.0 of the Modelica Standard Library have been not scaled). This scaling is not visible from the outside of this block because the non-scaled vector x is provided as output signal and the start value is with respect to the non-scaled vector x. Initial values of the states x can be set via parameter x_start.


     TransferFunction g(b = {2,4}, a = {1,3});

results in the following transfer function:

        2*s + 4
   y = --------- * u
         s + 3

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


y = (2*s+3)/(4*s^2+5*s+6)*u is defined as b={2,3}, a={4,5,6}
Realb[:]{1}Numerator coefficients of transfer function
Reala[:] Denominator coefficients of transfer function
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx_start[size(a, 1) - 1]zeros(nx)Initial or guess values of states
Realy_start0Initial value of output (derivatives of y are zero upto nx-1-th derivative)


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block TransferFunction "Linear transfer function"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  extends Interfaces.SISO;

  parameter Real b[:]={1} "Numerator coefficients of transfer function";
  parameter Real a[:] "Denominator coefficients of transfer function";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x_start[size(a, 1) - 1]=zeros(nx) 
    "Initial or guess values of states";
  parameter Real y_start=0 
    "Initial value of output (derivatives of y are zero upto nx-1-th derivative)";
  output Real x[size(a, 1) - 1](start=x_start) 
    "State of transfer function from controller canonical form";
  parameter Integer na=size(a, 1) "Size of Denominator of transfer function.";
  parameter Integer nb=size(b, 1) "Size of Numerator of transfer function.";
  parameter Integer nx=size(a, 1) - 1;
  parameter Real bb[:] = vector([zeros(max(0,na-nb),1);b]);
  parameter Real d = bb[1]/a[1];
  parameter Real a_end = if a[end] > 100*Modelica.Constants.eps*sqrt(a*a) then a[end] else 1.0;
  Real x_scaled[size(x,1)] "Scaled vector x";

initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x_scaled) = zeros(nx);
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x_scaled = x_start*a_end;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
    der(x_scaled[2:nx]) = zeros(nx-1);
  end if;
  assert(size(b,1) <= size(a,1), "Transfer function is not proper");
  if nx == 0 then
     y = d*u;
     der(x_scaled[1])    = (-a[2:na]*x_scaled + a_end*u)/a[1];
     der(x_scaled[2:nx]) = x_scaled[1:nx-1];
     y = ((bb[2:na] - d*a[2:na])*x_scaled)/a_end + d*u;
     x = x_scaled/a_end;
  end if;
end TransferFunction;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace

Linear state space system



The State Space block defines the relation between the input u and the output y in state space form:

    der(x) = A * x + B * u
        y  = C * x + D * u

The input is a vector of length nu, the output is a vector of length ny and nx is the number of states. Accordingly

        A has the dimension: A(nx,nx),
        B has the dimension: B(nx,nu),
        C has the dimension: C(ny,nx),
        D has the dimension: D(ny,nu)


     parameter: A = [0.12, 2;3, 1.5]
     parameter: B = [2, 7;3, 1]
     parameter: C = [0.1, 2]
     parameter: D = zeros(ny,nu)
results in the following equations:
  [der(x[1])]   [0.12  2.00] [x[1]]   [2.0  7.0] [u[1]]
  [         ] = [          ]*[    ] + [        ]*[    ]
  [der(x[2])]   [3.00  1.50] [x[2]]   [0.1  2.0] [u[2]]
                             [x[1]]            [u[1]]
       y[1]   = [0.1  2.0] * [    ] + [0  0] * [    ]
                             [x[2]]            [u[2]]

Extends from Interfaces.MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output continuous control block).


RealA[:, size(A, 1)] Matrix A of state space model (e.g. A=[1, 0; 0, 1])
RealB[size(A, 1), :] Matrix B of state space model (e.g. B=[1; 1])
RealC[:, size(A, 1)] Matrix C of state space model (e.g. C=[1, 1])
RealD[size(C, 1), size(B, 2)]zeros(size(C, 1), size(B, 2))Matrix D of state space model
Integerninsize(B, 2)Number of inputs
Integernoutsize(C, 1)Number of outputs
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx_start[nx]zeros(nx)Initial or guess values of states
Realy_start[ny]zeros(ny)Initial values of outputs (remaining states are in steady state if possible)


input RealInputu[nin]Connector of Real input signals
output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals

Modelica definition

block StateSpace "Linear state space system"
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  parameter Real A[:, size(A, 1)] 
    "Matrix A of state space model (e.g. A=[1, 0; 0, 1])";
  parameter Real B[size(A, 1), :] 
    "Matrix B of state space model (e.g. B=[1; 1])";
  parameter Real C[:, size(A, 1)] 
    "Matrix C of state space model (e.g. C=[1, 1])";
  parameter Real D[size(C, 1), size(B, 2)]=zeros(size(C, 1), size(B, 2)) 
    "Matrix D of state space model";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x_start[nx]=zeros(nx) "Initial or guess values of states";
  parameter Real y_start[ny]=zeros(ny) 
    "Initial values of outputs (remaining states are in steady state if possible)";

  extends Interfaces.MIMO(final nin=size(B, 2), final nout=size(C, 1));
  output Real x[size(A, 1)](start=x_start) "State vector";

  parameter Integer nx = size(A, 1) "number of states";
  parameter Integer ny = size(C, 1) "number of outputs";
initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x) = zeros(nx);
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x = x_start;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    x = Modelica.Math.Matrices.equalityLeastSquares(A, -B*u, C, y_start - D*u);
  end if;
  der(x) = A*x + B*u;
  y = C*x + D*u;
end StateSpace;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Der Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Der

Derivative of input (= analytic differentations)



Defines that the output y is the derivative of the input u. Note, that Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative computes the derivative in an approximate sense, where as this block computes the derivative exactly. This requires that the input u is differentiated by the Modelica translator, if this derivative is not yet present in the model.

Extends from Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block Der "Derivative of input (= analytic differentations)"
    extends Interfaces.SISO;

  y = der(u);
end Der;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LowpassButterworth Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LowpassButterworth

Output the input signal filtered with a low pass Butterworth filter of any order



This block defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y as an n-th order low pass filter with Butterworth characteristics and cut-off frequency f. It is implemented as a series of second order filters and a first order filter. Butterworth filters have the feature that the amplitude at the cut-off frequency f is 1/sqrt(2) (= 3 dB), i.e., they are always "normalized". Step responses of the Butterworth filter of different orders are shown in the next figure:

If transients at the simulation start shall be avoided, the filter should be initialized in steady state (e.g., using option initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState).

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Integern2Order of filter
Frequencyf Cut-off frequency [Hz]
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx1_start[m]zeros(m)Initial or guess values of states 1 (der(x1)=x2))
Realx2_start[m]zeros(m)Initial or guess values of states 2
Realxr_start0.0Initial or guess value of real pole for uneven order otherwise dummy
Realy_start0.0Initial value of output (states are initialized in steady state if possible)


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block LowpassButterworth 
  "Output the input signal filtered with a low pass Butterworth filter of any order"

  import Modelica.Math.*;
  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;

  extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;

  parameter Integer n(min=1) = 2 "Order of filter";
  parameter SI.Frequency f(start=1) "Cut-off frequency";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x1_start[m]=zeros(m) 
    "Initial or guess values of states 1 (der(x1)=x2))";
  parameter Real x2_start[m]=zeros(m) "Initial or guess values of states 2";
  parameter Real xr_start=0.0 
    "Initial or guess value of real pole for uneven order otherwise dummy";
  parameter Real y_start=0.0 
    "Initial value of output (states are initialized in steady state if possible)";

  output Real x1[m](start=x1_start) 
    "states 1 of second order filters (der(x1) = x2)";
  output Real x2[m](start=x2_start) "states 2 of second order filters";
  output Real xr(start=xr_start) 
    "state of real pole for uneven order otherwise dummy";
  constant Real pi=Modelica.Constants.pi;
  parameter Integer m=integer(n/2);
  parameter Boolean evenOrder = 2*m == n;
  parameter Real w=2*pi*f;
  Real z[m + 1];
  Real polereal[m];
  Real poleimag[m];
  Real realpol;
  Real k2[m];
  Real D[m];
  Real w0[m];
  Real k1;
  Real T;
initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x1) = zeros(m);
    der(x2) = zeros(m);
    if not evenOrder then
      der(xr) = 0.0;
    end if;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x1 = x1_start;
    x2 = x2_start;
    if not evenOrder then
      xr = xr_start;
    end if;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
    der(x1) = zeros(m);
    if evenOrder then
      if m > 1 then
        der(x2[1:m-1]) = zeros(m-1);
      end if;
      der(x1) = zeros(m);
    end if;
  end if;
  k2 = ones(m);
  k1 = 1;
  z[1] = u;

  // calculate filter parameters
  for i in 1:m loop
    // poles of prototype lowpass
    polereal[i] = cos(pi/2 + pi/n*(i - 0.5));
    poleimag[i] = sin(pi/2 + pi/n*(i - 0.5));
    // scaling and calculation of secon order filter coefficients
    w0[i] = (polereal[i]^2 + poleimag[i]^2)*w;
    D[i] = -polereal[i]/w0[i]*w;
  end for;
  realpol = 1*w;
  T = 1/realpol;

  // calculate second order filters
  for i in 1:m loop
    der(x1[i]) = x2[i];
    der(x2[i]) = k2[i]*w0[i]^2*z[i] - 2*D[i]*w0[i]*x2[i] - w0[i]^2*x1[i];
    z[i + 1] = x1[i];
  end for;

  // calculate first order filter if necessary
  if evenOrder then
    // even order
    xr = 0;
    y = z[m + 1];
    // uneven order
    der(xr) = (k1*z[m + 1] - xr)/T;
    y = xr;
  end if;
end LowpassButterworth;

Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.CriticalDamping Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.CriticalDamping

Output the input signal filtered with an n-th order filter with critical damping



This block defines the transfer function between the input u and the output y as an n-th order filter with critical damping characteristics and cut-off frequency f. It is implemented as a series of first order filters. This filter type is especially useful to filter the input of an inverse model, since the filter does not introduce any transients.

If parameter normalized = true (default), the filter is normalized such that the amplitude of the filter transfer function at the cut-off frequency f is 1/sqrt(2) (= 3 dB). Otherwise, the filter is not normalized, i.e., it is unmodified. A normalized filter is usually much better for applications, since filters of different orders are "comparable", whereas non-normalized filters usually require to adapt the cut-off frequency, when the order of the filter is changed. Figures of the filter step responses are shown below. Note, in versions before version 3.0 of the Modelica Standard library, the CriticalDamping filter was provided only in non-normalzed form.

If transients at the simulation start shall be avoided, the filter should be initialized in steady state (e.g., using option initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState).

The critical damping filter is defined as

    α = if normalized then sqrt(2^(1/n) - 1) else 1 // frequency correction factor
    ω = 2*π*f/α
    y = ------------- * u
         (s/w + 1)^n

Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Integern2Order of filter
Frequencyf Cut-off frequency [Hz]
Booleannormalizedtrue= true, if amplitude at f_cut is 3 dB, otherwise unmodified filter
InitinitTypeModelica.Blocks.Types.Init.N...Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)
Realx_start[n]zeros(n)Initial or guess values of states
Realy_start0.0Initial value of output (remaining states are in steady state)


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Modelica definition

block CriticalDamping 
  "Output the input signal filtered with an n-th order filter with critical damping"

  import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
  extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;

  parameter Integer n=2 "Order of filter";
  parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency f(start=1) "Cut-off frequency";
  parameter Boolean normalized = true 
    "= true, if amplitude at f_cut is 3 dB, otherwise unmodified filter";
  parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit 
    "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)";
  parameter Real x_start[n]=zeros(n) "Initial or guess values of states";
  parameter Real y_start=0.0 
    "Initial value of output (remaining states are in steady state)";

  output Real x[n](start=x_start) "Filter states";
  parameter Real alpha=if normalized then sqrt(2^(1/n) - 1) else 1.0 
    "Frequency correction factor for normalized filter";
  parameter Real w=2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f/alpha;
initial equation 
  if initType == Init.SteadyState then
    der(x) = zeros(n);
  elseif initType == Init.InitialState then
    x = x_start;
  elseif initType == Init.InitialOutput then
    y = y_start;
    der(x[1:n-1]) = zeros(n-1);
  end if;
  der(x[1]) = (u - x[1])*w;
  for i in 2:n loop
    der(x[i]) = (x[i - 1] - x[i])*w;
  end for;
  y = x[n];
end CriticalDamping;

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