
Library of constants and types with choices, especially to build menus


In this package types and constants are defined that are used in library Modelica.Blocks. The types have additional annotation choices definitions that define the menus to be built up in the graphical user interface when the type is used as parameter in a declaration.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Library (Icon for library).

Package Content

Smoothness Enumeration defining the smoothness of table interpolation
Extrapolation Enumeration defining the extrapolation of time table interpolation
Init Enumeration defining initialization of a block
InitPID Enumeration defining initialization of PID and LimPID blocks
SimpleController Enumeration defining P, PI, PD, or PID simple controller type

Types and constants

  type Smoothness = enumeration(
    LinearSegments "Table points are linearly interpolated",
      "Table points are interpolated such that the first derivative is continuous")
  "Enumeration defining the smoothness of table interpolation";

type Extrapolation = enumeration(
    HoldLastPoint "Hold the last table point outside of the table scope",
      "Extrapolate linearly through the last two table points outside of the table scope", 

    Periodic "Repeat the table scope periodically") 
  "Enumeration defining the extrapolation of time table interpolation";

  type Init = enumeration(
      "No initialization (start values are used as guess values with fixed=false)", 

    SteadyState "Steady state initialization (derivatives of states are zero)", 

    InitialState "Initialization with initial states",
      "Initialization with initial outputs (and steady state of the states if possibles)")
  "Enumeration defining initialization of a block";

  type InitPID = enumeration(
      "No initialization (start values are used as guess values with fixed=false)", 

    SteadyState "Steady state initialization (derivatives of states are zero)", 

    InitialState "Initialization with initial states",
      "Initialization with initial outputs (and steady state of the states if possibles)", 

      "Don't use, only for backward compatibility (initialize only integrator state)")
  "Enumeration defining initialization of PID and LimPID blocks";

  type SimpleController = enumeration(
    P "P controller",
    PI "PI controller",
    PD "PD controller",
    PID "PID controller") 
  "Enumeration defining P, PI, PD, or PID simple controller type";

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