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Bhattacharya, Prajesh, and Patrick E Phelan. "Modeling the Behavior of F1-ATPase Biomolecular Motors Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." BioDevice Interface Science and Technology Workshop 2002.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, and Patrick E Phelan. "Understanding the Behavior of an F1-ATPase Biomolecular Motor Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." US-Japan Nanotherm Seminar: Nanoscale Thermal Science and Engineering. Berkeley, CA, 2002.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S.K. Saha, Ajay K Yadav, Patrick E Phelan, and Ravi S Prasher. "Determining the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Nanofluid Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." National Heat Transfer Conference. Las Vegas, NV, 2003.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, S. Nara, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, J. Wang, and David W Song. "Evaluation of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Calculate Thermal Conductivity of Water and Systematic Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Oxide – Water Nanofluiids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,. Anaheim, CA, 2004.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, X. Wei, Andrei G Fedorov, Yogendra K Joshi, Navdeep Bajwa, Anyuan Cao, and Pulickel Ajayan. "Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Centric Thermal Management of Future High Power Microprocessors." IEEE CPMT International Symposium and Exhibition on Advanced Packaging Materials 2006.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh. "Unlocking Historical Data in Critical IT." Data Center Dynamics Focus (2008).
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, Patrick E Phelan, and Ravi S Prasher. "Determining the Effective Viscosity of a Nanofluid Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." 1st International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology. Honolulu, HI, 2004.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh. "Convergence of IT and Facilities Real-Time and Historic Data Leads to Data Center Efficiency." ITHERM 2008.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S.K. Saha, Ajay K Yadav, Patrick E Phelan, and Ravi S Prasher. "Brownian Dynamics Simulation to Determine the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Journal of Applied Physics 95.11 (2004) 6492–6494.
Birdsall, Bruce E, Walter F Buhl, Richard B Curtis, Ender Erdem, Joseph Eto, James J Hirsch, Karen H Olson, and Frederick C Winkelmann. "The DOE-2 Computer Program for Thermal Simulation of Buildings." American Institute of Physics (AIP). Vol. 135. American Institute of Physics, 1985.
Blum, David, Guanjing Lin, Michael Spears, Janie Page, and Jessica Granderson. "When Data Analytics Meet Site Operation: Benefits and Challenges." 2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. 2018.
Blum, David, and Michael Wetter. "MPCPy: An Open-Source Software Platform for Model Predictive Control in Buildings." Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation 2017. San Francisco, 2017. LBNL-2001226.
Blum, David, Filip Jorissen, Sen Huang, Yan Chen, Javier Arroyo, Kyle Benne, Yanfei Li, Valentin Gavan, Lisa Rivalin, Lieve Helsen, Draguna Vrabie, Michael Wetter, and Marina Sofos. "Prototyping the BOPTEST Framework for Simulation-Based Testing of Advanced Control Strategies in Buildings." IBPSA Building Simulation 2019. Rome, Italy, 2019.
Blum, David, K. Arendt, Lisa Rivalin, Mary Ann Piette, Michael Wetter, and C.T. Veje. "Practical factors of envelope model setup and their effects on the performance of model predictive control for building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems." Applied Energy 236 (2019) 410 - 425.
Bourassa, Norman, Philip Haves, and Yu Joe Huang. "A Computer Simulation Appraisal of Non-Residential Low Energy Cooling Systems in California." 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, USA, 2002. LBNL-50677.
Bourdoukan, Paul, Etienne Wurtz, Maurice Spérandio, and Patrice Joubert. "Global Efficiency of Direct Flow Vacuum Collectors in Autonomous Solar Desiccant Cooling: Simulation and Experimental Results." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
Browne, Ian WA, Michael Bentley, Philip Haves, Neil J McEwan, Ralph E Spencer, and David Stannard. "QSOs of High Redshift?." Nature 252.5480 (1974) 209-210.
Buhl, Walter F, Ender Erdem, Joseph H Eto, James J Hirsch, and Frederick C Winkelmann. "New Features of the DOE-2.1c Energy Analysis Program." International Building Performance Simulation Association 1985.
Bunning, Felix, Michael Wetter, Marcus Fuchs, and Dirk Muller. "Bidirectional low temperature district energy systems with agent-based control: Performance comparison and operation optimization." Applied Energy 209 (2018). 2001090.
Buswell, Richard A, Philip Haves, and Tim I Salsbury. "A Model-Based Approach to the Commissioning of HVAC Systems." CLIMA 2000 1997.
Buswell, Richard A, Philip Haves, and Jonathan A Wright. "Field Testing Model-Based Condition Monitoring on a HVAC Cooling Coil Sub-System." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 24.2 (2003) 103-116.
Buswell, Richard A, Philip Haves, Tim I Salsbury, and Jonathan A Wright. "Non-Linear Recursive Parameter Estimation Applied to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Real Buildings." System Simulation in Buildings ’02 2002.
