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"The Orientation of the Magnetic Field in Radio Sources." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975) 53P-56P.
. "One Dimensional Representations of the Heat Flow Beneath a Building." US DOE Solar Energy Storage Options Conference 1979.
. "Optimal Cogeneration Systems for High-Rise Office Buildings." 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference . Orlando, FL, 1983. LBNL-16126.
. "Outdoor synthetic temperature for the calculation of space heating load." Energy and Buildings 28.3 (1998) 269-277.
. "Object-oriented hygrothermal building physics library as a tool to predict and to ensure a thermal and hygric indoor comfort in building construction by using a Predicted-Mean-Vote (PMV) control ventilation system." 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries 2008 2008: pp.825-832.
. "Overcoming the Complexity of Diagnostic Problems due to Sensor Network Architecture." Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls 2008.
. "Occupancy Schedules Learning Process Through a Data Mining Framework." Energy and Buildings 88 (2015) 395-408. LBNL-180204.
. "Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges." Energy and Buildings 107 (2015) 264-278. LBNL-1004504.
. "An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part II: Implementation of the DNAS framework using an XML schema." Building and Environment 94.1 (2015) 196-205. LBNL-1004501.
. "An Ontology to Represent Energy-related Occupant Behavior in Buildings Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework." Building and Environment 92 (2015) 764-777. LBNL-180349.
. "Occupancy prediction through machine learning and data fusion of environmental sensing and Wi-Fi sensing in buildings." Automation in Construction 94 (2018) 233 - 243.
. "Occupancy prediction through Markov based feedback recurrent neural network (M-FRNN) algorithm with WiFi probe technology." Building and Environment 138 (2018) 160 - 170.
. "OpenBuildingControl: Modeling Feedback Control as a Step Towards Formal Design, Specification, Deployment and Verification of Building Control Sequences." 2018 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA. Chicago, IL, 2018.