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Adams, Jacqueline
Afshari, Alireza
AghaKouchak, Amir
Ajayan, Pulickel
Allard, Francis
An, Jingjing
Andersson, Brandt
Apte, Michael G.
Apte, Joshua S.
Arendt, K.
Arens, Edward A.
Arroyo, Javier
Assis, Eleonora
Augenbroe, Godfried
Auslander, David M.
Bailey, Trevor
Bajwa, Navdeep
Bandurski, Karol
Barthelmes, Verena M.
Barthelmes, Verena M.
Bartlett, Peter L.
Basarkar, Mangesh
Basciotti, Daniele
Bauman, Fred S.
Baumgartner, Kurt T.
Bavaresco, Mateus Vinícius
Bazjanac, Vladimir
Beausoleil-Morrison, Ian
Bélafi, Zsófia Deme
Belafi, Zsofia
Bell, Geoffrey C.
Benedek, Corinne
Bengea, Sorin
Benne, Kyle
Benouarets, Mourad
Bentley, Michael
Bently, D.
Bergsoe, Niels
Bhandari, Mahabir
Bhattacharya, Prajesh
Birdsall, Bruce E.
Blum, David
Boardman, B.
Bong, T.Y.
Bonvini, Marco
Borgeson, Sam
Borrelli, Francesco
Bourassa, Norman
Bourdoukan, Paul
Bowen, Arthur
Braun, James E.
Brennan, Rob
Breshears, John
Breuer, Michael
Brook, Martha
Browne, Ian W.A.
Brunswick, Samuel L.
Buhl, Walter F.
Bunning, Felix
Buswell, Richard A.
Calhoun, R.
Cao, Anyuan
Carey, Van P.
Carlo, Joyce
Carlson, Steven
Carroll, William L.
Casella, Francesco
Catlett, Charlie
Chan, Wanyu R.
Chandra, Aida Noplie
Chang, Wen-Kuei
Chantrasrisalai, Chanvit
Charneux, Roland
Chen, Chien-Fen
Chen, Chen
Chen, Yixing
Chen, Jiayu
Chen, Yixing
Chen, Chien-fei
Chen, Chien-Fei
Chen, Yan
Chen, Qingyan
Chen, Jiayu
Cheung, H.Y. Iris
Chiang, Felicia
Chien, Szu-Cheng
Chillar, Rahul
Chirst, Tim
Cho, Young-Hum
Chou, Siaw K.
Choudhary, Ruchi
Chowdhury, Ashfaque Ahmed
Claridge, David
Clark, Gene
Coffey, Brian E.
Conway, Robin G.
Corgnati, Stefano P.
Corry, Edward
Costa, Andrea
Crawley, Drury B.
Cui, Ying
Curtil, Dimitri
Curtis, Richard B.
D'Oca, Simona
D'Oca, Simona
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho
Das, Nibedita
Davies, Morris G.
Day, Brian
De Almeida, Anibal T
de Rubens, Gerardo Zarazua
De Simone, Marilena
De Simone, Marilena
Deringer, Joseph J
Deru, Michael
DeSimone, Mark
Dexter, Arthur L.
Diamond, Richard C.
Dickerhoff, Darryl J.
Ding, Yong
Dirk, Alan
Doderer, Earl S.
Doebber, Ian
Doll, Ullrich
Dong, Bing
Donn, Michael
Dumortier, Dominique
Dutton, Spencer M.
Earni, Shankar
Eftekhari, Mahroo M.
Eley, Charles N.
Elliott, John
Ellis, Peter G.
Elshambakey, Mohammed
Erdem, Ender
Ernst, Thilo
Eto, Joseph H.
Eto, Joseph
Eubanks, Brent
Fargus, Richard S.
Farley, Christopher
Fedorov, Andrei G.
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Feng, Xiaohang
Feng, Yanshan
Feng, Wei
Fiegel, John
Fiorelli, Augusto Sanzovo
Fisher, Daniel E.
Fisk, William J.
Forester, James
Franke, Rüdiger
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Fu, Ming
Fu, Xiuzhang
Fu, Shaobo
Fuchs, Marcus
Gaetani, Isabella
Gallachóir, Brian Ó
Garg, Vishal
Garr, Matthew
Gates, Steven D.
Gavan, Valentin
Geng, G.
Gentry, Russell
Gillespie, Kenneth L.
Glazer, Jason
Göçer, Özgür
Gökçe, Ufuk
Gooi, H.B.
Grahovac, Milica
Granderson, Jessica
Graubner, Carl-Alexander
Green, Cedric
Greenberg, Steve E.
Griffith, Brent T.
Gruen, Gunnar
Gu, Lixing
Gunay, Burak
Guo, Siyue
Gwilliam, Julie
Haberl, Jeff S.
Hadzić, Ibrahim
Hagström, Kim
Haines, R.
Hancock, Mary E.
Hand, Jon W.
Hanson, Mark
Harrington, L.
Harris, Chioke B.
Haugstetter, Christoph
Haupt, Wolfram
Haves, Philip
Helsen, Lieve
Hencey, Brandon
Henninger, Robert H.
Hensen, Jan
Henze, Gregor P.
Hernandez, Alberto
Hernandez-Maldonado, Jorge
Hill, David
Hinokuma, Ryohei
Hirsch, James J.
Hitchcock, Robert J.
Hoffmann, Sabine
Hollmuller, Pierre
Holm, Andreas
Holmes, Michael J.
Hong, Tianzhen
Hong, Tianzhen
Hooper, Barry
Hotchi, Toshifumi
Hu, Jianjun
Hu, shan
Hu, Huafen
Huang, Sen
Huang, Yu Joe
Huang, Zhizhong
Huddy, Paul
Hughes, Glenn D.
Hulme, Mike
Hultmark, Goran
Hutter, E.
Ihm, Pyeongchan
Im, Piljae
Iyer, Maithili
Jadhav, Nilesh
Jain, Rajeev
Jegi, Subhash
Jia, Ruoxi
Jia, Rouxi
Jiang, Yi
Jiang, Yongcheng
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Jin, Xing
Jin, Hui
Jin, Ruidong
Jones, Phillip
Jorgensen, D.R.
Jorissen, Filip
Joshi, Yogendra K.
Jota, Fábio Gonçalves
Jota, Patricia Romeiro da
Joubert, Patrice
Jovanović, Jovan
Jump, David A.
Kamal, Mohammad Masud
Kammerud, Ron C.
Kämpf, Jérôme Henri
Karaguzel, Omer T.
Kärki, Satu H.
Kasahara, Shinichi
Kayal, Maher
Ke, Jing
Keane, Marcus
Keller, Martin
Kelly, George E.
Kenny, G.
Khalsa, Satkartar T.
Kießl, Kurt
Kiliccote, Sila
Kim, Moosung
Kinney, Satkartar
Kinney, Kristopher L.
Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun
Klems, Joseph H.
Klepal, Martin
Kloss, Margarita
Kolderup, Erik
Konis, Kyle S.
Kosar, Douglas
Kosonen, Risto
Krarti, Moncef
Krishnamurthy, S.
Kronberg, Philipp P.
Krus, Martin
Kumar, Nandha
Kumar, V.
Kummert, Michael
Lai, W.
Laine, Tuomas
Lam, Khee Poh
Lamberts, Roberto
Langevin, Jared
Lavedrine, Isabelle
Lawrie, Linda K.
Lechner, Richard
Lee, Kwang Ho
Lee, Kyoung-ho
Lee, Sang Hoon
Lee, Sang Hoon
Lee, Eleanor S.
Lemire, Nicolas
Leopold, Juergen
Lerson, Sébastien
Levine, Mark D.
Lewis, Thomas G.
Li, Zhengwei
Li, Wenshen
Li, Angui
Li, Peixian
Li, Han
Li, Cheng
Li, Hui
Li, Zhengrong
Li, Yanfei
Li, Shuo
Li, Qi
Li, Nan
Liang, Xin
Liesen, Richard J.
Lin, Hung-Wen
Lin, Guanjing
Lin, Borong
Linden, Paul F.
Ling, Keck-Voon
Littlefair, Paul J.
Littler, John G.F.
Liu, Mingsheng
Liu, Ziang
Liu, Junjie
Liu, Xiaobing
Liu, Pei-ling
Long, Nicholas
Love, James A.
Loxsom, Fred M.
Lu, Alison
Lui, Anna
Lukaschek, Wolfgang
Luo, Xuan
Luo, Na
Luo, Na
Luo, Fenlan
Luo, Xuan
Ma, Yudong
Ma, Jingjin
Maalouf, Chadi
Maccarini, Alessandro
Mahattanataw, Prechaya
Mahdavi, Ardeshir
Maile, Tobias
Mak, Cheuk Ming
Malhotra, Mini
Mara, Paul
Marnay, Chris
Mathew, Paul A.
Mattes, Alexander
McCarthy, John F.
McClintock, Maurya
McConahey, Erin
McDougal, G.
McEwan, Neil J.
McGibney, Alan
McGlinn, Kris
McGuirk, James J.
McNeil, Andrew
Mehta, Mohit
Meng, Qinglin
Menzel, Karsten
Merino, M.
Meyer, Cecile
Miao, Yan-shu
Mills, Evan
Mitchell, Robin
Monfet, Danielle
Mongkolsawat, Darunee
Mora, Laurent
Morrissey, Elmer
Moshier, Michael A.
Mrazovic, Natasa
Mukhopadhyay, Jaya
Muller, Dirk
Murthy, Sudheendra
Mustakallio, Panu
Najafi, Massieh
Nara, S.
Narayan, Shruti
Narayanan, Satish
Negrão, Cezar O. R.
Nelson, Dean
Nelson, Peter E.
Neto, Flávio
Nord, Natasa
Nordman, Bruce
Nordwig, Andre
Norford, Leslie K.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane
Nusgens, Pierre
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph
O'Brien, William
O'Donnell, James
O'Neill, Zheng
O'Sullivan, Declan
O'Sullivan, Barry
Olson, Karen H.
Ordenes, Martin
Otter, Martin
Özkan, Ertan
Page, Janie
Pan, Yiqun
Pandey, Anupama Rana
Pang, Xiufeng
Papa, Renata Pietra
Park, Cheol P.
Parker, Andrew
Parkinson, Thomas
Parrish, Kristen
Pass, Rebecca Zarin
Pedersen, Curtis O.
Peitsman, Henk C.
Phalak, Kaustubh
Phelan, Patrick E.
Piette, Mary Ann
Pisello, Anna Laura
Pless, Shanti
Polak, Elijah
Powell, Gay
Prasher, Ravi S.
Price, Phillip N.
Pritoni, Marco
Proelss, Katrin
Przybylski, Łukasz
Puvanant, Charunpat
Raferty, Paul
Raghavan, Shuba V.
Rasul, Mohammad Golam
Raustad, Richard
Ravache, Baptiste
Rees, Simon J.
Regnier, Cynthia
Reith, Andras
Ren, Xiaoxin
Reyna, Janet L.
Rivalin, Lisa
Roaf, Susan
Robinson, Gerald
Robinson, Darren
Rose, Cody
Rosenthal, W.
Rubalcava, Alma
Ryan, Mike
Ryan, John
Saha, S.K.
Salsbury, Tim I.
Sammartano, Dan
Samuelsen, Scott
Sangogboye, Fisayo Caleb
Sartor, Dale A.
Sartor, Kevin
Sawaya, Geof
Schetrit, Oren
Schmidt, Gerhardt
Schneider, Peter
Schutt, Brady
Schwarz, Peter
Schweiger, Gerald
Sedlbauer, Klaus
See, Richard
Selkowitz, Stephen E.
Sen, Arunabha
Settlemyre, Kevin
Sever, Gökhan
Shan, Xiaofang
Shashanka, Madhusudana
Shen, Bao Hong
Shen, Geoffrey Qiping
Shen, Eric
Shen, Qi
Shi, Xing
Shirey, Don
Shirley, Don B.
Shockman, Christine
Sielemann, Michael
Singh, Reshma
Sivaneasan, B.
Smires, Youness Bennani
So, P.L.
Sofos, Marina
Sofos, Marina
Sohn, Michael D.
Song, David W.
Sowell, Edward F.
Spanos, Costas
Spears, Michael
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Spencer, Ralph E.
Spérandio, Maurice
Spitler, Jeffrey D.
Sreedharan, Priya
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Stannard, David
Strand, Richard K.
Sucic, Darko
Sun, Kaiyu
Sun, Kaiyu
Swami, Muthasamy
Tahmasebi, Farhang
Tang, T.
Tarroja, Brian
Tavil, Aslihan
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor-Lange, Sarah C.
Thanachareonkit, Anothai
Tian, Wei
Tian, Zhen
Torcellini, Paul A.
Torrens, Ignacio
Trcka, Marija
Trewella, D.
Tugores, Carles Ribas
Turner, William J. N.
Vaezi-Nejad, Hossein
Vallée, Jacques P.
Van Cutsem, Olivier
van der Heijde, Brahm
Veje, C.T.
Veronica, Daniel
Vesanen, Teemu
Vetter, Mathias
Victor, Norrefeldt
Vieira, Robin K.
Vijayan, P.
Vollink, D.
Vorre, Anders
Vrabie, Draguna
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Wang, Wei
Wang, Jingyi
Wang, Taoning
Wang, Yu
Wang, Chuang
Wang, J.
Wang, Wei
Wang, Ryan Qi
Wang, Gang
Wang, Zhan
Wang, Zhe
Wang, Shengwei
Wang, Zhe
Ward, Gregory
Wardle, John F. C.
Watson, David S.
Weber, Andreas
Webster, Thomas L.
Wei, Max
Wei, Xiaolin
Wei, X.
Weissmann, Claudia
Welle, Benjamin
Weng, Wenguo
Weng, Wenguo
Westphal, Fernando
Wetter, Michael
Williams, Scott
Winkelmann, Frederick C.
Witte, Michael J.
Wittwer, Christoph
Wong, Nyuk Hien
Woodworth, Spencer
Wray, Craig P.
Wright, Jonathan A.
Wu, Lixia
Wu, Yifan
Wu, Gang
Wurtz, Etienne
Xia, Jianjun
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Xu, Xiaodong
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Xu, Peng
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Xue, Peng
Yadav, Ajay K.
Yan, Da
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Yazdanian, Mehry
Yilmaz, Selin
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Yoshino, Hiroshi
Yu, Xinqiao
Yura, Yoshinori
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Zhang, Lei
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Zhang, Rongpeng
Zhang, Qi
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Zhou, Nan
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Zhu, Yimin
Zhu, Na
Zhu, Dandan
Zmeureanu, Radu
Zou, Wenyan
Zuo, Wangda
Journal Article
Conference Paper
Case Study
Government Report
Conference Proceedings
Book Chapter
Magazine Article
Organization - Building and Industrial Applications Department
Organization - Building Technologies Department
Organization - Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Organization - China Energy Group
Organization - Commercial Building Systems
Organization - Demand Response Research Center (DRRC)
Organization - Electronics, Lighting and Networks
Organization - Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division
Organization - Energy Efficiency Standards Group
Organization - Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Department
Organization - Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division
Organization - Grid Integration Group
Organization - Indoor Environment Group
Organization - International Energy Department
Organization - Residential Building Systems
Organization - Simulation Research
Organization - Sustainable Energy Department
Organization - Sustainable Federal Operations
Organization - Whole Building Systems Department
Organization - Windows and Envelope Materials
Publication Keywords - AC usage benchmarking
Publication Keywords - active beams
Publication Keywords - actual energy use
Publication Keywords - Actual meteorological year
Publication Keywords - Actual weather data
Publication Keywords - advanced building software: energyplus
Publication Keywords - affordable housing
Publication Keywords - air conditioning
Publication Keywords - air handling unit
Publication Keywords - Air-conditioning
Publication Keywords - algorithm
Publication Keywords - Analytics
Publication Keywords - Angular Distribution
Publication Keywords - Anisotrpoy
Publication Keywords - anomaly detection
Publication Keywords - Anomaly detection
Publication Keywords - application programming interface
Publication Keywords - application using energyplus
Publication Keywords - Artificial neural networks
Publication Keywords - ASHRAE 90.1
Publication Keywords - ASHRAE global thermal comfort database
Publication Keywords - aspect ratio
Publication Keywords - Astronomical Catalogs
Publication Keywords - automatic
Publication Keywords - baseline model
Publication Keywords - Baseline Model
Publication Keywords - Baseline Model; Occupancy; Building Energy Use; Measurement and Verification; Energy Efficiency Retrofit.
Publication Keywords - behavior measure
Publication Keywords - Behavior Modeling
Publication Keywords - Behavioral Pattern
Publication Keywords - behaviour modeling
Publication Keywords - Beijing
Publication Keywords - beijing
Publication Keywords - benchmarking
Publication Keywords - Benchmarking; load shape; representative load pattern; load profile; cluster analysis; building energy
Publication Keywords - bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF)
Publication Keywords - btp
Publication Keywords - building
Publication Keywords - Building control
Publication Keywords - building control system
Publication Keywords - building controls virtual test bed
Publication Keywords - building design
Publication Keywords - Building design
Publication Keywords - Building design and operation
Publication Keywords - Building energy
Publication Keywords - building energy analysis
Publication Keywords - building energy consumption
Publication Keywords - Building Energy Demand
Publication Keywords - Building energy efficiency
Publication Keywords - building energy minimization
Publication Keywords - Building Energy Modeling
Publication Keywords - building energy modeling program
Publication Keywords - Building energy modeling programs
Publication Keywords - building energy performance
Publication Keywords - Building energy performance
Publication Keywords - Building energy retrofit
Publication Keywords - Building energy simulation
Publication Keywords - building energy standard
Publication Keywords - building energy systems
Publication Keywords - building energy use
Publication Keywords - building envelope
Publication Keywords - Building envelope
Publication Keywords - building life cycle
Publication Keywords - Building network
Publication Keywords - Building occupancy
Publication Keywords - building operation
Publication Keywords - Building Operations
Publication Keywords - building performance
Publication Keywords - building performance simulation
Publication Keywords - Building retrofit
Publication Keywords - building simulation
Publication Keywords - building technologies
Publication Keywords - Building Technologies Department
Publication Keywords - Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Publication Keywords - building thermal loads
Publication Keywords - buildings
Publication Keywords - buildings energy efficiency
Publication Keywords - calibration
Publication Keywords - california building energy standard
Publication Keywords - campus
Publication Keywords - case study
Publication Keywords - Case Study
Publication Keywords - CBES
Publication Keywords - cfd
Publication Keywords - Chilled ceilings
Publication Keywords - chiller plant
Publication Keywords - China
Publication Keywords - china
Publication Keywords - China.
Publication Keywords - City building dataset
Publication Keywords - CityBES
Publication Keywords - CityGML
Publication Keywords - Climate
Publication Keywords - climate
Publication Keywords - Climate Change Impacts
Publication Keywords - Climate specific building energy models
Publication Keywords - cluster analysis
Publication Keywords - clustering
Publication Keywords - Clustering analysis
Publication Keywords - co-simulation
Publication Keywords - code and standard
Publication Keywords - code compliance
Publication Keywords - cold winter and hot summer climate
Publication Keywords - commercial building
Publication Keywords - Commercial Building Systems
Publication Keywords - Commercial Building Ventilation and Indoor Environmental Quality Group
Publication Keywords - commercial buildings
Publication Keywords - commissioning
Publication Keywords - comparative analysis
Publication Keywords - comparison
Publication Keywords - comparison tests
Publication Keywords - complex fluids
Publication Keywords - computational efficiency
Publication Keywords - computational fluid dynamics siumlation
Publication Keywords - computer programs
Publication Keywords - computer run time
Publication Keywords - conservation measures
Publication Keywords - contaminant transport
Publication Keywords - controls
Publication Keywords - cooling energy
Publication Keywords - Cooling load
Publication Keywords - cooling load
Publication Keywords - coordinate search
Publication Keywords - coupling
Publication Keywords - courtyard design
Publication Keywords - courtyard design; ecological effect; layout; aspect ratio; ecological buffer area
Publication Keywords - covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy algorithm and hybrid differential evolution
Publication Keywords - cyber physical systems
Publication Keywords - daily water use
Publication Keywords - data analysis
Publication Keywords - Data Analytics
Publication Keywords - data analytics
Publication Keywords - data center
Publication Keywords - data fusion
Publication Keywords - Data mapping
Publication Keywords - data mining
Publication Keywords - Data model
Publication Keywords - data model
Publication Keywords - Data standards
Publication Keywords - Data-driven prediction
Publication Keywords - daylighting
Publication Keywords - decarbonization
Publication Keywords - decision tree
Publication Keywords - deep learning
Publication Keywords - demand charge
Publication Keywords - demand controlled ventilation
Publication Keywords - demand shifting (pre-cooling)
Publication Keywords - design
Publication Keywords - design day
Publication Keywords - dest
Publication Keywords - development system
Publication Keywords - direct search
Publication Keywords - Disperse systems
Publication Keywords - Displacement ventilation
Publication Keywords - dissertation
Publication Keywords - district heating
Publication Keywords - District Heating and cooling
Publication Keywords - District-scale
Publication Keywords - DNAs framework
Publication Keywords - doe-2
Publication Keywords - DOE-2.1E
Publication Keywords - domestic hot water
Publication Keywords - driving factors
Publication Keywords - dry and hot areas; outdoor thermal comfort; urban morphology; urban performance simulation; genetic algorithm-driven
Publication Keywords - dynamic building simulation
Publication Keywords - ecological buffer area
Publication Keywords - ecological effect
Publication Keywords - electric grid
Publication Keywords - electric vehicles
Publication Keywords - electrification
Publication Keywords - emissions
Publication Keywords - energy
Publication Keywords - Energy benchmarking
Publication Keywords - energy conservation
Publication Keywords - Energy conservation measure
Publication Keywords - Energy conservation measures
Publication Keywords - energy consumption
Publication Keywords - energy cost saving
Publication Keywords - energy data definition
Publication Keywords - energy efficiency
Publication Keywords - energy efficiency measures
Publication Keywords - Energy Efficiency Retrofit
Publication Keywords - Energy efficiency
Publication Keywords - Energy in services sector
Publication Keywords - energy management
Publication Keywords - energy management systems
Publication Keywords - energy modeling
Publication Keywords - energy models
Publication Keywords - energy monitoring
Publication Keywords - energy monitoring system
Publication Keywords - Energy optimization
Publication Keywords - energy performance
Publication Keywords - Energy Plus
Publication Keywords - energy policy
Publication Keywords - energy policy analysis
Publication Keywords - energy saving
Publication Keywords - energy savings
Publication Keywords - Energy simulation
Publication Keywords - energy use
Publication Keywords - Energy use in buildings
Publication Keywords - Energy Use Intensity
Publication Keywords - energy use intensity
Publication Keywords - Energy use prediction
Publication Keywords - Energy-Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication Keywords - energy-related occupant behavior
Publication Keywords - energyplus
Publication Keywords - ensemble algorithm
Publication Keywords - environmental sensing
Publication Keywords - Equation-based modeling
Publication Keywords - equipment sizing
Publication Keywords - Evaporative Cooling
Publication Keywords - exchange coupling
Publication Keywords - exterior shading
Publication Keywords - External
Publication Keywords - extragalactic radio sources
Publication Keywords - faraday effect
Publication Keywords - fault detection and diagnosis
Publication Keywords - fault detection and diagnostics
Publication Keywords - faults
Publication Keywords - Feature selection
Publication Keywords - ffd
Publication Keywords - field measurement
Publication Keywords - Floor multiplier
Publication Keywords - fouling
Publication Keywords - framework
Publication Keywords - functional testing
Publication Keywords - GB 50189
Publication Keywords - gb50189-2005
Publication Keywords - genetic algorithm
Publication Keywords - Geometry Representation
Publication Keywords - graph theory applications
Publication Keywords - gshp
Publication Keywords - gui
Publication Keywords - hardware-in-the-loop
Publication Keywords - Heat pump
Publication Keywords - heat recovery
Publication Keywords - heat supply
Publication Keywords - Heat Transfer
Publication Keywords - Heat wave
Publication Keywords - heating
Publication Keywords - Heating Electrification Effects
Publication Keywords - heating load calculation
Publication Keywords - heuristic strategy
Publication Keywords - High performance buildings
Publication Keywords - High Performance computing
Publication Keywords - high-performance buildings
Publication Keywords - hooke–jeeves
Publication Keywords - human exposure risk
Publication Keywords - Human-building interaction
Publication Keywords - human-building-system interaction
Publication Keywords - HVAC
Publication Keywords - hvac
Publication Keywords - HVAC loads
Publication Keywords - hvac simulation
Publication Keywords - hvac system
Publication Keywords - HVAC system
Publication Keywords - HVAC system simulation
Publication Keywords - HVAC systems
Publication Keywords - hvacsim+ models
Publication Keywords - IEA EBC Annex 66
Publication Keywords - imds
Publication Keywords - india
Publication Keywords - indoor air quality
Publication Keywords - indoor environment department
Publication Keywords - indoor environmental comfort
Publication Keywords - indoor environmental quality
Publication Keywords - infiltration
Publication Keywords - innovative building system modelling and simulation
Publication Keywords - integrated analysis
Publication Keywords - integrated design
Publication Keywords - integrated system
Publication Keywords - interdisciplinary
Publication Keywords - Interdisciplinary approach
Publication Keywords - interdisciplinary framework
Publication Keywords - interferometry
Publication Keywords - internal heat gain
Publication Keywords - Internal heat gains
Publication Keywords - internal thermal mass
Publication Keywords - Invariant map
Publication Keywords - inverse model
Publication Keywords - Inverse Model
Publication Keywords - Inverse problems
Publication Keywords - k-anonymity
Publication Keywords - K-nearest neighbors
Publication Keywords - KPIs
Publication Keywords - layout
Publication Keywords - lighting
Publication Keywords - lighting control systems
Publication Keywords - Lighting modeling
Publication Keywords - Load diversity
Publication Keywords - Load diversity; peak load; heat supply; space heating; domestic hot water; residential district; district heating; dynamic building simulation
Publication Keywords - load profile
Publication Keywords - load shape
Publication Keywords - loads
Publication Keywords - Long short term memory network
Publication Keywords - Long short-term memory networks
Publication Keywords - low stokes number
Publication Keywords - low-exergy
Publication Keywords - M&V
Publication Keywords - machine learning
Publication Keywords - Machine learning
Publication Keywords - magnetic field configurations
Publication Keywords - Measurement and verification
Publication Keywords - Methodology
Publication Keywords - Microclimate
Publication Keywords - microgrids
Publication Keywords - microwave emission
Publication Keywords - Miscellaneous electric loads
Publication Keywords - model calibration
Publication Keywords - model development
Publication Keywords - Model development
Publication Keywords - model performance evaluation
Publication Keywords - Model predictive control
Publication Keywords - Model predictive control (MPC)
Publication Keywords - model validation
Publication Keywords - modelica
Publication Keywords - Modelica Buildings Library
Publication Keywords - Modelica Occupants Package
Publication Keywords - modeling
Publication Keywords - Modeling and simulation
Publication Keywords - modular modelling
Publication Keywords - Monte Carlo Analysis
Publication Keywords - motivation
Publication Keywords - Multi-building
Publication Keywords - multi-feature classification algorithm
Publication Keywords - Multi-physics simulation
Publication Keywords - Multivariate Gaussian
Publication Keywords - Multiyear simulation
Publication Keywords - multizone airflow
Publication Keywords - NAPA wildfire
Publication Keywords - national climate goals
Publication Keywords - Net zero energy building
Publication Keywords - Net zero energy building; Passive techniques; Evaporative cooling; Porous building material; Model development; Numerical analysis; Roof thermal performance
Publication Keywords - Nodal model
Publication Keywords - Numerical analysis
Publication Keywords - obXML
Publication Keywords - occupancy
Publication Keywords - occupancy distribution
Publication Keywords - Occupancy estimation
Publication Keywords - occupancy model
Publication Keywords - occupancy pattern
Publication Keywords - occupancy prediction
Publication Keywords - occupancy prediction; occupant presence; data mining; machine learning.
Publication Keywords - Occupancy responsive controls
Publication Keywords - Occupancy schedule
Publication Keywords - Occupancy simulation
Publication Keywords - Occupancy simulation; occupancy pattern; model performance evaluation; verification; occupant presence and movement; occupant behavior
Publication Keywords - occupancy-based control
Publication Keywords - occupancy-based control.
Publication Keywords - occupant beh building
Publication Keywords - occupant beh building simulation
Publication Keywords - occupant behavior
Publication Keywords - Occupant Behavior; behavior modeling; building performance; building simulation; energy use; interdisciplinary
Publication Keywords - Occupant Behaviour
Publication Keywords - occupant behaviour model
Publication Keywords - Occupant behaviour modelling
Publication Keywords - occupant behbuilding simulation
Publication Keywords - Occupant count
Publication Keywords - occupant presence
Publication Keywords - occupant presence and movement
Publication Keywords - occupant schedule
Publication Keywords - office building
Publication Keywords - Office Building
Publication Keywords - office buildings
Publication Keywords - ontology
Publication Keywords - Operational fault
Publication Keywords - Operational fault; HVAC system; EnergyPlus; Modeling and simulation; Energy performance; Thermal comfort
Publication Keywords - Optimal control
Publication Keywords - optimisation
Publication Keywords - optimization
Publication Keywords - other
Publication Keywords - outcome-based code
Publication Keywords - outdoor air measurement technology
Publication Keywords - outdoor airflow intake rate
Publication Keywords - outdoor design conditions
Publication Keywords - overtime occupancy
Publication Keywords - particle swarm optimization
Publication Keywords - particle swarm optimization and hooke-jeeves
Publication Keywords - particle transportation
Publication Keywords - Passive techniques
Publication Keywords - pathways building stock
Publication Keywords - peak demand
Publication Keywords - Peak electricity demand
Publication Keywords - peak load
Publication Keywords - peak load calculation
Publication Keywords - Peak load
Publication Keywords - people count
Publication Keywords - Performance Evaluation
Publication Keywords - performance rating
Publication Keywords - Physics-based model
Publication Keywords - Plug loads
Publication Keywords - Poisson distribution
Publication Keywords - polarization (waves)
Publication Keywords - polarization characteristics
Publication Keywords - polarized electromagnetic radiation
Publication Keywords - Porous building material
Publication Keywords - Prediction
Publication Keywords - prediction
Publication Keywords - Predictive control
Publication Keywords - Privacy preservation
Publication Keywords - prototypes
Publication Keywords - Public buildings
Publication Keywords - Quasars
Publication Keywords - questionnaire survey
Publication Keywords - radiant flux density
Publication Keywords - radio astronomy
Publication Keywords - Radio Emission
Publication Keywords - radio galaxies
Publication Keywords - Radio Sources (Astronomy)
Publication Keywords - Radio Spectra
Publication Keywords - Rainfall event
Publication Keywords - Random forest
Publication Keywords - real energy use
Publication Keywords - real-time building simulation
Publication Keywords - renewable energy
Publication Keywords - representative load pattern
Publication Keywords - residential building
Publication Keywords - residential buildings
Publication Keywords - residential district
Publication Keywords - Residential indoor thermal environment
Publication Keywords - residential water consumption
Publication Keywords - respiratory injury
Publication Keywords - retrofit
Publication Keywords - Retrofit Analysis
Publication Keywords - Retrofit Energy
Publication Keywords - retrofit tool
Publication Keywords - Retrofit analysis tools
Publication Keywords - Reynolds stress model
Publication Keywords - Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
Publication Keywords - Roof thermal performance
Publication Keywords - sensor data
Publication Keywords - sensor offset
Publication Keywords - Separated wall-bounded flow
Publication Keywords - shading
Publication Keywords - shading controls
Publication Keywords - simulation
Publication Keywords - simulation program
Publication Keywords - simulation research
Publication Keywords - simulation research group
Publication Keywords - smart buildings
Publication Keywords - Smart buildings
Publication Keywords - Smart grid
Publication Keywords - smart grid
Publication Keywords - Social network analysis
Publication Keywords - software development
Publication Keywords - software module
Publication Keywords - solar heat gains
Publication Keywords - space heating
Publication Keywords - spark models
Publication Keywords - spatial distribution
Publication Keywords - spatial diversity
Publication Keywords - Spectrum Analysis
Publication Keywords - statistical analysis
Publication Keywords - stochastic
Publication Keywords - stochastic analysis
Publication Keywords - stochastic modeling
Publication Keywords - Subjective votes
Publication Keywords - Subtropical China
Publication Keywords - System identification
Publication Keywords - tables (data)
Publication Keywords - technological choice
Publication Keywords - Temperature oscillation technique
Publication Keywords - Temporal and spatial characteristics
Publication Keywords - test
Publication Keywords - test cases
Publication Keywords - testing
Publication Keywords - theory analysis
Publication Keywords - Thermal comfort
Publication Keywords - thermal comfort
Publication Keywords - Thermal comfort
Publication Keywords - Thermal conduction in nonmetallic liquids
Publication Keywords - Thermal conductivity
Publication Keywords - Thermal diffusivity
Publication Keywords - thermal diffusivity
Publication Keywords - Thermal energy storage
Publication Keywords - thermal energy storage
Publication Keywords - thermal energy storage (tes) system
Publication Keywords - thermal energy storage; optimization; data analytics; energy cost saving; heuristic strategy; machine learning
Publication Keywords - thermal mass
Publication Keywords - thermal performance of buildings
Publication Keywords - time-of-use tarrif
Publication Keywords - title 24
Publication Keywords - transport
Publication Keywords - trend data
Publication Keywords - Turbulence
Publication Keywords - Turbulence modeling
Publication Keywords - Typical hot year
Publication Keywords - Typical meteorological year
Publication Keywords - Typical year
Publication Keywords - Ultrahigh Frequencies
Publication Keywords - Uncertainties
Publication Keywords - Universal Translator
Publication Keywords - University
Publication Keywords - Urban Building Energy Modeling
Publication Keywords - urban climate
Publication Keywords - Urban climate modeling
Publication Keywords - Urban heat island
Publication Keywords - urban heat island
Publication Keywords - Urban Scale
Publication Keywords - Use pattern
Publication Keywords - validation
Publication Keywords - validation; building energy simulation tools
Publication Keywords - Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems
Publication Keywords - Variable refrigerant flow
Publication Keywords - Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems
Publication Keywords - ventilation
Publication Keywords - ventilation rate
Publication Keywords - verification
Publication Keywords - Version control
Publication Keywords - very high frequencies
Publication Keywords - visualization
Publication Keywords - vrf
Publication Keywords - Water usage behavior
Publication Keywords - Water usage behavior; daily water use; data analytics; occupant behavior; residential water consumption
Publication Keywords - weather data
Publication Keywords - Web-based applications
Publication Keywords - Whole building energy model
Publication Keywords - Wi-Fi data
Publication Keywords - Wi-Fi probe technology
Publication Keywords - Wi-Fi sensing
Publication Keywords - windows
Publication Keywords - windows.
Publication Keywords - Wireless BMS
Publication Keywords - WRF
Publication Keywords - XML schema
Publication Keywords - year 1996
Publication Keywords - zero-net-energy buildings
Publication Keywords - zone air parameters
Publication Keywords - Zoning Method
Publication Type - External
Research Areas - BTUS Decision Science and Tools
Research Areas - BTUS Demand Response and The Grid
Research Areas - BTUS Energy Analytics
Research Areas - BTUS Energy and Financing
Research Areas - BTUS FLEXLAB and Systems Integration
Research Areas - BTUS Lighting and Electronics
Research Areas - BTUS Modeling and Simulation
Research Areas - BTUS Urban Science
Research Areas - BTUS Windows and Daylighting
Research Areas - Building Façade Solutions
Research Areas - Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Research Areas - Buildings
Research Areas - Buildings Energy Efficiency
Research Areas - CEG: Buildings
Research Areas - CEG: CERCBEE
Research Areas - Commercial Building Systems
Research Areas - Daylighting Systems:Modeling Daylight
Research Areas - Demand Response Research
Research Areas - Demand Response Resources
Research Areas - EAEI Healthy & Efficient Buildings
Research Areas - EMIS
Research Areas - Energy & Data Behavior Analytics
Research Areas - Energy Efficiency
Research Areas - Energy Technology
Research Areas - FLEXLAB
Research Areas - IEG Commercial Buildings
Research Areas - IEG Health and Productivity
Research Areas - IEG Ventilation and Air Cleaning
Research Areas - Intelligent Façades
Research Areas - Intelligent Façades:Model Predictive Controls
Research Areas - Intelligent Façades:Occupant Behavior
Research Areas - Modeling
Research Areas - Solar Control:Exterior Shading
Research Areas - Solar Control:Measuring Optically Complex Fenestration Systems
Research Areas - Solar Control:Non-Coplanar Shading
Research Areas - Sustainable Space Cooling
Research Areas - Urban Energy Use
Research Areas - Vehicle Grid
Research Areas - W and D: Low Energy Facades and Daylighting
Research Areas - Windows and Daylighting
AC usage benchmarking
active beams
actual energy use
Actual meteorological year
Actual weather data
advanced building software: energyplus
affordable housing
air conditioning
air handling unit
Angular Distribution
anomaly detection
application programming interface
application using energyplus
Artificial neural networks
ASHRAE global thermal comfort database
aspect ratio
Astronomical Catalogs
baseline model
behavior measure
Behavior Modeling
Behavioral Pattern
behaviour modeling
bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF)
Building control
building control system
building controls virtual test bed
building design
Building design and operation
Building energy
building energy consumption
Building Energy Demand
Building energy efficiency
building energy minimization
Building Energy Modeling
building energy modeling program
Building energy modeling programs
building energy performance
Building energy retrofit
Building energy simulation
building energy standard
building energy systems
building energy use
Building envelope
building life cycle
Building network
Building occupancy
building operation
Building Operations
building performance
building performance simulation
Building retrofit
building simulation
building technologies
Building Technologies Department
Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
building thermal loads
buildings energy efficiency
california building energy standard
case study
Chilled ceilings
chiller plant
City building dataset
Climate Change Impacts
Climate specific building energy models
cluster analysis
Clustering analysis
code and standard
code compliance
cold winter and hot summer climate
commercial building
Commercial Building Systems
Commercial Building Ventilation and Indoor Environmental Quality Group
commercial buildings
comparative analysis
comparison tests
complex fluids
computational efficiency
computational fluid dynamics siumlation
computer programs
computer run time
conservation measures
contaminant transport
cooling energy
cooling load
coordinate search
courtyard design
covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy algorithm and hybrid differential evolution
cyber physical systems
daily water use
data analysis
Data Analytics
data center
data fusion
Data mapping
data mining
data model
Data standards
Data-driven prediction
decision tree
deep learning
demand charge
demand controlled ventilation
demand shifting (pre-cooling)
design day
development system
direct search
Disperse systems
Displacement ventilation
district heating
District Heating and cooling
DNAs framework
domestic hot water
driving factors
dry and hot areas; outdoor thermal comfort; urban morphology; urban performance simulation; genetic algorithm-driven
dynamic building simulation
ecological buffer area
ecological effect
electric grid
electric vehicles
Energy benchmarking
energy conservation
Energy conservation measure
Energy conservation measures
energy consumption
energy cost saving
energy data definition
energy efficiency
energy efficiency measures
Energy Efficiency Retrofit
Energy efficiency
Energy in services sector
energy management
energy management systems
energy modeling
energy models
energy monitoring
energy monitoring system
energy performance
energy policy
energy policy analysis
energy saving
energy savings
Energy simulation
energy use
Energy use in buildings
Energy Use Intensity
Energy use prediction
Energy-Cyber-Physical Systems
energy-related occupant behavior
ensemble algorithm
environmental sensing
Equation-based modeling
equipment sizing
Evaporative Cooling
exterior shading
extragalactic radio sources
faraday effect
fault detection and diagnosis
fault detection and diagnostics
Feature selection
field measurement
Floor multiplier
functional testing
GB 50189
genetic algorithm
Geometry Representation
graph theory applications
Heat pump
heat recovery
heat supply
Heat Transfer
Heat wave
Heating Electrification Effects
heating load calculation
heuristic strategy
High performance buildings
High Performance computing
high-performance buildings
human exposure risk
Human-building interaction
human-building-system interaction
HVAC loads
hvac simulation
hvac system
HVAC system simulation
HVAC systems
hvacsim+ models
IEA EBC Annex 66
indoor air quality
indoor environment department
indoor environmental comfort
indoor environmental quality
innovative building system modelling and simulation
integrated analysis
integrated design
integrated system
Interdisciplinary approach
interdisciplinary framework
internal heat gain
Internal heat gains
internal thermal mass
Invariant map
inverse model
Inverse problems
K-nearest neighbors
lighting control systems
Lighting modeling
Load diversity
load profile
load shape
Long short term memory network
Long short-term memory networks
low stokes number
Machine learning
magnetic field configurations
Measurement and verification
microwave emission
Miscellaneous electric loads
model calibration
model development
model performance evaluation
Model predictive control
Model predictive control (MPC)
model validation
Modelica Buildings Library
Modelica Occupants Package
Modeling and simulation
modular modelling
Monte Carlo Analysis
multi-feature classification algorithm
Multi-physics simulation
Multivariate Gaussian
Multiyear simulation
multizone airflow
NAPA wildfire
national climate goals
Net zero energy building
Nodal model
Numerical analysis
occupancy distribution
Occupancy estimation
occupancy model
occupancy pattern
occupancy prediction
Occupancy responsive controls
Occupancy schedule
Occupancy simulation
occupancy-based control
occupant behavior
Occupant Behaviour
occupant behaviour model
Occupant behaviour modelling
Occupant count
occupant presence
occupant presence and movement
occupant schedule
Office Building
office buildings
Operational fault
Optimal control
outcome-based code
outdoor air measurement technology
outdoor airflow intake rate
outdoor design conditions
overtime occupancy
particle swarm optimization
particle swarm optimization and hooke-jeeves
particle transportation
Passive techniques
pathways building stock
peak demand
Peak electricity demand
peak load
peak load calculation
Peak load
people count
Performance Evaluation
performance rating
Physics-based model
Plug loads
Poisson distribution
polarization (waves)
polarization characteristics
polarized electromagnetic radiation
Porous building material
Predictive control
Privacy preservation
Public buildings
questionnaire survey
radiant flux density
radio astronomy
Radio Emission
radio galaxies
Radio Sources (Astronomy)
Radio Spectra
Rainfall event
Random forest
real energy use
real-time building simulation
renewable energy
representative load pattern
residential building
residential buildings
residential district
Residential indoor thermal environment
residential water consumption
respiratory injury
Retrofit Analysis
Retrofit Energy
retrofit tool
Retrofit analysis tools
Reynolds stress model
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
Roof thermal performance
sensor data
sensor offset
Separated wall-bounded flow
shading controls
simulation program
simulation research
simulation research group
Smart buildings
smart grid
software development
software module
solar heat gains
space heating
spark models
spatial distribution
spatial diversity
Spectrum Analysis
statistical analysis
stochastic analysis
stochastic modeling
Subjective votes
Subtropical China
System identification
tables (data)
technological choice
Temperature oscillation technique
Temporal and spatial characteristics
test cases
theory analysis
thermal comfort
Thermal comfort
Thermal conduction in nonmetallic liquids
Thermal conductivity
thermal diffusivity
Thermal energy storage
thermal energy storage (tes) system
thermal mass
thermal performance of buildings
time-of-use tarrif
title 24
trend data
Turbulence modeling
Typical hot year
Typical meteorological year
Typical year
Ultrahigh Frequencies
Universal Translator
Urban Building Energy Modeling
Urban climate modeling
urban heat island
Urban Scale
Use pattern
validation; building energy simulation tools
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems
Variable refrigerant flow
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems
ventilation rate
Version control
very high frequencies
Water usage behavior
weather data
Web-based applications
Whole building energy model
Wi-Fi data
Wi-Fi probe technology
Wi-Fi sensing
Wireless BMS
XML schema
year 1996
zero-net-energy buildings
zone air parameters
Zoning Method
Export 1 results:
EndNote XML
Brian Tarroja
[Clear All Filters]
Tarroja, Brian
Felicia Chiang
Amir AghaKouchak
Scott Samuelsen
Shuba V Raghavan
Max Wei
Kaiyu Sun
, and
Tianzhen Hong
Translating climate change and heating system electrification impacts on building energy use to future greenhouse gas emissions and electric grid capacity requirements in California
Applied Energy
225 (2018) 522 - 534.
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