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"Anisotropy invariant Reynolds stress model of turbulence (AIRSM) and its application on attached and separated wall-bounded flows." Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 83.1 (2009) 81-103.
. "Fast parallelized flow simulations on graphic processing units." the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009) 2009.
. "High performance computing for indoor air." 11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) 2009: 244-249.
. "Real time or faster-than-real-time simulation of airflow in buildings." Indoor Air 19.1 (2009) 33-44.
. "Computational fluid dynamics for indoor environment modeling: past, present, and future." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 1-9.
. "Computational fluid dynamics for indoor environment modeling: past, present, and future." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 1-9.
. "Computer Model of a University Building Using the EnergyPlus Program." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. "Coverage Problem for Sensors Embedded in Temperature Sensitive Environments." IEEE Infocom, 2007. Anchorage, AL, 2007.
. "Real time airflow simulation in buildings." the 6th International Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Conference (IAQVEC 2007) 2007: 459-466.
. "The Study of a Simple HVAC Interface of EnergyPlus in the Chinese Language." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
. "Validation of fast fluid dynamics for room airflow." the 10th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2007) 2007: 980-983.
. "Case Study of Continuous Commissioning in an Office Building." the 6th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. Shenzhen, China, 2006.
. "Building Pressure Control in VAV System with Relief Air Fan." the 5th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. Pittsburgh, PA, 2005.
. "Continuous Commissioning of an Office Building." the 5th International Conference of Enhanced Building Operations. Pittsburgh, PA, 2005.
. "Using a Fan Air Flow Station to Control Building Static Pressure in a VAV System." the 2005 International Solar Energy Conference. Orlando, FL, 2005.
. "Heat transfer and natural ventilation from single-sided heated solar chimney for buildings." Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 3.2 (2004).
. "Updating traditional CRM system by terminal server." Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition) 27.1 (2004) 94-95.
. "Updating traditional CRM system by terminal server." Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition) 27.1 (2004) 94-95.
. "On Approaches to Couple Energy Simulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building and Environment 37 (2002).
. "Strategies for Coupling Energy Simulation Programs and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs." Building Sim 2001. Vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001. 59-66. LBNL-48286.
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