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Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "Coupling between the CFD simulation and building simulation for better prediction of natural ventilation." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "Coupling between the CFD simulation and building simulation for better prediction of natural ventilation." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "A coupling method to increase the accuracy of natural ventilation prediction in thermal simulation program." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "A coupling method to increase the accuracy of natural ventilation prediction in thermal simulation program." the 2nd International conference on sustainable architecture and urban design in tropical regions, Jogjakarta. 2006.
Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, David S Watson, and Glenn D Hughes. "Dynamic Controls for Energy Efficiency and Demand Response: Framework Concepts and a New Construction Case Study in New York." 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006.
Witte, Michael J, Robert H Henninger, and Drury B Crawley. "Experience Testing EnergyPlus With the IEA HVAC Bestest E300-E545 Series and IEA HVAC Bestest Fuel-Fired Furnace Series." SimBuild 2006 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "The impacts of facade designs: orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices on indoor environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture, Geneva. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "The impacts of facade designs: orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices on indoor environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture, Geneva. 2006.
Wetter, Michael, and Christoph Haugstetter. "Modelica versus TRNSYS — A Comparison Between an Equation-Based and a Procedural Modeling Language for Building Energy Simulation." Proc. of the 2nd SimBuild Conference 2006.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Andre Nordwig, Mathias Vetter, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Peter Schneider. "MOSILAB: Ein Modelica-Simulationswerkzeug zur energetischen Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation." 16. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2006.
Wetter, Michael. "Multizone Airflow Model in Modelica." Proc. of the 5th International Modelica Conference 2006: 431-440.
Wetter, Michael. "Multizone Building Model for Thermal Building Simulation in Modelica." Proc. of the 5th International Modelica Conference 2006: 517-526.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "Natural ventilation simulation by using coupling building simulation and CFD simulation program for accurate prediction of indoor thermal environment." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture , Geneva. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "Natural ventilation simulation by using coupling building simulation and CFD simulation program for accurate prediction of indoor thermal environment." the 23st International conference on Passive and Low energy architecture , Geneva. 2006.
Wang, Liping, and Angui Li. "A numerical study of Trombe wall for enhancing stack ventilation in buildings." The 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva. 2006.
Polak, Elijah, and Michael Wetter. "Precision control for generalized pattern search algorithms with adaptive precision function evaluations." SIAM Journal on Optimization 16.3 (2006) 650-669
Trcka, Marija, Michael Wetter, and Jan Hensen. "Comparison of Co-Simulation Approaches for Building and HVAC/R System Simulation." Proc. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing, China, 2007.
Trcka, Marija, Michael Wetter, and Jan Hensen. "Comparison of co-simulation approaches for building and HVAC/R system simulation.
." Proc. of the 10th IBPSA Conference 2007: 1418-1425.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "A convenient coupled simulation method for thermal environment prediction in naturally ventilated buildings." 2nd PALENC conference and 28th AIVC conference, 27-29 September. 2007.
Wang, Liping, and Nyuk Hien Wong. "A convenient coupled simulation method for thermal environment prediction in naturally ventilated buildings." 2nd PALENC conference and 28th AIVC conference, 27-29 September. 2007.
Wang, Liping, and Julie Gwilliam. "Discussion of strategies for UK zero energy building design." 2nd PALENC conference and 28th AIVC conference, 27-29 September. 2007.
Bauman, Fred S, Thomas L Webster, Hui Jin, Wolfgang Lukaschek, Corinne Benedek, Edward A Arens, Paul F Linden, Anna Lui, Walter F Buhl, and Darryl J Dickerhoff. Energy Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution Systems. California Energy Commission - Public Interest Energy Research Program, 2007.
Wang, Liping, Nyuk Hien Wong, and Shuo Li. "Facade design optimization for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore." Energy and Buildings 39.8 (2007) 954-961.
