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"The Polarization of Radio Sources at 31 CM." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 169 (1974) 117-131.
. "QSOs of High Redshift?." Nature 252.5480 (1974) 209-210.
. "QSOs of High Redshift?." Nature 252.5480 (1974) 209-210.
. "The Radio Polarization of Quasars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 168 (1974) 137-162.
. "High Resolution Observations of Extended Radio Sources at 1666 MHz." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975).
. "High Resolution Observations of Extended Radio Sources at 1666 MHz." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975).
. "The Radio Structure of a Sample of 101 Quasars from the Parkes ±4º Survey." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 176 (1976) 275-306.
. "The Radio Structure of a Sample of 101 Quasars from the Parkes ±4º Survey." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 176 (1976) 275-306.
. "The Thermal Benefits and Cost Effectiveness of Earth Berming." 5th National Passive Solar Conference 1980.
. "Accuracy of a Simple Method of Estimating the Minimum Temperature of a Sealed Roof Pond." Annual Meeting of American Section of the International Solar Energy Society 1982: 709-714.
. "Model-Based Approaches to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Air-Conditioning System." System Simulation in Buildings '94 1994.
. "A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method Based on First Principles Models and Expert Rules." Tsinghua HVAC-95 1995.
. "Condition Monitoring in HVAC Subsystems using First Principles Models." ASHRAE Transactions 102.Pt. 1 (1996).
. "Development and Testing of a Prototype Tool for HVAC Control System Commissioning." ASHRAE Transactions 1996.
. "A Model-Based Approach to the Commissioning of HVAC Systems." CLIMA 2000 1997.
. "The application of Problem Reduction Techniques Based on Graph Theory to the Simulation of Non-Linear Continuous Systems." EUROSIM’98 1998: pp. 203-207.
. "Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Methodology." ASHRAE Transactions 104.2 (1998) 47-61.
. "Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Results." ASHRAE Transactions 104.2 (1998) 36-46.
. "Component-Based and Equation-Based Solvers for HVAC Simulation: a Comparison of HVACSIM+ and SPARK." System Simulation in Buildings '98 1998.
. "Numerical Performance of a Graph-Theoretic HVAC Simulation Program." Building Simulation ’99 1999.
. "Comparison of Peak Load Predictions and Treatment of Solar Gains in the Admittance and Heat Balance Load Calculation Procedures." Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 21.2 (2000).
. "Qualitative Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures." International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research 6.1 (2000) 75-99.
. "Comparison of Chiller Models for use in Model-Based Fault Detection." International Conference for Enhancing Building Operations 2001. LBNL-48149.
. "Efficient Solution Strategies for Building Energy System Simulation." Energy and Buildings 33 (2001) 309-317. LBNL-45936.
. "Use of Whole Building Simulation in On-Line Performance Assessment: Modeling and Implementation Issues." Building Simulation ’01 2001.