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Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schwarz, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Alexander Mattes, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schneider, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Gerhardt Schmidt. "Advanced modeling and simulation techniques in MOSILAB: A system development case study." 5th International Modelica Conference 2006: pp.63-72.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schwarz, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Alexander Mattes, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schneider, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Gerhardt Schmidt. "Advanced modeling and simulation techniques in MOSILAB: A system development case study." 5th International Modelica Conference 2006: pp.63-72.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schwarz, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Alexander Mattes, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schneider, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Gerhardt Schmidt. "Advanced modeling and simulation techniques in MOSILAB: A system development case study." 5th International Modelica Conference 2006: pp.63-72.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Bhattacharya, Prajesh, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Characterization of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Fluids." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49.17-18 (2006) 2950-2956.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Andre Nordwig, Mathias Vetter, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Peter Schneider. "MOSILAB: Ein Modelica-Simulationswerkzeug zur energetischen Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation." 16. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2006.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Andre Nordwig, Mathias Vetter, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Peter Schneider. "MOSILAB: Ein Modelica-Simulationswerkzeug zur energetischen Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation." 16. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2006.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Andre Nordwig, Mathias Vetter, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Peter Schneider. "MOSILAB: Ein Modelica-Simulationswerkzeug zur energetischen Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation." 16. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie. Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2006.
Narayan, Shruti, Isabelle Lavedrine, and Maurya McClintock. "Simulation Strategies for Healthcare Design to Achieve Comfort and Optimize Building Energy Use." SimBuild 2006 2006.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, and Andreas Holm. "Validierung der eindimensionalen hygrothermischen Wandmodelle der Modelica-Bibliothek "BuildingPhysicsLibrary"." BauSIM 2006 2006: pp.144-146.
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, and Andreas Holm. "Validierung der eindimensionalen hygrothermischen Wandmodelle der Modelica-Bibliothek "BuildingPhysicsLibrary"." BauSIM 2006 2006: pp.144-146.
Vijayan, P., Prajesh Bhattacharya, S. Nara, W. Lai, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and J. Wang. "Effect of Particle Material on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Heat Transfer Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2005.
Nara, S., Prajesh Bhattacharya, P. Vijayan, W. Lai, W. Rosenthal, Patrick E Phelan, Ravi S Prasher, David W Song, and Jinlin Wang. "Experimental Determination of the Effect of Varying Base Fluid and Temperature on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005. Orlando, FL: ASME, 2005.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Andreas Holm, and Wolfram Haupt. "A hygrothermal building model based on the object-oriented modeling language Modelica." Ninth International IBPSA Conference. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Andreas Holm, and Wolfram Haupt. "A hygrothermal building model based on the object-oriented modeling language Modelica." Ninth International IBPSA Conference. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schneider, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Ullrich Doll, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schwarz, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Gerhardt Schmidt, and Alexander Mattes. "MOSILAB: Development of a modelica based generic simulation tool supporting modal structural dynamics." 4th International Modelica Conference 2005: pp.527-534.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schneider, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Ullrich Doll, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schwarz, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Gerhardt Schmidt, and Alexander Mattes. "MOSILAB: Development of a modelica based generic simulation tool supporting modal structural dynamics." 4th International Modelica Conference 2005: pp.527-534.
Nytsch-Geusen, Christoph, Thilo Ernst, Peter Schneider, Mathias Vetter, Andreas Holm, Juergen Leopold, Ullrich Doll, Andre Nordwig, Peter Schwarz, Christoph Wittwer, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Gerhardt Schmidt, and Alexander Mattes. "MOSILAB: Development of a modelica based generic simulation tool supporting modal structural dynamics." 4th International Modelica Conference 2005: pp.527-534.
Wetter, Michael. "GenOpt - A Generic Optimization Program." Ed. Roberto Lamberts, Negrão, Cezar OR, and Hensen, Jan. Proc. of the 7th IBPSA Conference 2001: 601-608. LBNL-48371.
