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"IISABRE: An integrated building simulation environment." Building and Environment 32.3 (1997) 219-224.
. "A new multizone model for simulation of building thermal performance." Building and Environment 32.2 (1997) 123-128.
. "Development and Testing of a Prototype Tool for HVAC Control System Commissioning." ASHRAE Transactions 1996.
. "Integrated building design system." HV&AC, in Chinese 6 (1995).
. "Prediction of building thermal performance under random conditions." TSINGHUA-HVAC-'95. Beijing, China, 1995.
. "Stochastic weather model for building HVAC systems." Building and Environment 30.4 (1995) 521-532.
. "Automatic Commissioning of HVAC Control Systems." CLIMA 2000 1993.
. "Development of Techniques to Assist in the Commissioning of HVAC Control Systems." CIBSE National Conference 1993.
. "Stochastic analysis of building thermal processes." Building and Environment 28.4 (1993) 209-218.
. "Stochastic analysis of overheating risk in buildings." CLIMA 2000. London, UK, 1993.
. "Use of a Building Emulator to Develop Techniques for Improved Commissioning and Control of HVAC Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 97.1 (1991).
. "The Use of Dynamic Simulation Models to Evaluate Algorithms for Building Energy Control: Experience with HVACSIM+." International Congress on Building Energy Management 1987.