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Haines, R., Philip Haves, and D. Vollink. "Heat Loss Rates from Wetted Tilted Surfaces." 1st International Passive and Hybrid Cooling Conference, November 6-16, 1981. Ed. Arthur Bowen and Clark, Gene. Miami Beach, FL: American Section of the International Solar Energy Society, 1981.
Hand, Jon W, Drury B Crawley, Michael Donn, and Linda K Lawrie. "Improving the Data Available to Simulation Programs." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
Hanson, Mark, Steven Carlson, Dan Sammartano, and Thomas Taylor. "Halfway to Zero Energy in a Large Office Building." 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006.
Haves, Philip. "One Dimensional Representations of the Heat Flow Beneath a Building." US DOE Solar Energy Storage Options Conference 1979.
Haves, Philip, Brian E Coffey, and Scott Williams. "Benchmarking and Equipment and Controls Assessment for a ‘Big Box’ Retail Chain." ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2008.
Haves, Philip, and Arthur L Dexter. "Use of a Building Emulator to Evaluate Control Strategies Implemented in Commercial BEMS." Building Environmental Performance '91 1991.
Haves, Philip, and Peng Xu. "The Building Controls Virtual Test Bed – a Simulation Environment for Developing and Testing Control Algorithms, Strategies and Systems." Building Simulation ’07 2007.
Haves, Philip, Leslie K Norford, and Mark DeSimone. "A Standard Simulation Testbed for the Evaluation of Control Algorithms & Strategies." ASHRAE Transactions 104.Pt. 1A (1998).
Haves, Philip. "Simulated Performance of a Passively Cooled Residence with a Solar Regenerated Desiccant Dehumidifier." 1st International Passive & Hybrid Cooling Conference 1981.
Haves, Philip, and D. Trewella. "Towards an Environment for HVAC Control System Evaluation." USER-1 Building Simulation Conference. Ostend, Belgium, 1988.
Haves, Philip, Fred M Loxsom, and Earl S Doderer. "Dehumidification and Passive Cooling for Retrofit and Conventional Construction." 7th National Passive Solar Conference 1982.
Haves, Philip, D.R. Jorgensen, Tim I Salsbury, and Arthur L Dexter. "Development and Testing of a Prototype Tool for HVAC Control System Commissioning." ASHRAE Transactions 1996.
Haves, Philip. "Fault Modelling in Component-based HVAC Simulation." Building Simulation '97 1997.
Haves, Philip, and Robin G Conway. "The Orientation of the Magnetic Field in Radio Sources." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173 (1975) 53P-56P.
Haves, Philip, Tim I Salsbury, David Claridge, and Mingsheng Liu. "Use of Whole Building Simulation in On-Line Performance Assessment: Modeling and Implementation Issues." Building Simulation ’01 2001.
Haves, Philip. "Environmental Control in Energy Efficient Buildings." Energy Efficient Buildings: A Design Guide. Trans. Susan Roaf and Hancock, Mary E. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 1992.
Haves, Philip, Moosung Kim, Massieh Najafi, and Peng Xu. "A Semi-automated Commissioning Tool for VAV Air Handling Units: Functional Test Analyzer." ASHRAE Transactions 113.Pt. 1 (2007) 380-391. LBNL-60979.
Haves, Philip, Arthur L Dexter, D.R. Jorgensen, Keck-Voon Ling, and G. Geng. "Use of a Building Emulator to Develop Techniques for Improved Commissioning and Control of HVAC Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 97.1 (1991).
Haves, Philip. "Detailed Modelling and Simulation of a VAV Air-Conditioning System." Building Simulation '95 1995.
Haves, Philip, Robin G Conway, and David Stannard. "The Polarization of Radio Sources at 31 CM." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 169 (1974) 117-131.
