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"Improving building energy performance simulation with software interoperability." Building Simulation 2003. Vol. 1. Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2003. LBNL/PUB-908.
. "Brownian Dynamics Simulation to Determine the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Journal of Applied Physics 95.11 (2004) 6492–6494.
. "Building energy performance simulation as part of interoperable software environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883. LBNL/PUB-905.
. "Building Energy Performance Simulation as Part of Interoperable Software Environments." Building and Environment 39 (2004) 879-883.
. "BuildingPI: A Future Tool for Building Life Cycle Analysis." SimBuild 2004 1st International Conference of IBPSA-USA. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2004. LBNL-56071.
. "Determining the Effective Viscosity of a Nanofluid Using Brownian Dynamics Simulation." 1st International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology. Honolulu, HI, 2004.
. "EnergyPlus: An Update." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Evaluation of the Temperature Oscillation Technique to Calculate Thermal Conductivity of Water and Systematic Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Oxide – Water Nanofluiids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,. Anaheim, CA, 2004.
. "IFC HVAC Interface to EnergyPlus: A Case of Expanded Interoperability for Energy Simulation." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "IFC HVAC interface to EnergyPlus - A case of expanded interoperability for energy simulation." SimBuild 2004. Boulder, CO, 2004. LBNL/PUB-907.
. "Numerical Tools For Particle- Fluid Interactions." Pulmonary Research Forum: American Lung Association of Arizona & New Mexico 2004.
. "Peak Demand Reduction from Pre-Cooling with Zone Temperature Reset in an Office Building." 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, CA, 2004. LBNL-55800.
. "Simulation of Tubular Daylighting Devices and Daylighting Shelves in EnergyPlus." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Specification and Implementation of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Specification and Implementation of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004: Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation. Boulder, CO, 2004. LBNL/PUB-906.
. "Specification and Implementation of IFC-Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation 2004.
. "Specification of IFC Based Performance Metrics to Support Building Life Cycle Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems." SimBuild 2004 1st International Conference of IBPSA-USA. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2004.
. "Virtual Building Environments - Applying Information Modeling to Buildings." European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building and Construction Industry (ECPPM) 2004. Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. LBNL-56072.
. "Computational Analysis of the Colloidal Stability of Nanofluids." International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition 2005.
. "Design of the Natural Ventilation System for the New San Diego Children's Museum." IBPSA Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada, 2005.
. "Effect of Particle Material on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Heat Transfer Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2005.
. "Experimental Determination of the Effect of Varying Base Fluid and Temperature on the Static Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005. Orlando, FL: ASME, 2005.
. "Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Colloidal Solutions (Nanofluids)." Physical Review Letters 94.025901-1 – 025901-4. (2005).
. "Brownian Motion Based Convective- Conductive Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids." Journal of Heat Transfer 128 (2006) 588-595.
. "Carbon Nanotube (CNT)-Centric Thermal Management of Future High Power Microprocessors." IEEE CPMT International Symposium and Exhibition on Advanced Packaging Materials 2006.