
Package containing data for examples


This package contains data that are exclusively useful for the example models.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage (Icon for package containing property classes).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Examples.Data.EnglanderNorford1992 EnglanderNorford1992 Data for the supply fan in Englander and Norford (1992)

Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Examples.Data.EnglanderNorford1992 Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Examples.Data.EnglanderNorford1992

Data for the supply fan in Englander and Norford (1992)


Performance data for the supply fan used in Englander and Norford (1992) (figure below). See the documentation of Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.Fans.Greenheck for the methods used to extract data.

Fan curve


Englander, S. L., and L. K. Norford. "Saving fan energy in VAV systems- part 1: analysis of a variable-speed-drive retrofit." ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, 01/25-29/92. 1992.

Extends from Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.Generic (Generic data record for movers).


Power computation
HydraulicEfficiencyMethodetaHydMetBuildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseC...Efficiency computation method for the hydraulic efficiency etaHyd
MotorEfficiencyMethodetaMotMetif powerOrEfficiencyIsHydrau...Efficiency computation method for the motor efficiency etaMot
BooleanpowerOrEfficiencyIsHydraulictrue=true if hydraulic power or efficiency is provided, instead of total
efficiencyParametersefficiency Total or hydraulic efficiency vs. volumetric flow rate
efficiencyParametersmotorEfficiency Motor efficiency vs. volumetric flow rate
efficiencyParameters_yMotmotorEfficiency_yMot Motor efficiency vs. part load ratio yMot, where yMot = WHyd/WMot_nominal
peakpeak Volume flow rate, pressure rise, and efficiency (either total or hydraulic) at peak condition
PowerWMot_nominalif max(power.P) > Modelica.C...Rated motor power [W]
EfficiencyetaMot_max0.7Maximum motor efficiency [1]
Motor heat rejection
BooleanmotorCooledByFluidtrueIf true, then motor heat is added to fluid stream
Normalized speeds
Realspeed_nominal1Nominal rotational speed for flow characteristic [1]
RealconstantSpeed1Normalized speed set point, used if inputType = Buildings.Fluid.Types.InputType.Constant [1]
Realspeeds[:]{1}Vector of normalized speed set points, used if inputType = Buildings.Fluid.Types.InputType.Stages [1]

Modelica definition

record EnglanderNorford1992 "Data for the supply fan in Englander and Norford (1992)" extends Buildings.Fluid.Movers.Data.Generic( etaHydMet=Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Types.HydraulicEfficiencyMethod.Power_VolumeFlowRate, power(V_flow={5.44049459041731, 8.71715610510046, 15.6826378155589, 19.9484801648634, 22.5450798557444, 25.6362699639361, 27.8619268418341, 29.8402885110767, 32.9314786192684, 36.764554353426, 40.1648634724368, 42.9057187017001}, P={ 18642.5, 22371, 29828, 34652.679, 37285, 39149.25, 39454.987, 38612.346, 37285, 35912.912, 35308.895, 36002.396}), pressure(V_flow={5.44049459041731, 8.71715610510046, 15.6826378155589, 19.9484801648634, 22.5450798557444, 25.6362699639361, 27.8619268418341, 29.8402885110767, 32.9314786192684, 36.764554353426, 40.1648634724368, 42.9057187017001}, dp={ 1430.48245810056, 1404.41681564246, 1332.4756424581, 1280.3443575419, 1224.0425698324, 1128.12100558659, 1034.28469273743, 909.169608938547, 702.72972067039, 433.732290502792, 197.05625698324, 6.25575418994417})); end EnglanderNorford1992;