
Package with type definitions


This package contains type definitions for movers.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage (Icon for packages containing type definitions).

Package Content

Name Description
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Types.PrescribedVariable PrescribedVariable Enumeration to choose what variable is prescribed
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Types.HydraulicEfficiencyMethod HydraulicEfficiencyMethod Enumeration to choose the computation method for total efficiency and hydraulic efficiency
Buildings.Fluid.Movers.BaseClasses.Types.MotorEfficiencyMethod MotorEfficiencyMethod Enumeration to choose the computation method for motor efficiency

Types and constants

  type PrescribedVariable = enumeration(
      Speed "Speed is prescribed",
      FlowRate "Flow rate is prescribed",
      PressureDifference "Pressure difference is prescribed")
    "Enumeration to choose what variable is prescribed";
  type HydraulicEfficiencyMethod = enumeration(
        "Not provided, computed from other efficiency terms",
      Efficiency_VolumeFlowRate "Array of efficiency vs. volumetric flow rate",
        "Array of power vs. volumetric flow rate",
        "One peak point to be used for the Euler number")
    "Enumeration to choose the computation method for total efficiency and hydraulic efficiency";
  type MotorEfficiencyMethod = enumeration(
        "Not provided, computed from other efficiency terms",
      Efficiency_VolumeFlowRate "Array of efficiency vs. volumetric flow rate",
        "Rated input and array of efficiency vs. motor part load ratio yMot=WHyd/WMot_nominal",
        "Rated input and maximum efficiency to be used for generic curves")
    "Enumeration to choose the computation method for motor efficiency";