Calculation of the local pressure loss at a sudden change of the cross sectional areas (sudden expansion or sudden contraction) with sharp corners at turbulent flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering a smooth surface. See more information.
Calculation of pressure loss in thick edged orifices with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through an arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering constant influence of surface roughness. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).Name | Description |
![]() | Pressure loss of orifice with sudden change in cross sectional area | calculate pressure loss | turbulent flow regime | smooth surface | arbitrary cross sectional area | without buffles | sharp edge |
![]() | Pressure loss of orifice with sudden change in cross sectional area | calculate mass flow rate | turbulent flow regime | smooth surface | arbitrary cross sectional area | without buffles | sharp edge |
![]() | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_DP and dp_suddenChange_MFLOW |
![]() | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_DP and dp_suddenChange_MFLOW |
![]() | Pressure loss of thick and sharp edged orifice | calculate pressure loss | overall flow regime | constant influence of friction | arbitrary cross sectional area |
![]() | Pressure loss of thick and sharp edged orifice | calculate mass flow rate | overall flow regime | constant influence of friction | arbitrary cross sectional area |
![]() | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP and dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW |
![]() | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP and dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW |
Calculation of the local pressure loss at a sudden change of the cross sectional areas (sudden expansion or sudden contraction) with sharp corners at turbulent flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering a smooth surface. The flow direction determines the type of the transition. In case of the design flow a sudden expansion will be considered. At flow reversal a sudden contraction will be considered.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_suddenChange_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
Constant inputs | |
IN_con | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_DP |
Variable inputs | |
IN_var | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_DP |
Input | |
m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Name | Description |
DP | Output for function dp_suddenChange_DP [Pa] |
Calculation of the local pressure loss at a sudden change of the cross sectional areas (sudden expansion or sudden contraction) with sharp corners at turbulent flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering a smooth surface. The flow direction determines the type of the transition. In case of the design flow a sudden expansion will be considered. At flow reversal a sudden contraction will be considered.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_suddenChange_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
Constant inputs | |
IN_con | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_MFLOW |
Variable inputs | |
IN_var | Input record for function dp_suddenChange_MFLOW |
Input | |
dp | Pressure loss [Pa] |
Name | Description |
M_FLOW | Output for function dp_suddenChange_MFLOW [kg/s] |
Name | Description |
Orifice | |
A_1 | Small cross sectional area of orifice [m2] |
A_2 | Large cross sectional area of orifice [m2] |
C_1 | Small perimeter of orifice [m] |
C_2 | Large perimeter of orifice [m] |
Name | Description |
Fluid properties | |
eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] |
rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] |
Calculation of pressure loss in thick edged orifices with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through an arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering constant influence of surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the incompressible case , where the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW is numerically best used for the compressible case if the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) and the mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
Constant inputs | |
IN_con | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP |
Variable inputs | |
IN_var | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP |
Input | |
m_flow | Mass flow rate [kg/s] |
Name | Description |
DP | Output for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP [Pa] |
Calculation of pressure loss in thick edged orifices with sharp corners at overall flow regime for incompressible and single-phase fluid flow through an arbitrary shaped cross sectional area (square, circular, etc.) considering constant influence of surface roughness.
Generally this function is numerically best used for the compressible case , where the pressure loss (dp) is known (out of pressures as state variable) in the used model and the corresponding mass flow rate (M_FLOW) has to be calculated. On the other hand the function dp_thickEdgedOverall_DP is numerically best used for the incompressible case if the mass flow rate (m_flow) is known (as state variable) and the pressure loss (DP) has to be calculated. See more information.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Function (Icon for functions).
Name | Description |
Constant inputs | |
IN_con | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW |
Variable inputs | |
IN_var | Input record for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW |
Input | |
dp | Pressure loss [Pa] |
Name | Description |
M_FLOW | Output for function dp_thickEdgedOverall_MFLOW [kg/s] |
Name | Description |
Orifice | |
A_0 | Cross sectional area of vena contraction [m2] |
C_0 | Perimeter of vena contraction [m] |
A_1 | Large cross sectional area of orifice [m2] |
C_1 | Large perimeter of orifice [m] |
L | Length of vena contraction [m] |
Linearisation | |
dp_smooth | Start linearisation for decreasing pressure loss [Pa] |
Name | Description |
Fluid properties | |
eta | Dynamic viscosity of fluid [Pa.s] |
rho | Density of fluid [kg/m3] |