
Library of icons


This package contains definitions for the graphical layout of components which may be used in different libraries. The icons can be utilized by inheriting them in the desired class using "extends" or by directly copying the "icon" layer.

Main Authors:

Martin Otter
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Postfach 1116
D-82230 Wessling
Christian Kral
Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT
Mobility Department
Giefinggasse 2
1210 Vienna, Austria
Johan Andreasson
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
22370 Lund, Sweden

Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association, DLR, AIT, and Modelon AB.

This Modelica package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer in Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2.

Extends from Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Content

Modelica.Icons.Information Information Icon for general information packages
Modelica.Icons.Contact Contact Icon for contact information
Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes Icon for release notes in documentation
Modelica.Icons.References References Icon for external references
Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage ExamplesPackage Icon for packages containing runnable examples
Modelica.Icons.Example Example Icon for runnable examples
Modelica.Icons.Package Package Icon for standard packages
Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage BasesPackage Icon for packages containing base classes
Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage VariantsPackage Icon for package containing variants
Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage InterfacesPackage Icon for packages containing interfaces
Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage SourcesPackage Icon for packages containing sources
Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage SensorsPackage Icon for packages containing sensors
Modelica.Icons.UtilitiesPackage UtilitiesPackage Icon for utility packages
Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage TypesPackage Icon for packages containing type definitions
Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage IconsPackage Icon for packages containing icons
Modelica.Icons.InternalPackage InternalPackage Icon for an internal package (indicating that the package should not be directly utilized by user)
Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage MaterialPropertiesPackage Icon for package containing property classes
Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty MaterialProperty Icon for property classes
Modelica.Icons.RotationalSensor RotationalSensor Icon representing a round measurement device
Modelica.Icons.TranslationalSensor TranslationalSensor Icon representing a linear measurement device
Modelica.Icons.Function Function Icon for functions
Modelica.Icons.Record Record Icon for records
Modelica.Icons.TypeComplex TypeComplex Obsolete class kept only for backwards compatibility (use Complex instead)
Modelica.Icons.TypeReal TypeReal Icon for Real types
Modelica.Icons.TypeInteger TypeInteger Icon for Integer types
Modelica.Icons.TypeBoolean TypeBoolean Icon for Boolean types
Modelica.Icons.TypeString TypeString Icon for String types
Modelica.Icons.SignalBus SignalBus Icon for signal bus
Modelica.Icons.SignalSubBus SignalSubBus Icon for signal sub-bus
Modelica.Icons.UnderConstruction UnderConstruction Icon for classes that are still under construction
Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel ObsoleteModel Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions
Modelica.Icons.Library Library This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions, use Package instead
Modelica.Icons.Library2 Library2 This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions, use Package instead
Modelica.Icons.GearIcon GearIcon This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions
Modelica.Icons.MotorIcon MotorIcon This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions.
Modelica.Icons.Info Info This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions.

Modelica.Icons.Information Modelica.Icons.Information

Icon for general information packages


This icon indicate classes containing only documentation, intended for general description of, e.g., concepts and features of a package.

Modelica.Icons.Contact Modelica.Icons.Contact

Icon for contact information


This icon shall be used for the contact information of the library developers.

Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes

Icon for release notes in documentation


This icon indicates release notes and the revision history of a library.

Modelica.Icons.References Modelica.Icons.References

Icon for external references


This icon indicates a documentation class containing references external documentation and literature.

Modelica.Icons.Example Modelica.Icons.Example

Icon for runnable examples


This icon indicates an example. The play button suggests that the example can be executed.

Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty

Icon for property classes


This icon indicates a property class.

Modelica.Icons.RotationalSensor Modelica.Icons.RotationalSensor

Icon representing a round measurement device


This icon is designed for a rotational sensor model.

Modelica.Icons.TranslationalSensor Modelica.Icons.TranslationalSensor

Icon representing a linear measurement device


This icon is designed for a translational sensor model.

Modelica.Icons.Function Modelica.Icons.Function

Icon for functions


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Modelica.Icons.Record Modelica.Icons.Record

Icon for records


This icon is indicates a record.

Modelica.Icons.TypeComplex Modelica.Icons.TypeComplex

Obsolete class kept only for backwards compatibility (use Complex instead)


Obsolete class, only kept for backwards compatibility. The type classes TypeReal, TypeInteger etc. have been introduced to associate an icon to the built-in base classes Real, Integer etc. Instead for Complex, an icon is already introducded in its definition (which is not possible for the built-in classes). Therefore, TypeComplex is just an alias to Complex and is therefore superfluous.

Extends from Complex (Complex number with overloaded operators).


reReal part of complex number
imImaginary part of complex number

Modelica.Icons.TypeReal Modelica.Icons.TypeReal

Icon for Real types


This icon is designed for a Real type.

Extends from Real.

Modelica.Icons.TypeInteger Modelica.Icons.TypeInteger

Icon for Integer types


This icon is designed for an Integer type.

Extends from Integer.

Modelica.Icons.TypeBoolean Modelica.Icons.TypeBoolean

Icon for Boolean types


This icon is designed for a Boolean type.

Extends from Boolean.

Modelica.Icons.TypeString Modelica.Icons.TypeString

Icon for String types


This icon is designed for a String type.

Extends from String.

Modelica.Icons.SignalBus Modelica.Icons.SignalBus

Icon for signal bus


This icon is designed for a signal bus connector.

Modelica.Icons.SignalSubBus Modelica.Icons.SignalSubBus

Icon for signal sub-bus


This icon is designed for a sub-bus in a signal connector.

Modelica.Icons.UnderConstruction Modelica.Icons.UnderConstruction

Icon for classes that are still under construction


Library developers can use this icon to indicate that the respective model is under construction.

Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel Modelica.Icons.ObsoleteModel

Icon for classes that are obsolete and will be removed in later versions


This partial class is intended to provide a default icon for an obsolete model that will be removed from the corresponding library in a future release.

Modelica.Icons.GearIcon Modelica.Icons.GearIcon

This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions


This icon of a gearbox will be removed in future versions of the library. Please use one of the icons of Mechanics.Rotational.Icons instead.

Modelica.Icons.MotorIcon Modelica.Icons.MotorIcon

This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions.


This icon of an electrical motor model will be removed in future versions of the library. Please use a locally defined icon in your user defined libraries and applications.

Modelica.Icons.Info Modelica.Icons.Info

This icon will be removed in future Modelica versions.


This icon indicate classes containing only documentation, intended for general description of e.g., concepts and features of a package.


This icon will be removed in future versions of the Modelica Standard Library. Instead the icon Information shall be used.

Automatically generated Mon Sep 23 17:21:11 2013.